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    Ruby and Profile picture of IchchheMrityuIchchheMrityu are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @swalia Hello, I just joined your Bloggers Hub Group. I hope to gain more knowledge from your group about blogging and online activities.

    May I request you to be my friend?

    I am new in blogging activities, I was just referred to by my cousin, Dina, an LB member.

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    Ruby posted an update in the group Group logo of ACcounting (Education)ACcounting (Education) 7 years, 6 months ago

    hello there, ACcounting (Education), Can you tell me more about Quickbook?

    Can you recommend any online bookkeeping jobs?

    My background in accounting is more of bookkeeping since I am not a CPA. I am an accounting major but did not pass CPA Board, I failed thrice, sad to say.

    But I do really love my accounting job for I do really love…[Read more]

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of ACcounting (Education)ACcounting (Education) 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @arnoldcruz May I add you as friend?

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @acelawrites thanks for accepting my friend request! Very much appreciated

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    Ruby and Profile picture of acelawritesacelawrites are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby replied to the topic Favourite Song in the forum Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 6 months ago

    Guessing from your favorite songs, we, more or less, are of the same age bracket.

    This was the song we strum when we started learning how to play the guitar for its chord is the basic chords that you can play in some other songs, like Dreamin’ by the Cascades. I forgot the other songs.

    Most Beatles songs also are the songs we love to listen…[Read more]

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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @hfreitas hello helen!

    I add you as friend here.

    I am also new and i only have 9 friends in total. I joined just this March 13, 2017.

    I am still learning the ropes here in LiteracyBase.

    I already submitted 3 300-word articles and was posted somewhere here.

    Just keep on liking, commenting in forums, maybe add friends, and submit…[Read more]

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    Ruby and Profile picture of ManjuManju are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @dawnwriter Thanks for your request to be my friend and of course, I accept you a 100% as my friend. I now have a total of 8 friends. Yeheyyyyy.

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    Ruby wrote a new post, Moringa or Malunggay, The Miracle Tree of Life 7 years, 6 months ago


    MORINGA (MALUNGGAY, in our country, the Philippines)
    With the entire hullabaloo about this so called ‘wonder plant, miracle tree, super plant, and other what-have-you names for this plant, did you know that Mo […]

    • @Ruby ,

      I love moringa or malunggay as we call it here in the Philippines, not only because of its nutritious values but also because it is delicious when cooked in coconut milk or even when you mix it in tamarind soup base dish.

      Actually, malnourished children in public schools here in the Philippines are said to fed with the nutri-Ban (a big round bread) made of flour and with the powdered moringa leaves partnered with powdered milk. Other dishes with moringa were fed to the children everyday at school and even in daycare centers. After a month of continuous feeding of foods with moringa, the children were weighed and they had increase in their weights.

      This wonder veggie can help alleviate malnutrition too, it being a very nutritious food.

      • It made me hungry when you mentioned the dish wherein you cook it with coconut milk, so really yummy! And I remembered Mama Edith with this kind of dish.

        I did not know that the nutri-ban has moringa as an ingredient. An additional information for me, thanks!

    • I like moringa leaves, I boil it then put it in a blender and turn it into a smoothie so it is easier to eat(drink) and so as to maximize its nutritional effect. I do not add anything, just water.

      • How does it taste? I suppose it’s bitter tasting.

        For me, I better eat it because the leaves itself helps us with our metabolism.

        Does the smoothie give the same effect too?

      • I haven’t tried making it into smoothie.

        Mostly we make it as a viand by combining it with young papaya fruit (the green one) and boil it and adding fish paste to taste.

        But for some people, they have an allergic reaction with these moringa leaves.

        I once had an officemate that everytime he eats these leaves, it made him sick and gives him a headache.

        Maybe lesson learn here is that, test everything before taking it to your system.

    • I believe it’s food for the poor. I believe that God created this planet so that everybody can live off of it and survive. We just need to learn to eat what’s good for us. Isn’t it kind of ridiculous that politicians have to initiate bills to get others to grow good food for people? But this is the world we live in. At least, some constructive action is being taken for the good of the people.

      • I truly agree with you. God created this plant so that people can have access of this 24/7.

        I know, it really is ridiculous to make a bill out of it. Maybe because the legislator sees really the importance of propagating this plant to help everyone.

    • does it grow for ever and dont need any care, everything needs food and oxygen, you dont have to planet or anythings

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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @bodyandbrain Hi Manju!

    May I add you as one of my friends?


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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @slayer08 Hello, Cristi, may I add you as one of my friends?


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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @acelawrites hello Acelawrites!

    May I add you as one of my friends?


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    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    @shavkat Thanks for your comment on my article about book collections. I was going to click ‘like’ on your comment but I cannot click on it and on the reply button.

    But with Daelio, i was able to click the ‘like’ for his comment and i was able to reply on the comment.

    Can I add you both as my friend?


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    Ruby replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hello Cely!

    I just joined your group. I love the name of this group, for that is what we Filipinos are, friendly and easy to offer a smile to everyone.

    By the way, i know i still have so very little earnings, may i know on how to apply for pay pal?


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    Ruby joined the group Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

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    Ruby started the topic Collection of Books and Toys in the forum Group logo of COLLECTORSCOLLECTORS 7 years, 6 months ago

    My 36-year old eldest daughter has so much interest like books, anime, manga, pinky street dolls, doctor who, cosplay, and anything that will fancy her interest.
    Her interest in reading started when she was just a little girl.
     I was not a reader but my sister is. I only read those love story books like Mills and Boon and Harlequin…[Read more]

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