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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by shaloo walia in the topic Experts Column 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by shaloo walia in the topic Experts Column 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by shaloo walia in the topic Experts Column 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by shaloo walia in the topic Experts Column 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by shaloo walia in the topic Experts Column 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Making Graphics for Your Posts in the forum Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 8 years, 3 months ago

    gee you guys sound so professional artists!

    I have not use any of those graphic sites that you guys had mentioned.

    I use my own photos, taken from my smartphone, I don’t edit them.

    I also use pixabay images which are free to use and suitable for my post title too.

    I had just registered Canva and looking at Pablo now.

    I won’t be installing at…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple voted up to a reply by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) in the topic Making Graphics for Your Posts 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple voted up to the topic Making Graphics for Your Posts by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to prevent High Blood Pressure For Children & Young Adults 8 years, 3 months ago

    Heart disease and high blood pressure are beginning to appear in children at early age.


    More studies had proven that children with higher blood pressure levels are most likely to contract hypertension in […]

    • Hard to imagine children having high blood pressure.
      I think if parents let the kids run about and play more often, the problem will be resolved.
      Most kids like to run when they are happy or sad or not having anything to do.
      That is good for them, but parents always tell the kids to stop running.

    • My nephew age 19 already has hypertension.Why? He likes to eat processed foods, all meat , canned goods and sweets. He is not fat, but high blood and high creatine. My elder sister too are having high blood issues and arthritis, too bad to know about their sickness. They like to eat what they want to eat.

    • These are all excellent pieces of advice for prevention of high blood pressure and a number of other health concerns too. I would discourage relying on fruit juices, though, especially commercially produced ones.

      It is much better to feed a child a piece of fruit and give him a glass of water, than to give him fruit juice. Since the advent of juice boxes, it has become normal for school children in north America to bring them to school daily, and in some cases the school will ask for two or even three juice boxes per day. That is far more fruit juice than recommended, and in fact nurses, doctors and dietitians will all tell you the juice should be treated more like a treat for once in a while, than an everyday staple.

      When I was a child and there were no juice boxes, we kids just drank water at the fountain if we got thirsty during school. Since juice boxes, kids often don’t even have the time to go to the fountain. Some schools may not even keep the fountains properly maintained. And now the children are becoming obese at such a young age.It’s truly a concern!

      • I never buy juice for the kids to drink. I hated when I was on assistance and I would get vouchers for their food staples such as milk, bread, cereal, etc. I had to buy the juice which I thought was unnecessary. If they eat the fruit then they do not need the juice. If I did buy juice it would be 100% real fruit juice and only allow them to have one serving of it a day. I do not even let them have pop since it is not good for them. Only on a special occasion can they have it as long as it is caffeine free.

        At restaurants they order water and at school they drink water. At home it is water or milk for them to drink. I have never been a big juice drinker either and much prefer water to any other drink. I know people that give their children pop all the time regardless of whether there is caffeine in it or not. They also give them unlimited juice. While the juice boxes are convenient they are not cheap and it can cost a lot of money that I don’t have for the school year.

    • The points you noted are very helpful. I have a relative suffering from high blood pressure. The most effective way to maintain the blood pressure levels to a normal one is to cut out your salt intake. We know that high salt intake can have a negative effect. Also a good amount of exercise is needed alongwith a good diet to control your blood pressure to the normal level.

    • For me the major factor that has caused hypertension among kids, youths, and adults too is their lifestyle. As the world become modern, technologically advance, everyone’s lifestyle is greatly affected. They tend to become immobile. They maintain a sedentary kind of living with less exercises, work, or exertion of muscles and efforts. Add to this lifestyle is the uncontrollable intake of carbo, salty foods, among others.

    • High blood pressure is a common problem among the children, young and old and other hand it is a threat to death sometimes high blood pressure causes death without reason while walking or sleeping or playing death occurs.

      We must keep in mind that Eat a healthy diet. Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg.

      To increase the amounts of natural potassium, magnesium, and fiber you take in, select from the following:

      beet greens
      green beans
      green peas
      lima beans
      sweet potatoes
      yogurt (fat-free)

      Potassium, magnesium, and fiber, on the other hand, may help control blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are high in potassium, magnesium, and fiber, and they’re low in sodium. Stick to whole fruits and veggies. Juice is less helpful, because the fiber is removed. Also, nuts, seeds, legumes, lean meats, and poultry are good sources of magnesium.

      To increase the amounts of natural potassium, magnesium, and fiber you take in, select from the following:

    • I never used to understand when am told that a young child is suffering from high blood pressure, or diabetes. Until I grew older and i was explained to that diabetes and high blood pressure can ovcit at anytime and age. Sometimes I may even ask myself, what causes this ailments in kids? I thought it’s okay for kids to eat almost anything because their bodies are still growing, how wrong was I. It so happens when our diets mean everything to put bodies. If we don’t take care with the good that we eat everyday this diseases are likely to get to us. Obesity has always been a big problem in our society where kids indulge in bad eating habits, parents hav3 become lazy, they dont want to prepare home made meals, careers have also played a part in children eating the wrong foods. Supermarkets and fast food restuarants have not made things any easier when they prepare all sorts of foods and people come and take away.
      I like all the tips that you have outlined, they are all very important. Exercises also pelts a very big part in curbing this diseases. They keep us healthy, they reduce cholesterol in our bodies, they burn fats keep us from and fit so it’s good to also keep the children active at all times.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Topics I write at LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago


    What topics do you write at LiteracyBase?

    As you can see from the Category list, there are lots of topic ideas to choose from that could initiate tons of creative writing for the day.


    Looking at […]

    • Each of us have our favourite niches and me as you know would go for gardening. Being a multi faceted personality I would go for many of those categories. I like travel, health, LB, and some thoughts that are not categorised.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Why does it take too long to approve one's post/ in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 4 months ago



    May I know, how many posts did you submitted on the same day?

    If you had submitted 4 posts, then your the other 2 posts might be delayed.

    The admin published post in batches and they also need to double check for plagiarism, etc.

    Furthermore, from we all know, there are only 2 members in Blogjob to to these job

    So, we can’t keep…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Do you teach your kids to use knife? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 4 months ago


    honestly, my son who is 9 years old have not held on a real kitchen knife yet.

    Butter or bread knife , the smaller type , yes, he used them to cut cakes, kuih, pancakes, etc on his own.

    It wasn’t easy to teach him to hold a butter knife because he doesn’t have the patience when the food doesn’t cut through.

    he would let go of the…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Putting a brake on blogs posting in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 4 months ago



    I guessed that you are right, maybe more post will lower the ratings for a writer.

    At the moment, I have not written 300 words post yet, so I don’t receive 15 cents yet.

    ALl my posts are 500 words, usually 22 cents, not affected by anything yet because as I had mentioned I don’t write 3 posts , only 2 posts per day.

    Maybe that is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Tea garden in the forum Group logo of GardeningGardening 8 years, 4 months ago


    yes tea leaves when it is drink cold, tasted sweet and fragrant.

    While it is hot, you will taste the tea a bit bitter.

    you mean that garden, anyone can enter and pick the tea leaves?

    Not in your own garden, a public garden?

    Ours is in our own garden, so nobody can pick them.

    Until my neighbor started to spray pesticides and painted…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 3 Walking Exercise Tips 8 years, 4 months ago

    Walking exercise is an ideal way to burn those excess
     fats in your tummy or calves, helps you to lose weight 
    and keep your body muscle tone fit and firm.
    In addition, walking exercise helps you to burn unwante […]

    • Those are some good tips walking can never disappoint anyone. Not unless you don’t like to walk or keep healthy or fit. I always encourage people at my work place to take the stairs and avoid the lifts that will keep them for, and flexible. Then their heart rate also will improve you don’t really need a treadmill to check out your heart rate stairsarethebest way to go

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Experts Column in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 4 months ago


    I found 6 of my hubpages articles posted exactly the same content under 2 different users, all under Indian names, whom I don’t know at all.

    I have never posted any of my hubpages articles at expertscolumn and furthermore, I had not been writing there for the past 6 years.

    All my posts there were deleted and removed already 6 years…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple voted up to a reply by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) in the topic Has Anyone Heard from Lee Ka? 8 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple voted up to a reply by Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) in the topic Has Anyone Heard from Lee Ka? 8 years, 4 months ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic More suggestions for @support in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 4 months ago


    yes, I know and understood that once I had submitted the post, awaiting for approval, I can’t edit it anymore. I was hoping to be able to edit it before it was published, not possible I guess.

    I had tried saving in draft a few times. The downside is I cannot edit the draft at all and not visible, can’t click it.

    I had to re write…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Testing, testing in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 4 months ago



    yeah not all posts, we will be paid 22 cents for 500 words

    I find that there must be that SEO stuff that we have to try to embedded into our head when writing.


    I found your post is more related to review, you should get 24-26 cents , not 22 cents


    Thank you for being big heart for accepting comments.

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