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    SuperD wrote a new post, Sports That I Have Been Too 7 years, 10 months ago

    I’m a sportsman but not an athlete. Sports because I really love doing physical activities and I’m really adventurous. I love pushing myself to the limits. So I involve myself to different discipline of spo […]

    • an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

      Sports make men active and healthy on earth and thus ms’s all organs remain in motion and life of the life organs’life lies in motion and if anything is not not in motion is dead on earth.

      Sport and recreation entail activities that help to develop life skills, abilities, talents and improve the general health of the body. Such activities may be used as sources of income, to have fun and to stay physically fit. Sport and recreation activities include soccer, basketball, swimming, aerobics, yoga, tennis, dancing, hockey, golf, cycling and mountain biking, running, listening to music and many others.

      Sport and recreation activities can also be used to have fun and during leisure time. Some activities, such as swimming, cycling and running, are used to stay physically fit by shedding calories. Moreover, sport and recreation activities also offer a chance for people to travel, interact with new people and improve life skills. Recreational activities may also be used to help with curbing stress and during rehab programs.

      • Well buddy, this is the very real reason why do I involve myself in sports. Its not only for the health benefits that I do it but also for the physicality. When we do sports, we are quicker in or moves and we are thinkfull. Its emotionally and physically good for us. And because of that, I was really into sports since I was kid. And as I have said, not to become a competitive, I am sportsman though not an athlete.

    • It seems interesting and I am impressed as you are doing very well. You must be enjoying good health as a result of these great activities.

      One must involve oneself in such useful activities as you did in order to maintain one’s health.

      I want to run and I do love running but we do not have any proper place for such type of activity in our city.

      • I am enjoying. Actually my involvement to sports in not only for health benefits or for physical benefits. Its my passion. I am doing because I love it. My passion that it gives me satisfaction every time I finish the line or reach the last kilometers of the run. You love doing it no matter how hard you made it.

    • I would rather place your activities under ‘exercise’ as sports normally involves competition.

      • Though I used the word competition, but I think its too pressing for me. Why? Because though we participate in the competition but we are not in the place to win. For example, we participate in the marathon not to become the first or second or third person to finish the line. We know we are not going to win the race, we know the people stronger and faster than us will come first in the finish line. We know we are going to lost.

        But why we are in the competition, because we just wanted to finish the race. The competition is within us, within ourselves: finishing the race, fulfilling the personal best time, and follow the passion of our lives. If we finish the race, we win, we defeated our own self.

    • I like the last line you made. I’m a busy person too, I have a full time job, my part time is writing here in social writing sites, I also write narrative story in Ilocano which I publish in magazines and newspapers, and compete with writing contest.

      But I think its been my life, to be balance with my work and my passion– and one of the passion of my life is sports.

    • Actually u don’t have to be an athlete to engage in sports. It should be a normal routine just like eating and respirating because sports keeps one fit, and I believe that is why you’re still very healthy even at your 40s.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, A Family That Runs Together 7 years, 10 months ago

    A family that runs together stays together.

    Of course it can be told in that way too. If you ever in the running events you can relate to my article—that lots of families join together and participate. If t […]

    • Really a good idea, running with our family. This type of running and taking exercise, inculcates the habit in our children. when we join them in this way they start taking interest in having daily exercise which is very important for our health. In case we send them our alone they might not take that much interest in it.

    • I just love this post. This is a perfect way to keep a family together. Keep running 🙂

    • I think family means, a group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit.
      “she moved in with her boyfriend’s family”

      Family is the other name of gathering at one platform stabilizing unity among the members and mutual understanding for future generation. Family is the main source of increasing population on earth. If no family no creation within the circle of unity.

      The traditional family consists of a father, mother and children. This is the family shown on television as the standard family. However, the 21st century showcases a variety of family units, some very different from the standard of the 1950s.

      Today, children are also often raised in single parent homes, by grandparents or by homosexual parents. Some families opt to have no children, or cannot have children due to some medical or emotional barrier. The idea that parents and children make a family is a basic definition; however, in order to accurately acknowledge other family structures, a broader definition is necessary.

      In addition to a more universal family definition, there are also plenty of people who consider a group of friends to be family, and adults who consider pets as defining members of the family unit.

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Special Lanes For Motorcycles In National Road 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is a law not in the Philippines that the motorcycle riders can only drive in the special lane which can be recognized with blue and white rectangular lines. That means motorcycle riders cannot just drive in […]

    • Motor bikes cause a lot of accidents as it is very easy for them to change the lane whenever they want. Your government is doing very well in this connection. It may lower the rate of accidents in your locality.

      I think every government must consider it a serious issue and should take proper steps in this regard to safe guard th lives of travelers.

    • Motor bikes cause a lot of accidents as it is very easy for them to change the lane whenever they want. Your government is doing very well in this connection and it will surely lower the rate of accidents in your locality.

      I think every government must consider it a serious issue and should take proper steps in this regard to improve the things on roads.

    • It is good for the motorbike and to avoid accidents on the road so that precious lives may be saved at any cast but the motorcyclists must not mind it because it for your safety. Everyone must act upon the rules made by the government in any country.

      Fatalities and accidents on the road occur because someone somewhere is not paying attention to road safety rules. There are a number of factors that come into interplay while traveling on the road. There are road safety rules for drivers to follow as well as the pedestrians and other vehicles.
      In this article we will focus on the main road safety rules that everybody o9nt he road needs to keep in mind.

      Road safety rules
      Keep to the left
      Keep to the left while driving and allow vehicles from the opposite direction to pass. Most head-on accidents happen as we fail to keep to the left and stay in the middle of the road. This is one of the most important road safety rules for drivers.

      Slow done on bends and turn
      another mistake most people make is to never slow down on turns and bends. Be all the more cautious when negotiating bends and sharp turns.

      Move cautiously and slowly during congestion on roads
      This is another very important road safety rule that most of us ignore. We should move carefully especially at the round-abouts and road junctions.

      Wear helmets
      Those on bicycles and two wheelers should never go on the road without a helmet. Make sure the helmet is of superior quality and strapped properly.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Local Snack: Sweet Potato Doughnut Recipe 7 years, 10 months ago

    I sure am glad that I had kept my old school text books.


    One of the books is a “Home making” subject that teaches us students to cook, sew and laundry.


    Although the book was printed in Malay langu […]

    • Sweet potatoes are my favourite in any form. Making doughnuts seems a good idea. I have a stock of sweet potatoes that were just bought. Hope I will not be lazy but prepare this item.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Write your Post Without Duplicate Content 7 years, 10 months ago

    Duplicate content is one of the most common problem that writers and site owners are facing in the world on Internet.
    As you can see, some online writing sites where writers can earn money for publishing original […]

    • My content is my content. If I try to publish at a site and it’s not accepted, I submit it elsewhere. My conscience is clear. It’s my content and I won’t have a “computerized program” tell me different. I know what’s mine! 🙂

    • To be on the safe side one should check to see if any of what is produced is already available on the Net. Just highlight a portion and paste it on google search.

    • I understand what you’re saying. But if the search engine can find my words in more than site on the Internet, can’t they program the search engine to also indicate that the words are coming from the same person? Just sayin’. Google tried to help with that when they started using the “rel=author” feature. With that feature, if you had a Google profile, when the search engine produced something you had written in the results, it also showed your profile pic next to it. It was actually kind of cool. I tried using that feature. But it seemed quirky, like the kinks weren’t ironed out, so I eventually stopped using it. People are still encouraged to use it though. That supposedly helps with the problem of duplicate content. Although you and I both know that what would really help is IF people would stop stealing other people’s work!! Duplicate content wouldn’t be the problem that it is, if that wasn’t happening! 🙂

    • In the world of internet creators are less and cheaters are more just as the readers are more and writers are less on this earth. Keep in mind creation is a God gifted ability and cheating is the production of cunning thought that always deceives to the cheaters in practical field.

      The Internet has been characterized as the largest threat to copyright since its inception. The Internet is awash in information, a lot of it with varying degrees of copyright protection. Copyrighted works on the Net include new s stories, software, novels, screenplays, graphics, pictures, Usenet messages and even email. In fact, the frightening reality is that almost everything on the Net is protected by copyright law. That can pose problems for the hapless surfer.

      What is protected on the WWW?
      The unique underlying design of a Web page and its contents, including:

      original text
      html, vrml, other unique markup language sequences
      List of Web sites compiled by an individual or organization
      and all other unique elements that make up the original nature of the material.

    • Duplicate content is content that appears on the Internet in more than one place (URL). When there are multiple pieces of identical content on the Internet, it is difficult for search engines to decide which version is more relevant to a given search query.

      To provide the best search experience, search engines will rarely show multiple duplicate pieces of content and thus, are forced to choose which version is most likely to be the original—or best.

      Search engines don’t know which version(s) to include/exclude from their indices
      Search engines don’t know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link juice, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions
      Search engines don’t know which version(s) to rank for query results
      When duplicate content is present, site owners suffer rankings and traffic losses, and search engines provide less relevant results.

      Another option for dealing with duplicate content is to utilize the rel=canonical tag. The rel=canonical tag passes the same amount of link juice (ranking power) as a 301 redirect, and often takes up much less development time to implement.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Homemade Zinger Burger Recipe ( alike KFC) 7 years, 10 months ago

    Zinger burger is one of my favorite burger at Kentucky Fried Chicken ( KFC)


    It is one of the most popular local burger in Asia, consumers of all ages love to buy Zinger Burger for a quick meal especially […]

    • it is tasty in eating but difficult in making at home as I think. Ingredients Required

      Half Kg chicken piece (Breast or Boneless)
      One tea spoon of Black pepper
      One tea spoon of Salt
      One tea spoon of Mustard powder
      One and half tea spoon of Chinese salt
      Two table spoons of Worcestershire sauce
      Bun as required
      Mayonnaise as required
      Cheese slice as requied
      Oil to fry zinger burger
      For batter preparation you will need

      Two table spoons of Flour
      One piece Egg
      One fourth tea spoon of Baking Powder
      Two table spoons of Corn flour
      Two table spoons of Rice flour
      One and half tea spoon of Salt
      To prepare batter for zinger burger you have to add water in above mentioned 5 things as required.
      For coating of zinger burger you will need

      One cup of Corn flakes
      One cup of Breadcrumbs
      One cup of Chips
      Step by step instructions to prepare zinger burger like KFC

      Marinate chicken with all ingredients and leave it for 24 hours.
      Now to prepare batter mix all ingredients i mentioned above for batter preparation of zinger burger. And make a thick batter.
      Now mix all ingredients i mentioned for coating of zinger burger and crush it and remember don’t make powder of it.
      Dip marinated chicken in batter and then coat it with coating we prepare.
      Then fry it until it become golden brown
      Now cut bun into two slices and put mayonnaise on it.
      Now place slices of cheese on bun and you can also place lettuce leaves in it but i don’t like these so i never place them.
      And now your zinger burger like KFC is prepared and now ready to serve with ketchup.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Children Should Avoid Touching Toys in Clinic or Hospital 7 years, 10 months ago

    Everytime you bring your child to visit the doctor at the nearby clinic or hospital, does your child becomes so impatient that he MUST touch the toys or “little playground” at the children cor […]

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    SuperD replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Congratulations, that is the fruit of your hardship. You did good and you earn it. That is what we should be, determined to reach the goal and when the time comes, you harvest the fruit of your work. I always wanted to do be like this but cannot do it always. But thanks goodness I belong to the group of people for the last month. And it feels so good.

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of what is health?what is health? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    congrats my friend!

    It is best to stay here than to write elsewhere

    I had received mine too but I don’t write much….

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Running With Kid To Train Him As Athlete 7 years, 10 months ago

    Me and my kid Bojong went running this morning.

    We went for a 5 kilometer run that stretch to the beach in our town. It was a good feeling running with my child because we have not done this for a long time. […]

    • Yes, children are most important part of a family and children heath rest of exercise and the best exercise is to be athlete. It makes makes all human organs active and makes fresh human mind and soul in the broader sense.

      All kids need to eat balanced meals and have a healthy diet. But should that balance change for kids who play on a sports team or work out?

      Kids need to eat the right amount and mix of foods to support that higher level of activity, but that mix might not be too different from a normal healthy diet. Eating for sports should be an extension of healthy eating for life.

      Kids who eat healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks will get the nutrients needed to perform well in sports. Kids and teens who are involved in all-day competitions or strenuous endurance sports (like rowing, cross-country running, or competitive swimming) that can involve 1½ to 2 hours or more of activity at a time, in particular, may need to consume more food to keep up with increased energy demands.

      Most athletes will naturally eat the right amount of food their bodies need. But if you’re concerned that your child is getting too much or too little food, check in with your doctor.

      Besides getting the right amount of calories, it takes a variety of nutrients to keep young athletes performing at their best:

      Vitamins and minerals: Kids need a variety of vitamins and minerals. Calcium and iron are two important minerals for athletes:
      Calcium helps build strong bones to resist breaking and stress fractures. Calcium-rich foods include low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as leafy green vegetables such as broccoli.
      Iron helps carry oxygen to all the different body parts that need it. Iron-rich foods include lean meat, chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, dried fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified whole grains.

      Protein: Protein helps build and repair muscles, and most kids get plenty of it through a balanced diet. Protein-rich foods include fish, lean meat and poultry, dairy products, beans, nuts, and soy products. Too much protein can lead to dehydration and calcium loss.
      Carbohydrates: Carbs provide energy for the body.

      Some diet plans have urged weight-conscious adults to steer clear of carbs, but for a young athlete they’re an important source of fuel. There’s no need for “carb loading” (eating a lot of carbs in advance of a big game), but without carbs in their diet, kids will be running on empty. When you’re choosing carbs, look for whole-grain foods like whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, whole-grain bread and cereal, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

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    SuperD replied to the topic why abandoning your studies? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 10 months ago

    Maybe because teenagers and young are so adventorous that they wanted to know the feeling and experiences in their lives. And they can do it when they are in school because its where they can see their potential boyfriends and girlfriends. Its so happen that their studies are being sacrificed. They often escape their school and they enjoy their…[Read more]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, Eye Medical Mission For The Poor 7 years, 10 months ago

    The Gift of Sight Foundation successfully held the Eye Medical Mission in the province of Ilocos Sur. The program giving free eye surgery to the poor patients from different municipality was the fourth time held […]

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    SuperD wrote a new post, The Arrival Of Overseas Filipino Workers 7 years, 10 months ago

    One of the pillars of the economy of the Philippines is the huge remittances and tax of the Overseas Filipino Workers in abroad. The dollars, yens, pounds, dirhams keep pouring in the bank of the country because […]

    • It is correct that countless people are working Philippines all over the world in different countries but i USA and UK are more due to dollars and Pounds value. They are hard workers and sincere and faithful as the survey shows.

      But it is afact that Indeed, the Philippine government accords high priority to the protection of the Overseas Filipino Workers working in the Middle East and North African countries, especially those who are working in conflict areas.

      Although there have been efforts to strengthen bilateral labor relations between the Philippines and receiving countries, there is still considerable uncertainty about how the protection and well-being of Filipino workers far from home can be assured.

      The repatriation of Overseas Filipino Workers in several prone-conflict countries in Middle East and North Africa has been one of the many difficult tasks that Philippine missions in those areas have had to carry out. Although coordination has improved a lot over the years on the practicalities of repatriation, the Philippine government continues to face several challenges.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to bake Banana Muffins with Chocolate Chips 7 years, 10 months ago

    What do you do with almost rotten bananas?


    Most fresh bananas do not last longer than 3 days after purchase.


    When you notice some brown spots on the skin of the bananas, feeling soft when you are h […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Vegetarian Chow Mien Recipe 7 years, 10 months ago

    Today, we are going vegetarian for lunch at home.

    This is the Vegetarian Chow Mien which I had just quickly cooked this afternoon for my family’s lunch.

    Normally, Chow Mein, which is also known as Stir F […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, A Gift Your Child Cannot Do Without- Family Medical History Disease 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I first became a new mum, I had finally realized the reason why my mum was constantly worried about me and my brother.


    Being parents isn’t as easy as 1,2,3


    If you think that going through the […]

    • Genetic is nothing but human thinking because if genes have power to convert genetics into the coming generation so prophets’ son become all prophet while their genes were pure belonging to prophets’ family. Noah’ son did accept the Noah’s din til death.

      Jacob all sons did not become prophets while his all sons got the genes of Jacob but some were not holy and some of them made evil deeds. Why? Here genetics theory fails entirely.

      Actually in human body vitamins and minerals combination breaks into parts and its reaction mysterious type reaction starts in human body due to which occurs many mysterious diseases in human body and these diseases spread via soul circulation mixing with blood.

      A genetic disease is any disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual’s genome, the person’s entire genetic make.

      The abnormality can range from minuscule to major — from a discrete mutation in a single base in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality involving the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

      Some genetic disorders are inherited from the parents, while other genetic diseases are caused by acquired changes or mutations in a preexisting gene or group of genes. Mutations can occur either randomly or due to some environmental exposure.

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    SuperD replied to the topic Post Categories Not Interested In in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 10 months ago

    That is true there are so many categories that I am not using in my articles. I only use more often the categories of News and Events, Family and Relationship, Politics, Sports.

    Most of the categories are seldom used and some of them, well I have not yet experienced using them. But maybe, though I am not using them, some members are often using…[Read more]

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    SuperD joined the group Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 10 months ago

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    SuperD wrote a new post, America Has The 45th USA President 7 years, 10 months ago

    President elect Donald Trump of United States promised the fulfillment of American dream. The White House will be govern by  new leadership now after Barack Obama step down.

    Well, it can be said now, after […]

    • This Marks a new Era in american history….best of luck guys

      • I don’t know but I think Donald Trump will be just another president of US if not one of the unpopular president because of his attitude and thinking.

    • You said: electoral boats I think you meant electoral VOTES. I think Trump will do okay in office. It would be nice to see the democrats stop protesting and crying over Trump winning. I am also glad that evil witch didn’t win.

      • Oh my, shame on me, what a… electoral boats (sigh). Anyway, that tension could be a problem its good that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is helping by telling to their surrender to give your president a chance to lead America.

    • Hope the new president makes this world a peaceful place to live in. I pray for his success. He would be the most powerful man in the world.Thats why he can do a lot for his nation as well as for the rest of the world. Hope he improves the things.

      • Its so happen, Donald Trump major program is for Americans only… that is why he said he want to make America Great Again. That is a big problem in other countries that is depending to the help and alms of US. In our country, the BPO industry will surely be affected when that business will be force to transfer their business to US and not anymore here in the country.

    • Thank you for concluding your post with “God bless America”.

      • We often read and hear this phrase “God Bless America”. Now that Donald Trump was elected as president of United States, it got the deeper meaning to everyone not only in America but to the other countries.

        Just like when we are praying every night to give us good sleep, strength, forgiveness to our sins among other things. It become just normal like a song we always sing. But when a typhoon and while disaster is hitting our place, it become more meaningful and wholeheartedly spoken.

    • More power on the new presidency! I hope he will lead his county in goodness, prosperity, peace and united with God who is the supreme ruler of the world 😉

    • I have read and seen those nations who change their leaders in hope of bringing the new leader better than the first dream does not come true. The history of the world reveals that the condition of America ill be very bad because whenever in any country any businessman takes the charge the any country means the country will go in the pit of darkness and it is sure.

      Keep in mind, getting marriage is easy but to run a family is an art just like getting power on the ground of money is easy but to drive the state is a technical art that is not known to the businessmen. As in my country, Nawaz took the charge of as The PM of Pakistan and now my country is going to the wall everything’s price is going up day by day.

      Businessmen never care for public because they love just their money. Taking the charge of USA first of all edibles will be high due to businessmen’s mentality. hey pay attention to business not to public well fare. The public of USA will see what I am saying very soon. After this, war clouds will b appear over the heads of American peoples. Russia will threat USA president and the condition will be very bad.

      I have realized the people of USA have made a horrible mistake selecting Donald Trump as their dishonest leader. I have read today in the newspaper, that 4500 law suits are against DT but how took part in Election 2016.

      • The truth is : We don’t need a leader. The ants have no leader. They lead themselves. What we need is “order”.

        “Businessmen never care for public because they love just their money.” ~ I disagree. But I wouldn’t get into an extended debate about it. It depends on the individual businessman.

        “I have realized the people of USA have made a horrible mistake selecting Donald Trump.” ~ “The people” did not elect Donald Trump! Just to be clear, for the record. 🙂

    • I think if he can show some restraint and follow sound logic, he can do good for both US and the world, but it is too early to pass any judgement.

    • very good content..
      thanks for the sharing.

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