Balancing the stuff is not that easy rather it is a tough job when there exists some sort of conflict between our mind and heart. It must be a tough situation to be dealt by someone. Anyhow balancing the stuff is a nicer idea and it will really work. But I would repeat, balancing is not that easy.
We think with our minds and feel with our hearts. Sincerity comes from the heart. Empathy comes from the heart. Love comes from the heart. If not then we only think we are doing these things when in actuality we are not.
This is informative and an eye opener too. If there is no one who knows what yhe rosemary herb is all about they better begin searching. Its a good herb full of nutirnts that help heal the overall health of the body. For many women we like anything that will make our hairs nice and healthy. And if rosemary will make the difference why not try it out and keep the practice.
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins and out of all of them it is the hardest to get rid of. Many people with pride often do not know or think that it is a problem. Too much pride can lead to self destruction and hurt of others because the individual who is suffering from pride believes he or she in indestructible and so often times enter into harmful situations.
There is a time for everything. A time to forgive. Forgiveness is not for the person but for us to free ourselves from rancor or hate. There is also a time to give. Whether it is our time, talent or treasure, we all have something to give. When we give we should do so with a generous and loving spirit. For this will bring joy to others around us.
The more we grow, the more we should learn. We begin to realize what circumstances, situations and persons are healthy for our lives and well being. we should surround ourselves with individuals and situations and places that bring out the best in us and are geared towards lifting us to new new heights. Love is meant to be good and to do good. Anything else is considered abuse.
how nic eto do that and be good person to the world, but that is dream people are becoming worse and worse and that is really not good prediction of the future, if we find it hard to live with those people as they are alot, what in the future will hapne, what is lie about or means if there is no good people in it
Awesome thinking, not a lot of people thik like that, its stars with one any way, and if you and me do that then all be fine
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