• Profile picture of Lea Mei Abejar

    Lea Mei Abejar and Profile picture of Lady KrishnaLady Krishna are now friends 7 years ago

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    jetskie and Profile picture of mendozaericmendozaeric are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of AENGELA  CYRA MARIE SALTING

    AENGELA CYRA MARIE SALTING and Profile picture of mendozaericmendozaeric are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune replied to the topic YOU ARE ALL THERE BECAUSE YOU ARE PAID in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago

    It is so strange that people still write here and make money for those who cheated us. They still continue earn money because people cant stop writing here. Please, do not earn money for those invisible owners. Do not waste your time. They better close site and you get back your texts.

  • Profile picture of AENGELA  CYRA MARIE SALTING

    AENGELA CYRA MARIE SALTING and Profile picture of Samson TitusSamson Titus are now friends 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Have you encountered the conflict of mind and heart 8 years ago

    Do you have encountered the conflict of mind and heart? If so, perhaps, say that it’s a real headache, right? Which one should listen? What to do? How will not get lost in web of feelings? It is often said that […]

    • Balancing the stuff is not that easy rather it is a tough job when there exists some sort of conflict between our mind and heart. It must be a tough situation to be dealt by someone. Anyhow balancing the stuff is a nicer idea and it will really work. But I would repeat, balancing is not that easy.

    • We think with our minds and feel with our hearts. Sincerity comes from the heart. Empathy comes from the heart. Love comes from the heart. If not then we only think we are doing these things when in actuality we are not.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Rosemary for the health and beauty. 8 years ago

    Rosemary is specific spicy in Mediterranean region. It is not only delicious spice, well known of fragrant flavor, but it is also a natural remedy for many diseases. Although food is seasoned with only small […]

    • This is informative and an eye opener too. If there is no one who knows what yhe rosemary herb is all about they better begin searching. Its a good herb full of nutirnts that help heal the overall health of the body. For many women we like anything that will make our hairs nice and healthy. And if rosemary will make the difference why not try it out and keep the practice.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Is it easy coming back to your ex partner? 8 years ago

    Divorce is never easy step. However, even after the most severe break up infest doubt maybe it worth making peace and try again foster the unsuccessful relationship. Before returning to a former partner, sincerely […]

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Some rules toward perfect skin. 8 years ago

    In terms of a healthy and beautiful skin, some standards should be maintained. First of all everyone should check whether he has enough vitamin D. This vitamin is very important for the quality of the skin. The […]

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune joined the group Group logo of A Fresh Start for Your FriendshipsA Fresh Start for Your Friendships 8 years ago

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    Fortune wrote a new post, We should first take care of our soul, not a body. 8 years ago

    There are some power changing consciousness that a person no longer understand what is happening to him, his life – the reality around him changes completely. It is like internal human enemies, because they give […]

    • Both body and soul are important. But the soul is what will be examined to determine our place in the afterlife. We should ensure the santity of our soul, keeping it clean and pure.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, How to recognize false pride in yourself? 8 years ago

    False pride is a crack in the armor at heart. Each arrow goes straight into our soft, sensitive heart. False Pride causes indescribable, unbearable suffering. The greater the pride, the greater is the desire for […]

    • Pride is one of the seven deadly sins and out of all of them it is the hardest to get rid of. Many people with pride often do not know or think that it is a problem. Too much pride can lead to self destruction and hurt of others because the individual who is suffering from pride believes he or she in indestructible and so often times enter into harmful situations.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune replied to the topic has anyone cashed out and received their money here? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    The same here, I am still waiting for my first redemption to be paid. I hope site is legit and will pay. I do not want to waste my time as I write a lot here.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Give and experience the joy of giving. 8 years ago

    Love energy makes miracles. It opens even the most petrified hearts and drives out anger. Hatred does not eat away our souls, because the love is the power treating all wounds. Every moment of your life try to […]

    • There is a time for everything. A time to forgive. Forgiveness is not for the person but for us to free ourselves from rancor or hate. There is also a time to give. Whether it is our time, talent or treasure, we all have something to give. When we give we should do so with a generous and loving spirit. For this will bring joy to others around us.

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune wrote a new post, Love yourself does not mean to love less others. 8 years ago

    Our thoughts and feelings create all events in the life. Only we ourselves are responsible for our environment and for what is happening. If a harmony and balance dominate in our mind, we start to feel the same in […]

    • The more we grow, the more we should learn. We begin to realize what circumstances, situations and persons are healthy for our lives and well being. we should surround ourselves with individuals and situations and places that bring out the best in us and are geared towards lifting us to new new heights. Love is meant to be good and to do good. Anything else is considered abuse.

  • Profile picture of samia

    samia wrote a new post, Do you also use fitness band? 8 years ago

    It is only been one week.

    I finally bit bullet and put on my fitness band exactly seven days ago. Has it drastically changed my life? Will I never be able to function without tracker from now on?

    Am I constantly […]

    • Good afternoon, samia that is so nice, i hear nothing about this band it seems nice and works well for you and that is great, as for me just like to do some running and walk with friends the fast walk, taht works well for me without spending more money, but hope all work well for you sister

  • Profile picture of Fortune

    Fortune joined the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

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    samia wrote a new post, Is it good to share someone’s personal picture? 8 years ago

    This morning, as I woke up and i checked my phone,family group on WhatsApp had message with a picture.

    And t said can u identify this famous cine star cum politician..?

    He is bollywood actor Vinod Khanna.

    And […]

  • Profile picture of samia

    samia wrote a new post, Have you ever think about about farmer? 8 years ago

    An Agriculture is as much important, if not more, as the industry in country.

    So here lies the importance of our farmer. An Indian fanner is backbone of the society. His importance in economy of the country can […]

  • Profile picture of samia

    samia wrote a new post, I want to be a good citizen 8 years ago

    We are all the citizens of one country or the other. And We acquire citizenship of our country generally by virtue of our birth. And But to be a good citizen requires lot of training and understanding.

    Good […]

    • how nic eto do that and be good person to the world, but that is dream people are becoming worse and worse and that is really not good prediction of the future, if we find it hard to live with those people as they are alot, what in the future will hapne, what is lie about or means if there is no good people in it

    • Awesome thinking, not a lot of people thik like that, its stars with one any way, and if you and me do that then all be fine

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