• Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Life’ obstacles and your way of removing them 8 years, 1 month ago

    A person who has mastered upon his shortcomings will always find a proper solution during time of tragedy whereas the person who has knowledge about everything but no idea how to react during troubled time may […]

    • It will be boring if we had no challenges to meet. There is joy when challenges are met. As you have said using our stengths is the way to go

    • We cannot deny the fact that once in a while, we commit mistakes in life. And when that mistake overtakes your emotions and your mind, you will become a loser. But if that mistake became a challenge to you to do better, then that would be a plus.
      We are not a perfect person, we already have that sinful nature that makes us go through shortcomings in life, but we should deal with those shortcomings properly and wisely.
      Take your shortcomings positively.

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    suny replied to the topic How many posts a day? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anitah Gimase  I keep several posts in queue sometimes I get them all published instantly but there are times when one or two are published later. By the way, I have faced rejection twice on this site because some of the content was not acceptable to editors.

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    suny replied to the topic Any freelance translator here? We can support each other. in the forum Group logo of Freelancers OnlineFreelancers Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Ceci Chow if you have joined upworkdotcom look for Jeny Lee, she is another Malaysian Chinese who lives in KL and one of the most popular workers on that site especially in transcription. She has lots of work that she cannot complete alone and is always willing to offer to her friends.

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    suny replied to the topic How many posts a day? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @shaloo walia  There is no hard and fast rule that only one post will be published or a rule written anywhere but that’s how I felt in last couple of days and you know it well that I am not a rumor monger. Anyways, you did well you asked it!  

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100 wrote a new post, Tips for better blogging 8 years, 1 month ago

    Blogging is the good way to present your talent to the world. With personal blogging you can share on any topic you want. But making blog and keep posting is not only enough, it is also important that people read […]

    • i had noticed that the picture taken by myself or pixabay helped to attract more readers to my blog.

      Actually the quality of contents are crucial but I am not good at giving advices and tips, hence I used pictures created great results

      • Good quality content is always most important for any blog. But yes image can play major role too. Without any images sometimes only text looks quite boring. I know we can’t put images with all of them, but yes if we can then we should surely go for it. Sometimes images can give more information than texts. So we should surely go for it. Pixabay is surely good site to get free images, even I am following this site.

    • This is a great info and an eye opener. I’ll sure try out some of your suggested tips

      • I am glad that you found it good. I am not professional blogger too, but I have learned few things form my personal experience. So this is it. Learning never ends for sure, so I always try to learn new things from other users. Best of luck with your blog.

    • Right now even I am not active on my blog. But one thing is sure for serious bloggers blogging is really good platform to earn more. But yes we need to do regular work on it. I am accepting this that I am not following my own thoughts for my own blog right now. And I am feeling really bad for the same. But I will soon start my work on it. Hope so I will able to follow my own words. These days I am writing for many other sites then my blog, so may be this is the main reason I am avoiding my own blog. But I guess I need to be there as I know I can post on it too with other sites.

    • We must know from the seniors how to male our blogs better for earning and popularity purpose therefore the above post is better for the new readers but I have some ideas to enhance traffic for the blog.

      When you’re first starting out, it can be tough to convince other bloggers to allow you to post on their sites OR have an audience large enough to inspire others to want to contribute to your site. This is when friends and professional connections are critical.

      When you don’t have a compelling marketing message, leverage your relationships – find the folks who know you, like you and trust you and ask those who have blog to let you take a shot at authoring something, then ask them to return the favor.

      The power of beautiful, usable, professional design can’t be overstated. When readers look at a blog, the first thing they judge is how it “feels” from a design and UX perspective.

      Sites that use default templates or have horrifying, 1990’s design will receive less trust, a lower time-on-page, fewer pages per visit and a lower likelihood of being shared. Those that feature stunning design that clearly indicates quality work will experience the reverse – and reap amazing benefits.

      As bloggers, we see a lot of comments. Many are spam, only a few add real value, and even fewer are truly fascinating and remarkable. If you can be in this final category consistently, in ways that make a blogger sit up and think “man, I wish that person commented here more often!” you can achieve great things for your own site’s visibility through participation in the comments of other blogs.

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    suny wrote a new post, How to face the world in adverse situation 8 years, 1 month ago

    We have heard that that anything that exercises our brain and keeps the grey cells active is the best way that helps you live a longer life. And reading is one good way of exercising your brain but mined you it is […]

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    Anand replied to the topic The Conjuring 2 Movie Pre-Review in the forum Group logo of All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event)All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event) 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Grecy Garcia  Actually I am fan of horror movies. I just love them, and I can watch them even during night with no body around me. I have watch this conjuring 2 movie already, and yes it was quite interesting and scary. I like the story part as it was quite interesting. And yes the ghost of that nun was quite scary. I have also seen the first p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100 joined the group Group logo of All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event)All about Reviews (Product, Service, Food, Person, Place, Event) 8 years, 1 month ago

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    suny wrote a new post, Facebook, WhatsApp, Hike and now Hello 8 years, 1 month ago

    I am on Facebook for only 7 years but when this site started almost 12 years before no one might have thought that one day the information technology will change the definition of friendship. I have all of 410 […]

    • Only time will tell.

    • I am not big fan of facebook nor twitter, i like instagram or any other site but not facebook and twitter nor goold the yare now easily to be hacked lots of stories about hacking these sites in the news, from polics to normal people, why do not that make you thin i guess it sthe low safety procedures or so, im not big fan of technology but i read news and i find its better to use other news sites as they are more secure and most of it are the sites that you pay for they do care for your information since you pay them, so they do caer alot, and i guess its is better to use the net in that sites to be relaxed when you chatt with towmtone or use tyou personal docutments for work or so, thanks for the posting also its really good and give information to those do not have ideaa about the issue with facebook and twitters now aday

    • I am not a fan of any social media but these social medias help make my life easier by contacting people without the need of knowing that person phone number but the only drawback is it need internet connection.

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    suny replied to the topic My First Redemption in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

     @Barbara Radisavljevic I was never in doubt about payment from this site and you will be glad to know that I received my 3rd in August worth $31.30


    @Grecy Garcia  I checked your thread about your first ever payment from from LB but could not get a chance to post on that as I am not too active in forums. Actually I love writing on different si…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    Anand replied to the topic Not more popular in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Your Seldom  Yes there are too much advertisements on this LB pages. But I am sure admin will do something about it. And honestly just few days back I was getting lots of trouble in loading pages here, but now pages are opening really fast for me. So I guess they are working on it already. So with this speed for loading page, I don’t mind th…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, Do you know how to dance? 8 years, 1 month ago

    I love watching men and women who dance regularly and find them very attractive. Aside from the awesome moves, they tend to have rocking-hot bodies. I am pretty sure most boys find girls who do dance attractive […]

    • Dancing is my favorite exercise .I dance daily good for 25 minutes sort of exercise both body and mind. I feel so restless if cannot dance. I dance modern dance, swing, tango, salsa, rumba, and all local dances in the country where I reside.Should you like dancing as an exercise, do try it , then gradually you will feel the excitement. About your post, do not stop your desire to watch.Nice post friend.

    • In Austin, Texas USA, learning how to dance like the people in the Bollywood movies is becoming all the rage! 🙂

    • nope, i don’t know how to dance, I had joined a stage show before but not dancing, just a show performance, if I could dance, I would have cut odd those calories on my tummy

    • Permit me to say this am not bragging but just saying what I know, I am actually a good dancer. I have always been. Being someone who use to perform for people that must have put me in that grade.
      I love dancing and i can do it whenever I can. It’s only in times when I am in public places or where there are dignitaries or people of high stature that i get to hold myself, I may itch to stand up and dance when the music plays but I abstain for the sake of my dignity. In the house I have lots of DVD’s that are for dancing, and that keeps me fit and flexible. Zumba is also a very good way of keeping fit and and exercising. If there is anything that makes me happy is dancing away especially when am down.
      Let me just correct you a bit in my country we dance salsa and it’s a favorite of many. It’s not only in America or Australia where people have embraced the salsa dance. I am definitely one of the salsa fans, I don’t just watch I also dance and i know how to move along as well. The only music I cannot dance to hip hop, not because i don’t know how to dance it but because I don’t like it.

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    suny replied to the topic Any freelance translator here? We can support each other. in the forum Group logo of Freelancers OnlineFreelancers Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Ceci Chow  One bitcoin is almost $600 but I was paid in Bit coin equivalent to $15 whatever was the price of Bit coin in US$ at that time. Hindi is not my mother tongue it is one of the man language of almost  1.2 billion people all over the world with slight different in spoken dialect. You can keep in touch with me on this site please. I will l…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Any freelance translator here? We can support each other. in the forum Group logo of Freelancers OnlineFreelancers Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Ceci Chow I have done that for few individuals as one of my online friends referred me for this particular job. I did it for a Cryptocurrency site that wanted me to translate her program which included lots of coding etc in a message to her business partner. I translated from English to Hindi  that took me almost 5 hours but as she paid me $15 i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny joined the group Group logo of Freelancers OnlineFreelancers Online 8 years, 1 month ago

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    suny replied to the topic Not more popular in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anand  I think @Your Seldom is referring a chat site where I am also a member and that pays in bitcoin. Even that site has too few members and they discuss things which are out of my reach so I go there seldom but I have been paid by that site once in last week even if the amount was a small one for my 2 hours or lees time spent on that site $1…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Not more popular in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Anand  I think @Your Seldom is referring a chat site where I am also a member and that pays in bitcoin. Even that site is too few members and they discuss things which are out of my reach so I go their seldom but I have been paid by that site once in last week even if the amount was a small one for my 2 hours or lees time spent on that site $1…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of naruto100

    Anand replied to the topic Not more popular in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    @Your Seldom  Even for me this site is doing fine. I don’t think there is less activity here. In fact forum is quite active, and I am seeing new articles every day. So things are working here properly. No problem.

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    suny replied to the topic Not more popular in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    May I know what are those other websites which are more poplar @Your Seldom ? As far I am concerned I am very much attached to this site more than other sites.

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    Anand replied to the topic Which websites have a low minimum payout in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    @pcwork  I know baagloo mobile application which has minimum amount 0.50 pounds (I am not sure about currency). I tried this application and already cash out yesterday, but yet not get paid by them. They say it will take around 48 hours, so I guess I need to wait for one more day. I will update here once I will get paid.

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