• Profile picture of naruto100

    naruto100‘s profile was updated 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, That was a Valentine’s Day on a Goa Sea Beach 8 years ago

    Valentine’s Day was not as popular as it is today but we had heard about it and its meaning. Sometimes I feel if I was to write a love letter today to my dear Valentine what I would write! Maybe when the love d […]

    • They say a simple touch can mean a thousand words. Love is the greatest thing in this world that could move a mountain. What is the course of true love? You fight for it! It was you against the world scenario! Who says whats right when it comes to love? The heart for its fralities always know the best.

    • Valentine’s Day in August not bad. What a lovely Valentine’s day you have experienced. You’ve not been running out of lovely words and appreciative expression to the one you loved. The beach was the witness of such a wondrous, exciting moments with your sweetie. I could imagine how you’re holding hands each other and felt the heat of your body. The intense of such heat signified the true meaning of love you have had with each other.

      February 14 had a great memorable impression to my life, especially to my love life. It was also the day which my high school sweetheart had a lovely, momentous event in our life, when we first had an outing at the beach in our local beach. We came there to witness the annual festival in the said place. We’re in a hurry to catch with the fluvial parade which unluckily we’re not able to witness

    • Awww you have just brought th3 love mood inside of me. I remember my ex boyfriend he used to have a heart of writing to me always every single day I woke up to a new inspiring love thought from him and that made me feel so special. I kinda miss that from him, my fiance has nothing like that in him but he is also unique in his own ways, and I love that about him. He really knows how to surprise me with small small things that really mean a lot to me. Valentine’s day is a special day for everyone I believe but to me Valentine’s day happens every single day and I thank God for that I don’t wait to show it on that particular day.

    • valentine day is celebrated all over the world remembering the memeory of Valentine

      The history of Valentine’s Day–and the story of its patron saint–is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St.

      Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?

      While some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial–which probably occurred around A.D. 270–others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St.

      Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

      To begin the festival, members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat’s hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and take to the streets, gently slapping both women and crop fields with the goat hide.

      Far from being fearful, Roman women welcomed the touch of the hides because it was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year. Later in the day, according to legend, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn. The city’s bachelors would each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman. These matches often ended in marriage.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Payment Proof for July in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter Now with your recently acquired knowledge of power of sharing media go all out and take full advantage of it everywhere 🙂

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Payment Proof for July in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter  None of my post got more than 35 cents, 22 cents 15 cents or even less than that but there are other ways to earn on this site. I take full advantage of my sharing media. I hope you know what I mean.


    @shaloo walia as much I know @peachpurple she will definitely reach her payout.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Redeem at Mykites in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @peachpurple so you did that finally! Congrats, I have forgotten that site after my first redemption and getting paid from there. It may take up to 30 days for your payment.

     @shaloo walia it took me exactly 41 days reaching first redemption because some of the members were active but even writing 100 characters (20 words or so) was he…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Do you tend to write more blog posts or forum posts? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Ваљон You can share your posts on social media which is another cool way of earning few extra cents. You know it all counts .)

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Do you tend to write more blog posts or forum posts? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Ваљон I have earned most of my money through blog posts which is evident from the number of my forum posts number in last 3 and a half months. By the way I have so far earned close to $70 during this period from  this site.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @cely now that Triond is long gone but I agree with you. I joined that site in 2009 and according to their policy they paid even if you had minimum $0.050 in your account. I was last paid $14.38 in August 2015 but then the site closed suddenly.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter I think there are few of us that have already been paid thrice here in last three months and I will be paid 4th time on coming 10th (hopefully). I agree you get motivated with early approval but I know it is seldom they take more than 1 day but in general they do it regularly.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter I do not want to sound negative but every site has its own working style. I am working on certain sites (and people will confirm it that they take weeks for approval of your articles and even more time for payment) but I like those site which once approve your work pay for sure. The approval might be delayed but that has stamp of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic i think I have missed the bus this time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter  I was only half way through on 22nd of this month but I never gave up and completed it. I did not wait whether they approved them or not but kept posting. I have nothing pending and I am home although I would not call it comfortably. I did work overtime for sure.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Anand I was on less than $5 on 22nd but have reached the threshold on 27th itself.

    @kaylar I have redeemed every month ever since I joined this site and my last paid amount was $31.30 paid on August 10. It is easy provided you know the right ropes. writing is not the only way of earning on this site.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia to be on the factual side the side does not pay you anything from their own side but you have to earn according to your sharing capacity. I have seen posts which does not earn anything but go without views.

     @Shavkat you should go for that site only if you have a good network on sharing media or you intend to develop your network.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @bestwriter I don’t mind such small delays since no post of mine got delayed for more than 48 hours so far. Exceptions are there but that is part of the game.

    @shaloo walia I am surprised, I have posted many personal posts but apart from one where I got 7  otherwise 10-15 was my minimum range on most of my smaller posts.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Is It True that Blogjob is Back? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia the popularity is that site is such that people still talk about it even after 2 years of its closure. That was a unique site in itself.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Video Ad Is Out In LB! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia even I don’t look at the adverts generally but I think the concern shown by @peachpurple is genuine. I was least expecting such ads on this site.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic Video Ad Is Out In LB! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @peachpurple I noticed them too but I overlooked them as part of the advert policy of the site. You know as they say “The things look the way you look at things”

    @Shavkat  You said right but in my case I am really working as a motivational and trainer to my company’s young professionals at my part time job.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic How long does it take for a blog post to be approved? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @Lola True but in certain cases they may take up to 48 hours but that is the maximum I have faced so far.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic How long does it take for a blog post to be approved? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @alina and @kaylar I have been here on this site for more than three months and have more than 150 posts on this site and have been paid every month. They never kept back my posts unpublished for more than a day. Incidentally my last month’s payment from this site was $31.30 although it would be lesser this month the 4th, due to my lesser activity.

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny replied to the topic What common accidents do you usually hear or read about? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years ago

    @ Shavkat most of the accidents we hear in our country are road accidents. It’s due to overcrowded roads, carelessness and not following the law. However as far elderly people suffering from old age related accidents that is common everywhere.

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