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    nakitakona13 voted up to a reply by JoDee Stout in the topic Grand Children… 8 years, 3 months ago

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    nakitakona13 voted up to a reply by JoDee Stout in the topic Grand Children… 8 years, 3 months ago

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    nakitakona13 voted up to the topic Grand Children… by JoDee Stout 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Celebrities  In The NewsCelebrities In The News 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Recalls...Recalls… 8 years, 3 months ago

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    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Writing Challenges & TipsWriting Challenges & Tips 8 years, 3 months ago

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Win in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 3 months ago

    I am curious to know what you have won and or what is winning all about? Your post has lacking something. It needs to have the substance of your thought or topic. For us who are reading this post would be surprised, would be guessing as to what you are referring to. Well, tell us what is the excitement all about? Don’t bring us into the air…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic A porno user online called Alex in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    On how they get into view is the same on how they vanish. They couldn’t get away with the vigilant and observant attributes of every member here. And also the alert and the ability of @support of responding to this undesirable activities. They don’t have to tell us that they misinterpret the suggestion made by @support that anyone should post a…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic grateful in the forum Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 3 months ago

    As a newcomer, you have to explore this site to find what you are looking or to get an answer for your basic question as a newbie. And the best part of this site is the Frequently Asked Questions. You get answer for your query on the minimum cashout you could make, on the coverage of the region or country which could be eligible, on the limit of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, For 8 Years, I Make Her Pregnant 8 years, 3 months ago

    Assigned to a barrio school as a school head somewhere in a mountainous for two years gave me a unique experience to share. As a school head, I had to take charge of 16 teachers handling grades 1 to 6 pupils with […]

    • You are a cool friend and a good counselor too.
      You can give good advices to people in need of help.

      You did a good deed but your title had misleaded me.

      I thought you were trying to say that you made your wife pregnant after 8 years of marriage!!

      Sorry, the titles gave such a look.

    • You are such a good boss. Communication is the way to solve any problem as long as we really listen to each other.

    • I do agree with those three advices of yours. Constant communication and always be sensitive to the needs of the other makes the relationship bond stronger. And yes, praying together as a couple gets them closer together.

      • @Rachz, I better remain single with that kind of experience a husband had changed only after trying hard by the wife to make their marriage stand strong.It seems unfair, and I am not that type with long patience to someone stupid enough not to understand the hurt.Better split and forget.

        • @cely being single is not the option here because guess what one day you will forget about all the challenges and you will want to get hitched. Men are naturally not prone to showing emotions when it comes to women. And the best thing is for them to stop seeing stuff being done to remind them that they have someone in their life that they need to take care of. And patience really does pay, unlike you who says that you cannot be that patient to wait for a stupid guy like you said to come to his senses, if might be very hard for you. But you can always try to practice it while your still single so that when you finally get there you will be able to handle situations differently. We all need each other at some point in our lives

      • You know God used people or situations to help people or protect them from ills or evil deeds from other people. Like this story the employer came as a blessing in disguise she obviously didn’t know that she would have had someone who would talk to her and change her situation for good. Prayer is powerful tool that we should never take for granted because it works. Praying for each other can save many couples from falling away from each other.

    • @nakitakona, Hi friend? I am so touched with your story and cannot spare my tears to fall.You know I like stories and wrote many stories. I am touched with your tender advise to your teacher. Yes, prayer is so strong and God had allowed the couple to renew and gave them golden treasure, 3 lovely children.Congrats friend.

    • When I read your title I was like why would this guy be writing about his natural affairs with his wife in social media little did I know that there was something more to it then i had realized. Like the saying goes never judge a book by its cover always go through it first before you say anything. Wow I wish we had people like you all over the world. Which boss would take the time to tell to an employee aboutfamily problems back that not his business, but you did. You are truly a blessed man to have done what you did for this woman. I have also learned something from if and it’s great. Humility never hurt anyone instead it has helped so many people all over the world. I hope the last always keeps in touch with you even though you are far away.

    • It s a fictional title and misled the readers reading in a glance the title but the title compels the readers to read the full story how it happened for eight years.

      Your mentor ship affects her and brings fruit because every labor has its sweet fruit sooner or late. Goodness reward never goes unrewarded on earth.

      If you are passing along a mountain and say something aloud, you will hear your own voice again after a moment. It will echo or resound.

      You will hear once again exactly the same thing which you have said. For example, if you have said aloud ‘good’, the echo will be ‘good’, but if you have uttered ‘bad’, you will once again hear the word, ‘bad’.

      Similar is the case with our actions. If a person helps his fellow beings, others will also help and honour him. Allah is also pleased with such a person, and showers many more blessings upon him. However, if a man does evil deeds and harms others, he loses all sympathizers and no one turns up to help him when he is in difficulty.

      The Almighty Allah says: “Whoever does good, will see the result of his goodness, and whoever does bad, will also see the result of his wrong-doing”.

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    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of you canyou can 8 years, 3 months ago

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic I am reporting this user Abiodun Oguntola , a PLAGIARISTS in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    Those copyright violators are gone. They are gone with the wind. They were taking chances to get unnoticed of their fraudulent acts. They were thinking that everyone here is a novice. They were assuming that they could fool anyone here. They were confident that those articles they had posted taking from the original sources wouldn’t identified.…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic We Have a Plagiarist on the Site in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    @manasi those alleged plagiarists had already been removed by the @admin. I kept on monitoring their activities yesterday. I even screenshot the original posts which they had copied and pasted here. One plagiarist reasoned out why he or she wasn’t allowed to share those articles for others to know, to read or whatever. Wow! What a knee-deep kind…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic A Big Question From A Newbie in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    There are a lot of friendly and helpful members here scattering all over this site. They are ever ready to give the info that you need. As what you did by simply putting your question online, those members who came to the rescue are as I have said are very helpful. They have been helping me too when I was still exploring this site. They have even…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic We Have a Plagiarist on the Site in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    Where are they? Those plagiarists? Now they are gone. Pestering us of their copy-paste articles have bothered us so much for we’re working it so hard to come up with our own posts, but theirs is to do it with ease and earns as much penny they want. It is, of course, too unfair. Now @support has done something for them which they couldn’t forget fo…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Now plagiarists are gone. Pestering us of their copy-paste articles have bothered us so much for we’re working it so hard to come up with our own posts, but theirs is to do it with ease and earns as much penny they want.

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    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Killing Is No Joke 8 years, 3 months ago

    “I will kill you.”

    This seems to be fearful and scary especially to the Filipino people, but this is true. This is the warning verbally issued by the President-elect Rody Duterte of the Philippines to the […]

    • I think it’s very scary that any president of a country anywhere in the world should promote vigilantism and make so many threats to kill criminals. While I think it’s a laudable goal to want to stem corruption, I don’t believe that capital punishment or gunning people down in the streets will help anything. It will only increase violence and fear.

    • Criminal and killers are at large in every country because there is no capital punishment in the country as all see in Saudi Arabia no murder, no killing, no violence, no threat, no corruption…because they act upon the law of Sahia or according to the Holy Book is called Quran.

      The holy Bible also says capital punishment but people do not act uopn it knowingly why? I do not know its reason.

      The Advantages of the Death Penalty
      It shows that the justice system has no sympathy for the criminals.
      When criminals escape from the capital punishment, they repeat their crimes and take more innocent lives.

      The availability of modern testings such as DNA testing reduces the chances of punishing the innocents; therefore, capital punishment can be an effective tool to control the crimes.
      The death penalty can address the problem of overpopulation in the prisons.
      It gives closure to the families of the victims who have already suffered a lot.

      The Disadvantages of Death Penalty
      Though there are scientific methods available to investigate the crime, nothing is guaranteed. You cannot remove the chances of punishing innocents completely.

      The cost involved on the death penalty prosecution is greater than the expenses occurred in the life imprisonment of the accused. The appeals against such capital punishments take too long to decide, and often it takes years to decide the fate of the death penalty. All these things make the death penalty an expensive option for the governments who spend millions of the dollars of the taxpayer money on death penalty prosecutions.

      It is reported that some of the jury members are not completely impartial as they decide the penalty on racial or religious basis.
      Some of the accused are mentally ill, and it is ethically wrong to put mentally ill patients to the death.

      In most cases people who can afford to hire the expensive lawyers often survived from such kind of capital punishment. People who are poor, and cannot afford to get a quality legal assistance becomes the victim of this penalty.

      Some of the experts believe that life prison is a more effective punishment to control crimes as compared to the death penalty. The countries where the death penalty is banned have less capital crime rate as compared to those countries where the death penalty is practiced.

      Every country must impose capital punishment for public safety.

      • I also believe that capital punishment such as the death penalty should be imposed, specially for so heinous crimes like murders and rapes or even being a manufacturer of drugs because by itself it is heinous crime since it wrecks the lives of many people including those young people.

        But this should be meted out only if the person is really proven guilty.

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic How much long we may create a blog….? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    If you are a fast typist or encode, you could create a blog with 300 words for one or two minutes. But if you are that kind of person who “seek and ye shall find”, it will take 30 minutes or an hour for such length of a blog. So it depends on the typing skill of a writer. And when it regards to go online after you are done with your blog, it would…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Do you teach your kids to use knife? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, we do teach our children on how to use knife properly to avoid cutting their hands accidentally. Safety measures in any undertakings they do should be strictly observed. We also teach them on how to take care of the knife to render its maximum service and where to place it after using it. We teach them how to handle knife when cutting…[Read more]

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic How long does it take for a blogpost to be approved and published? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    I couldn’t remember anymore on how long does a post be approved and went “live” online. As far as I could remember, my post took a day or so to get live or published. I will try to experiment it. Today I am going to write a blog and submit it and wait or monitor on how many days will it take to be approved and published.

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