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    jarik started the topic Joint force againt terrorism in the forum Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

    From my point of view, I think that if there can be whole hearted joint force against terrorism, then it can be eradicated but not when some of  the political powers are encouraging terrorism, it doesn’t work that way.

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    jarik started the topic Joint force againt terrorism in the forum Group logo of A look into Nigeria and Boko haramA look into Nigeria and Boko haram 8 years ago

    From my point of view, I think that if there can be whole hearted joint force against terrorism, then it can be eradicated but not when of  the political powers are encouraging terrorism, it doesn’t work that way.

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    jarik posted an update 8 years ago

    The only way to live a healthy life is to have Jesus christ dwelling inside you.

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    jarik created the group Group logo of Prayer Changes All ThingsPrayer Changes All Things 8 years ago

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    jarik posted an update in the group Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    People will HATE you, RATE you, SHAKE you and BREAK you but how strong you stand is what MAKES you.

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    jarik replied to the topic Living in love in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 8 years ago

    I strongly agree with you, LOVE rules it all, without love we are nothing but the world we live in today even HATRED is confused for love. Where there is no love evil rules.

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    jarik wrote a new post, OVERCOMING ANGER 8 years ago


    Anger is a reactive behavior due lost of calmness and control over annoying situations or misunderstanding. There is a strong spirit behind anger that make sure it end with […]

    • Sure if any think about being a fool if they get angry,they won’t to be angry.

    • If a truly malicious and wicked person knows that you have a problem controlling your temper, they can use your “weakness” to psychologically manipulate you and get you to do their dirty work for them. Some folks call this process “mind games” or “pushing the right buttons”. I call it dirty, dark and nasty. Learn to exercise self-control. People who have anger issues, often have regrets. People who exercise self-control very seldom have regrets. Don’t turn yourself into a fool and don’t let other people make a fool out of you! Your anger is an emotion that can be controlled BY YOU.

      • jarik replied 8 years ago

        @Yvette, You right from a very good sense but we should try to excercise our faith and endurance. We can be angry but better excercise calmness. The reaction and end result can never be determined of excercised anger, many dead from reaction to anger didn’t know it would end that way. There are better ways to show that one is not a fool when another displays anger over the other. If a man begins to shout and the other is quiet, people will see the shout man as a mad man fighting himself.

        • My name is not Yvette. For some reason, your reply to her comments are appearing as a response to my comments. (O.o) (???)

        • Hello Jarik.

          I completely agree with you that we should rely on our faith and endurance when dealing with anger. I use my faith more so than anything. I do not get angry quickly; as a matter of fact I try my best to stay away from situations that I know that will anger me. My faith is strong including my person. I find that when a person humbles themselves that is one of the best remedies. Believe me when I say that I have had to humble myself many times; whether it is at work, out in public or at home. It is definitely better to quickly react calmly to a situation before it can get out of hand or control. Thank you for your response, I really appreciate your information.

    • I still remember my moms qoutes when she’s still living, she always reminds me that “anger” means “danger” due to uncontrollable emotions we tend to be wicked in some certain scenarios in our life and later we will realize the foolishness that we have done and regret it afterwards. Let’s face it, nobody’s perfect all of us is imperfect but we are trying to be a better person from all our mistake that we have done in the past. It’s important to control your emotions and calm yourself down for your own sake as well as for the sake of those around you. If you’re experiencing overwhelming rage, though, it could be damaging your mental and physicalhealth as well as your relationships with others. Uncontrolled anger can be indicative of
      underlying problems, such as anger management issues or mental disorder.

      • jarik replied 8 years ago

        In line with what you wrote, there is the animal side of every person but it if how good we manage it. Many people do not know about their animal side untill they meet someone in their life that forces it out and this some become very glued to you that he or she is unavoidable. For example it could be a lover that lies and holds onto it even when the truth is clear and you are the type that lies irritates, due to this you react angry in such a manner that after it all you begin to wonder if you were the one who actually acted like that. But walking away could also be a remedy for overcoming anger, but we need to be sensitive to situations because they varies. If we are sensitive to situations arising to anger, we will always know the best management method to apply at every arising anger stimulated situations. Sometime a little sorry can calm or end it all. It implies that we shouldn’t see say sorry as being cowards because every person have their likes and dislikes, do and don’t, wrongs and rights from their own point of view. So if someone says this you have done displeases me, a simple sorry can resolve a devastating angered ending result.

    • It has a lot to do with one’s mental health. After all it is an emotion and those who cannot control it surely must be having health issues. When a person gets drunk you often find them either getting angry or the other way around – happy and cheerful. Some need drinks to be in that state but some already are mentally affected.

    • Anger is a VERY POWERFUL emotion that can take you down the wrong path if you’re not careful.

      • Sure you are very right, anger can destroy a man easily because anger cause lost of self control and a man without control should be feared like a car on motion without a driver or a lion on the lose. When a man is angry, he makes only the wrong decisions and the followe up action always end in a regrettable result.

    • In order for a person to overcome anger, that person has to deal with the root of it and the issues behind the anger. Think about when a person becomes bitter they have not forgave people that’s hurt them. Also, they’re still living in the past and haven’t moved on.

    • The best thing to do is to think many times before doing it. Do not decide when you are still in the height of your anger because you will not get good decision and outcome. Sometimes its really hard to overcome anger and I think only few people can hide it. Most people show their anger and cannot really control it. But with bible verses, I think it will help a lot.

    • Respect to all but we all get angry now and then. Whether it is a little bit or a lot. First there are various tools that make us angry. It could be something that a child, teenager, friend, or loved one did. Humans are filled with emotions and if we did not have emotions I would think that we all would be robotic. Some may say no I do not get angry but that would be a untrue statement because here is an example. A friend is having a wedding and a certain lady anticipates that she will be the maiden of honor; she finds out that someone else will be. I am pretty sure that this feeling will bring on, not only hurtful feelings but at the same time she will be angry. Most likely hurt will over power the anger but still she will be angry. I face this feeling at times (anger). Not everyday but some times and the society that we live tends to provoke you feeling angry. Another example; someone who has abruptly cut you off in busy traffic or someone who is road raging. We will most likely feel anger because this person might have caused an accident and could have been an accident in which someone could have been killed. This world has gotten worse with so many various issues that we deal with on a daily basis. I find strength with my belief in God and as that saying goes; “Keep my circle small”. I am not a hard person to get along with but find it challenging to join certain circles in life. Believe me when I say that I am not perfect and none of us are but I prefer to stay tranquil and if I do not have this in my life then there is a problem. Anywho! I found this to be an interesting topic. Any responses are greatly appreciated. Have not been on here in a while. Working my butt off. God bless all.

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    jarik posted an update in the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    I like to know if I earn from posting or sharing on social medias, also what earns me more.

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    pranjal mishra and Profile picture of Grecy GarciaGrecy Garcia are now friends 8 years ago

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    jarik posted an update 8 years ago

    @lovern, Its seem not to be spinning right yet, i need some more guidelines on how to move up here. Thanks

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