• Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft and Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?WHYZ'DAT? are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Different People Whom We Meet And Become Friends With 7 years, 6 months ago

    Credit image share to clker.com images (24).jpg

    In the course of our journey in life we happen to meet different kinds of people whom we meet and become friends with. As each individual is unique and different […]

    • We have different kinds of friends and one that we treasure most are our best friends who remained loyal and seemed attached to us though we are miles apart.

      We also have online friends whom we meet at sites like Literacybase. We consider them as friends because they share the same sentiments; same interests, and same outlook in life.

      We love those friends!

      • Agree with you many of the individuals whom we meet online and at sites like Literacybase share a lot of common interests, sentiments and outlook in life and the distance in this case does not matter. I have met most of my friends online. Here the binding force for many of the individuals is the writing and the profession which they are pursuing out of passion and not out of choice. That is what many friends out here are doing which I appreciate.

        Good to hear something which is echoed by many people in deeds and here the thoughts have been put on paper. Even facebook also is one such thing it depends on how one looks at each medium and what he or she is wanting to achieve through it in their life. I wish to thank all friends here. Appreciate your inspirational words and your views on this important subject.

  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Suffering of Jesus Christ no other person will ever be able to under go… in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 6 months ago

    Yes indeed the pain that Jesus went through for our inequities is unbearable. He went through scorn, he was spat at, criticized whipped all because of our sins. How much love can one give to, or be willing to go through all this things just to save the souls of people? Leave alone people even doing something like risking one’s life for the ones…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic "The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom in the forum Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 6 months ago

    Not read for far but will try to see if I can catch up to it sometimes perhaps



  • Profile picture of Anitah Gimase

    Anitah Gimase replied to the topic Legitimate Money Making Site for Writers in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Those are some nice thoughts there. I would really love to hoin another aite that pays. But the thing is are all this sites open for the international users? I would very much appreciate it if you would tell me if they are open likeForumCoin
    thedollarstretche are they open. If they are i would definitely check them out

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago


    Hope if things are happening like this admin will surely look into it because, why should this site which generates good content be affected by this. I would like more business to come to the site too. As we need a strong site which has to increase its business too. It is beneficial to the site and the authors if current issues are discussed.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Effective Ways A Sportsman Can Build His Physical Stamina And Endurance 7 years, 6 months ago

    Credit image share to getjar.com 861409_2.jpg

    Stamina and endurance are two important things which make a sportsman excel in his or her chosen field of sport. Here are some effective ways in which a sportsman […]

    • An athlete should follow a proper exercise routine before training on his chosen sport activity. There should be discipline on his part to make his body well toned and ready for the training. Yes, he should eat the right kind of food for longer stamina and strength.

      • Because I have observed sports well and have played sport I am able to appreciate what a sportsman goes through. As rightly observed by you it used to take long hours for me too. I had to play and the whole procedure used to take around four hours a day and over and above that a walk of around three to four kilometers. But I cherish my sporting career. Those were one of the best years of my life. Even though it had to stop abruptly as I got placed in a private job. Where it used to be night by the time I moved out of the office. Thanks for reminding me of my sporting days.

  • Profile picture of Jay grance

    Jay grance and Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?WHYZ'DAT? are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft replied to the topic Dear friends, SUPPORT replied me why I am not paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you for sharing this!!!

  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft posted an update in the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hi all! I’m new here and still haven’t read all the rules so I’m just interested is it allowed to post my already existing posts (my original) from other sites here somewhere? Thanks!

  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft joined the group Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    Hi all! Since I’m new here, I find it very interesting, only I am also on some other sites so it’s hard to post here regularly. I also don’t know all the rules and everything works here so I’m learning… 🙂

  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft replied to the topic Legitimate Money Making Site for Writers in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you very much you all for sharing this!!! I am also on Niume and myLot btw… 🙂


  • Profile picture of Ta.S Art & Craft

    Ta.S Art & Craft replied to the topic Legitimate Money Making Site for Writers in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you very much for sharing this!!!

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago


    Feel sad about hearing this. As writers we should be able to write on different topics of interest on which we can share information. This also increases the scope of the articles which can be written by a writer. A writer writes based on experiences on life which may be from facts too. @support should look into this matters as to what…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of happsingh

    HARPREET SINGH replied to the topic What Should I Do Now **** Still Not Paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @lovern yeah money works as oxygen as well. We cannot live without money and we cannot live without oxygen as well. Also medical oxygen can be purchased with money only so money = Oxygen lol.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Agree Or Disagree On This Quote: With Love One Can Live Even Without Happiness (Fyodor Dostoevsky) 7 years, 6 months ago

    Ask yourself now if you are this victim of suffering. Try to imagine what you had in the past and what you are until this time. There is so much to investigate about the matter that almost crucifies your entire […]

    • This blog touches the different aspects of human relationships especially those of family relationships. These relationships have been made too complex by people of today’s time and age. The sooner they reduce this complexity the better it is for the people. There has always to be a give and take in a relationship if it is one sided then it means it is heading for trouble. This is better avoided by all parties concerned. For the sake of the relationship. Whether it be a boyfriend girlfriend relationship of the one between the husband and wife. Thanks for the share. Good to see you back to writing blogs.

    • I pity your teacher friend. Her mother is quite selfish for not allowing her to enjoy her own life and career. Her mom could afford a caregiver, but she insisted on having her (daughter) by her side. She would be so lonely if her mother dies, leaving her alone.

      But it could have a blessing in disguise because it is said that caring for a sick or old mother/parents will be rewarded in the future. It is good karma! Who knows, someday she can also meet someone whom will be with her for a lifetime.

      Or it could be blessing in disguise because if she married now and met a wife-batterer husband, she would regret it, and think that she should had listened to her mother!

      There is no such thing as loving in spite of being a “punching bag” of a husband! That is not love but being a martyr! (or false love!).

    • Thank you friend for you very nice thoughts on this blogs, yes you are right, each one must evaluate the gravity of the cause to avoid sufferings, and endless unhappiness. I am back to write for pleasure .

    • love is happiness, how cana separate them, they are one, love is situatons tha make o u ahppy, love is meaning full life togeether that make you happy, love is school of hapinness, love is work toegether to be happy, love is support each other which make humans happy, so how can love be soething elss than happiness, no way, for sure no way, love is the world the maily the friens the husband and wife the friends and kids and enighbors , its God love the suport you i all times

    • @mangoh, Thanks for your inspiring share to the blog, yes love is truly beautiful for we never care about how we struggle.

    • Love is the only reason why we endure and why we still have the strength to carry on. Love is so powerful that everyday we ignore the pains we hold and keep because we are afraid our love will not be happy if see us in bitter days.Though not anymore happy but love is the binding block to make the whole part of the family intact.

    • Someone I knew said that anything you did was your choice and you cannot blame anyone but yourself for choosing that path.

      What ever life you took, it is always your will. You can either choose between a yes and a no. But sometimes, human factor comes in.

      The story about your teacher friend, maybe her compassion made her choose to stay with her mom and not go against her wishes.

      But at the end of the day, the question is: Are we happy on path we decided to take?

    • If we give a serious thought to it we can arrive at a conclusion that there are no such things like ‘love’, ‘hate’,’affection’, ‘hatred’ etc., Everything is situational dependent. You can never have a perfect love from anybody and also for anybody. Once you realize that no one will be with you forever it goes towards ‘MAYA’. This is not the topic for present discussion.
      I really pity the teacher. Her mother is selfish because there is no one to lean on except the daughter who is earning. If the daughter is married she can not take responsibility and take care of her children. This is one aspect. If she has not allowed her daughter to marry or to have a bf only for losing financial support then we have to think that this has become quite common nowadays. But, this is very cruel which has relegates to corner all the human values.
      This is prevailing more in Brahmin families nowadays who are treated with great respect and honor for their knowledge. They do not care to earn money for their children without realizing the fact that money has got some value in the present day society.This is due to their ignorance.
      But, there are some rich and wealthy families. The situation mentioned in the blog is prevailing in financially well-off families also. The sons do not take care of their parents and move out of their house in search of their own job, get married and stay somewhere. The daughters who are married have to take care of the parents. In such situation, the parents stoop down to such a mean level of getting her married daughter divorced and keep her along with them. They create some misunderstand or the other between husband and wife and see that the marriage relationship is broken. What should we call this? This I have noticed personally.
      Everybody has to devote some time for one’s own happiness and personal comforts. Even a person having a good family should devote or allow some time for his personal happiness which can be experienced by him only as per his desires and wants. It does not mean that he should become an addict to it and neglect his family. He should also allow other members to spend some part of their time for their personal happiness.

    • @Ruby, That is a very nice question if we both are happy in the road we chose to traverse, for me yes, of course for I love my family and each of us at home got a nice job. We have our teamwork. But there are others I knew having a problematic marriage and because of their children the wife remains a martyr.My female friend and neighbor for example has a younger sister living with them she is grade 7,but one day her husband attempted to molest her sister. I told her to blotter it to police her answer was her husband pledged never to do it again and he can never do it. I asked her why she cannot leave her husband, her answer was, no one to feed them she and their 2 year old baby girl. That husband might have a karma someday. Her husband was sued in DSWD and he pledged there never to harm her young sister in law, what a shit guy.This is it now the example living in pain and need and love despite not anymore happy at all in their marriage.

    • @Krishna Kumar , Thank you friend for your very much appreciated share of this blog, you are right. Let us hope that no one suffers a burden own by others. The feeling is so bad if hard to escape the place that gives and brings so much pain and struggles. It is not easy to cross and surpass all kinds of struggles; after all…Love.

    • @sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam , Thank you so much for sharing synonymous experience to my teacher friend.Her siblings 3 of them work as nurses in United States and keep on sending money to them, plus her mom has her own pension and pension she receives monthly from her deceased military official husband. They are not poor by the way, they just do not understand circumstances once the mother leaves her daughter forever.I do not like that kind of life, so unfair; yet because of love, she could remain with her mom despite not happy at all.

    • look, god created us to choose which way or path that we must follow and sometimes we choose whats right whether its family, friends, or enemies. We choose the next best thing which is the right thing. You have to be happy in order to seek love as well. For us females we will choose if we are happy in a relationship before we even think about taking it a step further but we to also make sure that our family is ok with us being in this relationship. Maybe she choose what was or what she felt that was best for her.

    • love

    • @Latisha Perkins, at least you have your own interpretation of the quote of this famous writer. There are many people experiencing this kind of life, just to show sign of gratitude and for the sake of God to persevere the struggles in life because of love despite no happiness at all. Sometimes you just close your eyes and cry to mean too uch to bear that kind of life. Love is indeed the reason why persevere.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What Should I Do Now **** Still Not Paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @HARPREET SINGH hahahaha, so funny I thought that is all about breathing support you need hahaha. Well, let us just wait for the right time for that is policy and must be followed and not to compromise. Let us be happy all the time for that is what God wants us to do.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    @TreathyI Fox





    Here we are discussing about software which check and not about the humans who cheat that is a totally different topic.

    One more thing is these checkers are giving different rates like plain search, deep search etc. If these software want to exist in the market they have to do a good job. If they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of suny

    suny wrote a new post, The Joy is right within us but you have to find it 7 years, 6 months ago

    I have been thinking about it for a long time but never got a proper answer for my query. Here is a simple question ‘just what you do for having happiness?’

    It sounds a simple question but for me it has alw […]

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