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    @skysnap I know but if you add @ with username it is known as mention and will show in your feed as mention and you will be notified for sure.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Bon Chon , Max’s , KFC, Jollibee , DIY , McDonald’s , What Do They Have In Common? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Do you know what is common with the above restaurants?

    It’s fried chicken ! Their fried chicken is very delicious . But of course , there will be one who will reign supreme.

    But before I reveal what is the b […]

    • sorry but i hate kfc theya re full of oil, sometimes the chicken is notwellcooked and smell like old and the service is horrible, for the price the price is too much to the food hat you eat with that low quality, I will never go kfc again, and when i complain they do not care, omg how bad they are

    • @trees

      Oh is that so? Well here, maybe because there are a lot of competition, restaurants would really make their fried chickens delicious.

      KFC fried chicken here is delicious. Although, since I have my favorite which is a local one from here, I rated it a little lower.

      So what restaurant in your country, offers the most delicious fired chicken?

    • “nakakagutom naman!”

      I can’t help but shout this in our language.

      When Bon Chon opened, we tried it and I liked it because of its sweetness and I’m a sweettooth. But, if eaten often, its sweetness is a bit overwhelming.

      I like KFC, not so much for their fried chicken, but for their mushroom soup hehe.

      If I have enough money and I am with my family, we surely will go to Max’s.

      But if I have limited money, I’d always take the Crispy Chicken Sandwich of McDo. i also love its apple pie.

      Din, what’s DIY? Sorry haven’t been to this place yet.

      Jollibee, a ‘playsafe’ kind of place. If you don’t know what to eat, go to this place.

      How about Army Navy?

      • @Ruby ,

        Ate Rubs, yes I am sure those that have read this, will surely say that “nakakagutom”, (made me hungry?) I don’t know how to put it right in English though. lol

        Really, you like Bon Chon’s fried chicken. I have this taste for chicken which should be a bit salty but not sweet, though if it is of sweet and sour taste, I would surely love it. You have a sweet tooth indeed, since you like it.

        DIY Burgers , which literally means Do It Yourself Burgers , is a restaurant that serves very big burger and you can customize what to put in your burger by choosing what are those stuffs you want. For every filling , there is a corresponding amount. he he he

        And just like you, if it is a family outing and have a big budget , we will certainly go to Max’s .

        But if not McDo or Jollibee would be affordable yet so filling already. 🙂

    • I haven’t tried Bon Chon though it was opened months ago in mall here. I don’t like sweet chicken. Of those you mentioned, I (we) like Max’s best, though the other ones are cheaper. My next choice is Jollibee chicken. Thanks for the review, and yes, these companies should pay you for endorsing their chicken!

    • I like it so much.

      • @Mohammad Rafiq Akhtar ,

        Which one of those do you like much? I have enumerated and described 6 different stores that serves it.

        Do you like the breaded fried chicken or the as it is fried chicken?

        In your place, what are those stores who serves delicious fried chickens?

        So which one do you like going to, to eat fried chicken. How much do they cost? Do they come with rice and a coke too?

    • Is fried chicken one of your favorites too? For me, it is. It cannot be helped that when I go to the mall I would always choose fried chicken with rice budget meal.

      That price of $5 is expensive compared to the fastfood outlet’s budget meals for 2 piece chicken, with rice , gravy and a drink.

      Though for the fine dining restaurants, the are the same for their budget meal of chicken with side dish, a dessert and softdrinks.

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic A – Z Story Challenge in the forum Group logo of Writing Challenges & TipsWriting Challenges & Tips 7 years, 6 months ago

    Not a bad idea. But let me get free from my story series.

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    The new finanacial year FY 2017-18 starts. Let us hope for a new good FY.

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    PEEUSH TRIKHA wrote a new post, Operation Whitewaters: The Wrath of the Unknown Enemy – XI 7 years, 6 months ago

    Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and any resemblance to any events or characters is purely coincidental.
    Continued from : Operation Whitewaters: The Wrath of the Unknown Enemy – X




    Operation Wh […]

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    US will solve the threat of north korea alone says Trump . BBC News

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    Samuel Ekechukwu wrote a new post, Go and Do This If You Are Still Desperate For Children 3 Pray for Yourself 7 years, 6 months ago

    In your prayers,ask your creator,He has” your life’s blue print in His hands” to lift your procreational estate and not to abandon you to laughter,mockery,jeering and insult of satan and his agents ,who act h […]

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    Samuel Ekechukwu wrote a new post, Go and Do This If You Are Still Desperate For Children 2 Relieve a Pastor of Burdens 7 years, 6 months ago

    There are couples whose gifts of children are divinely tied to the pronouncement of their spiritual leaders. The Pastor of the expectant couples gladly prays for the couple presenting their condition to God for […]

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    Samuel Ekechukwu wrote a new post, Go and Do This If You Are Still Desperate For Children 1 Go and Make A Vow 7 years, 6 months ago

    If you are desperate to have a child,go to a Godly priest and make a vow like Hana This is th story of Hana.
    See 1st Samuel 1:8-11 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why do you weep? And […]

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  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Are There Marriages Broken Because A Wife- Husband Snores? 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am just curious to know considering that I am single no partner in bed, lol. By the way is there anyone there who knows somebody marriage broken because a husband or a wife snores? I am thankful I do […]

    • I am no to that divorcing a spouse because he or she snores, that is a very shallow reason for me, but those who favors, I will not interact them for it is also not easy to lack sleep and marriage is made eternal.So if you cannot bear the pain of losing a sleep than losing a wife or husband, it is up to you.

    • If a marriage did end in divorce due to snoring then it couldn’t have been a very strong marriage to begin with. My partner snores and it drives me mad so I wear ear plugs, and if on the odd occasion it is really bad and I can still hear him (if he is ill for example) then I will sleep in the spare room. I definitely wouldn’t leave him lol x

    • I think just snoring may not be a good and sufficient reason for divorce. If it is so, then the foundation is not laid properly They should have exchanged views and hobbies, weaknesses and temperament. In India, it is very hard to get a divorce. No court accepts it as a valid reason for divorce. Of course, even in western countries, it may perhaps be considered as a valid reason. There may be one or two singular cases.

    • no I will not divorce just for snoring it will be crazy and no right, and if that was the case that’s because the marriage was not strong and find an excuse to divorce.

    • I snore but our relationship is still intact. I snore more than my husband. Sometimes I woke up by the sound of my snore.

    • @shelly osborne, Really? hehehehe, my friend also told me that she cannot sleep well because her hubby snores so what she did she sleeps in the other room until her husband cried hehehe. After that she just programmed in her mind her husband’s snore is music,lol.

    • @Damian Lissi,That is a very strong reason , why divorce just because a husband or a wife snores. I think snoring stops after few hours when the person is in deep sleep. Also snoring gets slower when the person is also in deep sleep. It will be better to just cover the ears with a headphone or advise the partner to sleep with his / her side. Tanks for your very nice thought and feeling of this snoring problem.

    • I only learned that I snore when my husband told me. He gets to hear it when I sleep earlier than him. And when I asked him if it is so loud , he said it’s not. Though it can be heard.

      He also snores, though sometimes only. And when it gets guttural , like he will choke, I wake him up and he will sleep on his side and won’t be snoring.

      Well, I guess I don’t snore loud because he doesn’t wake me up. Because I am sure that if I snore loudly, he will. He even wakes me up when I have a nightmare.

      You are right, snoring is a shallow reason to separate from your husband. lol

    • @Dina, wow that is so sweet my friend hehehe snoring could be music to ears and disgusting to the membrane, lol. That is nice your husband do not feel hurt if wake him if sense his snore is somewhat different. That is the usual advise by doctors to sleep on the side to escape snoring, but there are others that cannot sleep if sleep that way.They better buy snoring ring so that they can have a better sleep with their husband or wife. Snoring is indeed irritating and blood boiling. It triggers the person’s stable emotion to an irritating one.

    • @Ruby, really? What is the sound of your snore on high mood? hehehehe maybe fluctuating.That is nice your husband is not disturbed with your high modulated snore,lol, and you too do not bother at all about how your husband sounds his snore.That is real and true love my friend. Congrats.

    • I have read that there have been divorces based on such silly reasons. Tolerance is the key for success of any relationship to continue. If the couple have a sound sleep one may not realise about the snoring. Snoring by ourselves cannot be felt by ourselves. Others only can notice. good day. — sambasivan now in California

    • @SAMBASIVAN.S. , whew, how is Calif my friend? I am so happy for you now in California. Maybe it is Spring time there. About snoring,oh so sad for those who divorced because of snoring problem. Snoring is not intentional and I think there is no capsule to swallow for a snore to stop hahahaha. Thanks.

    • I haven’t heard something like that situation but there are others that are just looking for a hole to move out from the relationship. Thankfully divorce is not legal in our country..

    • Snoring is the most annoying behaviour that anyone could have. I for one cannot stand snoring but again I think it’s something that is unavoidable really. I don’t think someone would choose to do it intentionally when they know they are irritating someone would they? Maybe there are those who would do that just to get on someone’s nerves as a pay back for something they did but it’s not noble. I remember when my dad was still alive he would snore so hard sometimes and I always used to ask myself how does my mum sleep soundly even with that noise it’s so irritating. I could hear him snoring coz it was so loud. Anyway me i have always thought snoring comes as a result of someone being so tired but it just happens even when you are not tired. I guess it’s just the position one sleeps. Experts say that if you sleep with your head facing up you are likely to snore, but if your facing on your sides you don’t snore I think it works. For that person who would divorce their spouse for snoring, i think they just don’t know what they are doing in that marriage. How can you use that as a basis to break your marriage. I would say it’s just an excuse to leave the marriage for some other reason. That’s too petty to even think about it. I have never heard of anyone who has done that personally but am sure if research is done you might just find someone did that. It’s quite unfortunate but with the rate of people getting married for all the wrong reasons it’s possible.

    • @Tita, you may be right that those who filed a divorce may just use the issue on snore just to have something to prove. It will be a painful feeling to have your partner divorce because you snore, very shallow reason, third party might be the real cause not the snore.

    • @Anitah Gimase ,Hi friend? I so appreciate your logical explanations about the issue on snoring. Better your mom endured and that means love is greater than the annoyance of snore. Snoring is man’s topic worldwide for it does not only imply disturbance but likewise, health problem of the snorer. Medics said that those who snore may also have heart problem or asthma problem that is bad if snore for the person may suffocate from his/ her snore. In other statement from people of the world that those who snore may have been tired from whole day’s work and that no snores in the entire duration of sleep after few hours silence will be observed. Another way is, when one snores, he or she might have inherited it from their generation, you already know history repeats itself.

      Thanks for sharing your very nice and inspiring comment, very much reiterated ,

    • @cely, yes you are right about that. Most of the cases nowadays involved third party. My husband also snore when he sleep only when he’s very tired from work. Of course I was annoyed but then I couldn’t do anything about it but to understand. I even tried to sleep in the sofa until he stop snoring lol.

    • Let me continue the love story I am posting here now. Check my profile for the rest
      “Give me high five, Chioma screamed and danced inside
      the room, ooooooh, Amy na, give me high five, u hit him
      hard, i mean sooo hard, i’ve never seen my brother like
      this, and no one has ever challenged him the way you did”,
      Chioma blabbed, i stood looking at her, trying to
      understand all she’s saying, i cleared my throat, “eeeeh,
      Chioma what are trying to say? “So u still dont get it,oya,
      just give me high five” she hit my hand immediately,
      “wonderful , mother needs to hear this” she said sitting
      down, “ooooh, Chioma pls i’m so sorry for shouting at your
      elder brother, he got me angry, he was so rude to me,” i
      tried explaining all that happened, but Chioma wasnt paying
      attention, “Chioma, are you listening to me?she turned to
      face me,” Amy i’m so happy, just forget everything that
      happened,pls help me pack my belongings, dad called
      mum, we shall be leaving in two days time, “that’s good,
      just dont forget me when you get to Lagos, i replied,” i
      wont be travelling abroad again, i want to here in Nigeria,
      i’ve begged daddy to bring you to Lagos, we can attend the
      same University, i would really love you being close to me,
      pls i hope you dont mind”, why will i mind? I thought ght to
      myself, i’ve been asking God for an opportunity to leave the
      village, and here it comes, i was so happy within me but
      the thought of her brother made my happiness vanish, i
      cant stand that boy, he’s so spoilt, but i need to leave the
      village,aah, my mother nko? Who will take care of her?
      What about my uncle? Who will cook for my mother, ”
      I was still in my thought when she coughed, her cough
      jerked me out of my thought,” dont worry i’ll take care of
      you, my mum will love it if you agree to coming with us to
      the city, she has spoken to your mum about it, and as for
      my brother and his girlfriend, just ignore them, you wont be
      seeing more of him because he’s never at home,” she said
      trying to make me smile, i smiled at her, “i wont leave the
      village until i gain admission, i’m yet to write my Jamb,
      once i’m done and i’m sure of my admission then i can
      move to the city,
      For the meantime, i need to enroll in a computer class, and
      also attend lessn for my jamb,i told her,” Do u know why i
      like you? “she asked me,” i kept mute,” i like you because
      of how you reason, take your time, dont rush, i’ll be waiting,
      i’ll resume school January at UNILAG, i know you’ve heard
      about the school, that’s where we shall school, for now, i’ll
      be lonely without you”, she said trying to feign crying, i
      laughed at her, “see fine girl crying,” i hugged her, “dont
      miss me so much, i don’t want to cry,” i consoled her,
      within these few days, Chioma and i have become fond of
      each other, i was so happy i met her,
      She stood up immediately, “sweetheart, let’s go out and
      have fresh air, are you not tired of staying indoor? Watching
      what u’re not understanding,” she was referring to the
      channel i was watching, ZEEworld, i’ve heard people talk
      about their good movies,my mother cant afford it so i only
      listen to my classmates talk about the series, Chioma was
      right, though the movie is interesting, i dont understand
      what the story is all about, “i’m tired of staying indoor, let’s
      go out,” i told her,she dragged me out of the room.
      In the compound, she ordered for juice, we sat down
      chatting, “i’ll visit my cousin this evening to know how far
      they have gone with their preparations for tomorrow, Chizzy
      will be sleeping over at their place, i’ll go there this
      evening and return later in the night, then first thing
      tomorrow morning i’ll leave for her place, mmmmmh, from
      our schedule, i doubt if we will make it next tomorrow to
      Lagos, “she said slightly hitting her head,” what is it?, why
      are u hitting your head”? I asked in confusion,
      “just see my life, i begged you to help me pack my things,
      and i” ve been talking and talking that i forgot, “she said,”
      just packing? Oya, finish your juice let’s go and pack, i need
      to mine too to return to my home, at least i’m now
      perfect”, i told her, “hmmmmm,

    • Oh I didn’t know that I was a loud snorer until my daughter complained about it when she slept with me one day. The my hubby also agreed that I would snore loudly when I am in deep sleep.
      However, he never complained about it. He just took his pillow and blankets, went to sleep on the sofa in the living room.
      Sometimes my hubby snores too and even make some grunting noises too.
      Its ok as long as he can sleep. He has insomnia.

      Just give and take

    • @michelee, you are funny girl you kicked your boyfriend because he snores hehe hehe. I think that is lovingly kicked,lols.I think only few people do not snore, mostly snore. I might also store someday when I reach 50 ha ha haha, I hope not or else people at home will complain if I snore. I am so thankful that I do not snore. @Tita, just understand your husband hehe hehe. He also does not have idea why he snores. Many are unconscius during sleep time aso they never know they snore.

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Stephanie RicoStephanie Rico are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

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