• Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Providing Benefits, Welfare And Amelioration To Workers 7 years, 4 months ago

    Imagine the garbage collector without hazard pay or a construction worker at risk of falling from the high rise building, a driver driving the passenger bus for more than 10 hours per day and enduring the everyday […]

    • In the US, people also respect those people who are doing small works or heavy works. But this is not the case in India. The person who earns less money in India is considered to be trivial. Here the owner treats his servant as an animal. Even after hard work every day, he does not have so much money that he can buy food for his family. This injustice has been running for many centuries. Now it’s time to change. Everyone should get their correct pay.

      • Such that kind of system our government want to change. The privilege and benefits of employees should be given by employers including the protection and good payment for them. Its only good when the government act in this kind of problem and not just let the employers do want they want. If the government will protect the employees maybe they will have a better productivity and output.

    • That is so nice to know that such bill to protect the workers will soon be passed.

      It’s high time that these workers should be given their due hazard pays especially those construction workers who work under the scorching sun.

      The company I am employed with really follows the rules of DOLE with regards the pay, leaves and the like. They know the consequences when we are not able to abide by them, because before we were sued by workers.

      Now, our company learned our lessons so we really abide by the laws of DOLE.

  • Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHA

    PEEUSH TRIKHA wrote a new post, Operation Whitewaters: The Wrath of the Unknown Enemy – XIX 7 years, 4 months ago

    Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and any resemblance to any events or characters is purely coincidental.
    Any Indian Military designations used are also imaginary and may or many not exist in real […]

    • Oh, so it is part of the story. I though it is real-life happening. Its good this is just a narrative story.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic 21st May and still waiting for April payment.. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    @krds12 , None is paid here for the April redemption. It is believed that few days from now the site willshut down and we cannot any more open this.We might ony see on screen Error 404 This happens because the site has many cheaters submitting plagiarized content. The site better closed.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 4 months ago

    @krds12 , Sorry to inform you that I ahve not received my payment of those long blogs that I labored. It is not only me not paid ALLL that had redeemed end of April not paid. The site @Support does not anymore show up to reply and give update about the status of this site.

    I do not know why they failed to pay.It should be between the 10th and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, If You Were Me, What Should You Do? 7 years, 4 months ago

    If You Were Me, What Should You Do?
    By erlymags ( @cely / @lovern )

    This is about confession. I have helped three people got employment in the university where I am teaching, two females and one male. Except the […]

    • There are indeed insensitive people. I now fully agree that there are so many of them like those people mentioned here I helped got employment, useless being. I hope they would not stumble on the rugged ground so they will surely see my face to beg for another help which i would rather say to them, enough is enough. You are not human enough to be given trust and consideration.

    • I think that is becoming so normal with people like we are. Just like when a person is trying to loan some money from you. YOu are the most important person to them because they want something from you. But when the time you need the money and ask for their payment, that’s the time you will become their worst enemies.

      I think the best thing for us to do is just forget what we have done to them. Anyway, its our deeds that make us to become human and not them. We helped them, that’s it. They don’t remember what we did for them, its okay, at least in heaven that will be remember.

    • Though the Bible said that we should not expect favors or anything in return for our good deeds, we are but human not to feel so disgusted and sorry for helping them in times of need. You are right, ignore them and someday they might realise the wrong they had done to you!

      The old lady is better. She deserves your help.

    • So you learned your lesson now in who to help.

      The two ones are ingrates. They didn’t even remember to give you something when they first received their salaries from the university where you referred them.

      Wow, imagine the other one is a relative and yet she didn’t invite you on her wedding day.

      And the other one, did not even thank you once he was taken in.

      So you see, it is better to help people of no relation at all to you especially the old woman. So nice of her to always give you a gift on your birthdays. But how did she know your birth date, by the way?

    • @Dina, you are right friend, but God might have used me as the instrument for these insensitive people to survive.There are really humans like them. If only someone has helped me, rest assured, that person can say he or she never regret in helping me. But these two persons, do not have intestines hahaha. They will never be rich for God won’t allow them to be this for they are like Judas.

    • What happens, after these experiences, is that you step back. You don’t recommend anyone, you keep your mouth shut. I have been luckier than you. When I think about helping someone they often do the most horrendous things so that I can only give thanks that I didn’t say anything.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 4 months ago

    Others just do magic. We cannot blame those stealers because Media Library is part in the blogging so far, but it will be better for each and everyone to observe the longevity of the images. They must not just copy and image newly used by the writer, the original finder of it at Pixabay or at any site the picture originated. It is so obvious that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Dear @SUPPORT – We Need Some Words From You? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @kaylar, so true, there is no single word from @Support.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @peachpurple, None is paid so far.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Avoid These Things While Driving 7 years, 4 months ago

    Road accidents are becoming incident in the national road. Reasons like reckless driving, inexperienced drivers, road rage, roads racing and many more are the most common issues.

    Victims that include drivers, […]

    • I am always careful in my driving, sometimesI commute afraid to drive too far places.There are so many reckless drivers this time.They lack discipline and seminar.

      • I think that is one of the best thing to do to avoid the vehicular accidents in the national road– to commute instead of using your own car. At least you can relax and sit well while in travel and let the driver do their job.

        But when times you really need to drive your own car, at least you take the precautionary measures to avoid possible road accidents. Being attentive in the steering wheel and breaks and eyes on the road always can help. At least we can be alert always.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic 21st May and still waiting for April payment.. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    None is paid until this time.No one knows why for the site owners do not care to talk to us.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Best Thing To Do This Rainy Day 7 years, 4 months ago

    It’s been raining since this morning. This has been the weather for the past three days. Just last week we are having problem about the long drought causing  scarcity of water—water level in the well getting deep […]

    • Great article

    • I prefer to stay at home during rainy days and watch Tv.

      • At least you can make some popcorn or fry some potato fries so you have something to eat while watching your favorite TV show. Or maybe you can just buy some cornik or squash seeds to munch in.

    • I also prefer to be just at home when it’s raining.

      I remember us, 5 siblings by your mention of your 6 children at home. It’s really a happy day when it’s raining. We would bathe in the rain and run here and there at our lawn.

      Then, after that we would be at home eating snacks. We also watch TV together with our parents.

      The rain always keeps us cozy and happy at home whenever it rains.

      Most of all, the rain keeps the surrounding cool. It’s best to sleep after lunch and at night when it’s raining.

    • Nice article. Rain is good but too much can be a problem. Over in Virginia, my area tends to have mosquitoes and they can be a problem after the rain. When it is raining, I tend to take a nap. I like to hear the sound of rain hitting my roof and side of the house. It’s like a symphony to me. Although,there have been times in which I was, not, taking a nap. During those times, I would take my android and watch some comedy videos. A good laugh is a plus to help you cope with the weather. It is, also, a healthy habit to do. Finally, thank you for sharing your tips. It was helpful and very insightful.

  • Profile picture of sourov ahmed

    sourov ahmed joined the group Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 4 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, It Hurts To say Goodbye 7 years, 4 months ago

    It Hurts To Say Goodbye

    By erlymags ( @cely/ @lovern )

    No one can deny this feeling that saying goodbye because someone is leaving you is so hurting. Humans as we are, we cannot control this kind of emotion […]

    • It hurts to say gooddbye for it is also not easy to forget the past with someone leaving us. Though the left is temporal, but the feeling cannot be controlled.Humans are truly emotional.

    • @Rob, thanks for feeling what I feel. I know you got me. maybe you are a new writer here and feeling desperate for the site never cares at all. They are dead.They no longer reply people here, so sad, what a terrible loss of the site to good writers they never care.

    • @cely,

      When we become members of a writing site, we are able to maintain rapport with our co-members with whom we get constant comments and interaction.

      Though, it cannot be avoided when the site will be closing. But we can always tell them about another site where we can continue our friendship with them.

      This happened to me when myLot told us that they won’t be a paying site anymore. We were paid still for those who have $5 and above on their banks.

      So, when a co-member told me to try Bubblews, I went there and invited the other myLotters.

      Thus, the fun continued at Bubblews. But it’s so sad when Bubblews closed. Although, I am already back at myLot, months after it finally closed. Others followed also.

      So, it’s just like that. We can continue whatever friendship we have here by inviting them to be with us with another site where we will be earning too.

      I am saddened when you said that LB will close. Was it announced officially?

    • @Dina, it is just a hearsay that this site is closing hehe. I think we are wrong. It seems the site owners are cleaning the site by sweeping away those plagiarized blogs. I hope that the site rises back so people come back and enjoy every discussion made. What makes writers think the site is closing because of the non-payment of the writers. I am not paid off that April redemption. Not only me, so many those who redeemed end of April. all not paid. That is the reason why writers condemed the site as to close soon. I hope not for I like Literacy base to exist for years.

    • It is sad to have heard many rumors that LB may soon be closing down its operation. Many of the friends and writers to have been affected due to their outstanding payment.

      Folks, I felt for you too, even I have just started and have contributed my few posts here, I don’t make that much when compared to you guys out there. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt a person because he or she have indeed genuinely have spent their precious times hour and hour here trying to make an extra income.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, Sore Eyes Are Here Again 7 years, 4 months ago

    Time to bring in the cool shades and eyeglasses, it’s the season of red eyes and pink eyes.

    “Don’t look at me, your eyes is burning!”

    Something like that is happening because of sore eyes or the medical […]

    • Hi? Sore eyes are bad.We must always protect our health. This kind of sickness cannot be healed right away, so it should be treated as soon as possible if feel eyes itchy and reddy.

    • Sore eyes is very contagious. That is why at the office, when one has sore eyes, it is imperative that he has to take a sick leave.

      And if ever his eyes begins having the symptoms of sore eyes, he should right away file a sick leave and go home and treat it. He should come back when it is already treated.

      I had sore eyes before when I was in elementary school. I was taken by my mom to an eye doctor who prescribed eye drops. Oh my, it’s so hard to wake up in the morning because my eyes would be filled with morning star. But after about three or five days of treating it with eye drops, it was gone.

      I don’t ever want to have sore eyes again.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    No payment, it might be next week site owners to pay us next week , I hope,lols.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I WILL MISS LITERACY BASE AND MY GOOD FRIENDS HERE in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    That is true Mylot is so slow and I do not like to interact with few cents in many hours, time consuming and electric bill soaring like crazy.Niume is also a candidate.

  • Profile picture of Lee Ka

    Lee Ka replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    The support team used to be very responsive. I wonder why they haven’t get back to us for so long. Hopefully they are still working on fixing any issues, or at least let us know what’d happened instead of making us guessing here.

    I have not got my last payment too.

  • Profile picture of SuperD

    SuperD wrote a new post, No More Smoking In Public Places 7 years, 4 months ago

    The executive order number 26 which was already signed lately by President Rody Duterte have strengthen in its implementation on anti-smoking after it was move to strictly implemented in every local government […]

    • Smoking was considered a symptom of high society in the 1970s. Smoking was considered a good styling. Many people have stopped smoking as they understand the dangerous effect of smoking. Smoking in today’s era is considered a bad habit. Smoking is a major cause of cancer and lots of people dead due to smoking. Surprising thing is that many doctors are smoking themselves. Even so, the number of smokers is gradually decreasing. I hope that in the coming time we get rid of smoking.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I WILL MISS LITERACY BASE AND MY GOOD FRIENDS HERE in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @kaylar , hehehehe , let us just wait and see, much better if this site can rise back. Those spammers may go back to hell.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic I WILL MISS LITERACY BASE AND MY GOOD FRIENDS HERE in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @kaylar, yes the spammers are dancing now in a crazy way thinking they prospered.They will never succeed in life. Bad karma and guilt are always following them.They are not humans. The site should have not hired impostors. Many suffer now and the site is buried.

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