Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 6 months agoForum Replies Created
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Yes I totally agree to this claim, I mean why would someone keep jumping from one job to another if they don’t have a problem. they seriously have a problem of not keeping a job or maybe they have a certain attitude or they are not patient people who would want to listen to other people this are not people that can be relied upon by companies. they cold turn out dangerous
I think my reaction would be to take it to a jewelry store and find out how much it would cost and if the money is good which I know it would I sell it and use the money to do something useful, I wouldn’t keep the diamond because I tend to believe that jewels sometimes hide a lot of things like witchcraft. |
Yes oi was a performer right from an early age both in church and in school I sang in the choir and as I grew older I sang in the school choir I also performed dances, in high school I was the best actress in my school years and that went on until I finished my high school education, and in college I used to do modeling that I took up shortly just for fun not professionally and I loved every bit of it and that boosted my confidence in the midst of people. |
Okay that will be hard because Papal is the one who receives your payments and it is there where you will receive your money then transfer it to your account not unless you want to o another transaction online then you can use the cash but if you have no cash in PayPal you cannot do any transaction. |
Oooh wow this is hard to say, but I don’t think I have ever had a second chance with love. I have never taken a chance to try and get back when m ex after breaking up I always felt once you leave then that’s it. am happy for you though not everyone has such chances on love, like we are always told that people come to your life for a season and a reason and when that season is over then their time in your life is also over so that’s how it is or how it has been with me always. |
@jodee stout am quite impressed at the way you view being spiritual, all those things that you do are all right but if you may permit to ask why don’t you go to church? you know church is not just about reading the bible and doing right or praying and just talking to God. being spiritual means fellowship, ministry, evangelism worship and the like and I have not heard you speak of all that. this is indeed a huge topic I just thought maybe I could spell out a few things am not saying that I know it all but that is what I have been taught. As for a religious person I feel those are the people who go to church listen to the word sing and that’s it they don’t really practice what they hear. |
Yes I must say I am one of those people who used to do that a lot but after learning more about how God operates and how he does his things I realized that God doesn’t need our help in anything he can do it by himself. and God is not a receptor of persons when he say he will do something for you all you have to do is just obey him and let him do the rest that’s it. |
If we stop to think a little bit we will realize when bad things happen to us its not because we are sinners or because God doesn’t love us, the main reason is for us to realize that God is the one who controls our lives and that he puts us in situations so that he can test our faith and see if we can trust him in issues that may come up in our lives, so that he can receive all the glory. |
Prayer plays a big part of my life, I don’t only pray when I am in need of something sometimes I just stop to think about what God has done for me and how far he has brought me and that is reason enough for me to pray and just say thank you. so my prayers take place anywhere and anytime. sometimes I just feel convicted to pray for someone and wherever I am a just whisper a small prayer and that really helps. we should not only pray when we need something. |
Your right @peachpurple sometimes God may not answer us the way that we want him to answer us or maybe we ask for something and he does not give it us because he knows best there is always a reason to it. remember his ways are not our ways so when he answers he ma answer in a way that we do not expect but its for a good reason. even when you do not have something to pray to God just saying thank for loving me is enough for him for he is a gracious God. |
Wow @nakitonnda this is very inspiring and what you have shared is actually true for those that believe. We are actually nothing without Faith. like it is written in the bible Faith without works is nothing. when we want to do something we have to have the faith that we can actually do it, otherwise we won’t be able to do it. so it is very important to put faith first in everything that we do. |
I may agree to some point with your statement but what other punishment would be more effective or what other way would be used to curb crime in our societies if not the death penalty. am thinking it could be the best thing because when someone thinks of spending time in jail then later on has to face a eath sentence that may scare people and keep them away from crime. no one wants to see their loved one being executed that’s the most gruesome thing anyone would watch those are my thoughts. |
Okay this may not sound so right but the way things are going in our societies I feel death penalty will perhaps help in some way to eradicate the kind of crimes that are coming up every other day. this could maybe serve as a warning to those people who do wrong all the time and think they can get away with the crime so I accept that kind of punishment |
@shavkat I too lost my father and it was very hard to deal with the fact they he was not going to be there anymore, and it is through that time that we got to know the people that are for us and those that are not. we saw the true colors of people, some people are total users all they want to grab what you have and leave you there suffering but God is always watching over his children. |
@downwriter wow your story is quite something its a mazing how kids change us and what they do to us. I can only imagine the kind of pain that you had to undergo when you lost your child, but God knew why like you said you used to be a carefree person before you got her and that taught you how to be humble and appreciate the little things in life. so I sometimes think things happen for a good reason and that’s why we are told sometimes to just let go off somethings and let God work out the rest. am glad that you accepted your daughter’s death and that you are okay now. |