Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 6 months agoForum Replies Created
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I think if I was giving an hour to go back and do what or meet someone from the past, I would go back to the time when my ex boyfriend was willing to open up a restuarant for me to run. I really wish that day would come back seriously. I cannot even explain what happened at that particular time that I was not able to open it. Right now am sure if I did open it I would be very far from where I am because during those days opening up a restuarant was way much easier and cheaper to run at the time as compared to now. Would someone being back that day? Lol!
I didn’t know at first that people can use th3 same username on different sites when I was a first times. But I have been seeing people talk about it and there ar3 those who use th3 same name others use different names altogether. I myself use different names on the sites that i am on I have never used the same username. In my thinking I used to think that if I use the same username on another site I may not be able to be accepted on that site. |
Hahaha it’s sounds like an imaginary kind of life, but the truth is life’s like that things happen and we wonder how is why something happened. Sometimes when we are busy that is what happens time goes by so fast that we don’t even have the time to do everything. And most of the time there is so much to be done with so little time. When you are just lazing around you have too much to do and then you start thinking like evrybody else has put their stuff on you but that’s just th3 way life is. We can’t really explain why it happens the way it does. |
Modern children have totally lost when it comes to put door games. Technology has literally taken over the kids of nowadays. No one wants their kids playing outside and mixing up with the rest of the children from the neighbourhood. And this is getting out of hand. All that do is seat infront of their computers and tablets playing games No time to stretch their muscles with the games that you have mentioned above. I think that’s why there are so many obese children around us. They don’t exercise like we used playing badminton that was a good way of shedding off days and cutting down calories. Something has to be done to make kids do what kids are supposed to do and not be the grown ups that they are not. |
I think your at t is being selfish and at the same time she is being unfair and overreacting over nothing. Why would she not consider inviting you to her birthday if she was not having the intention of hurting you. She must be having a personal vendetta with your mum and she doesn’t want to let it out. Such people really piss me out. If at all something happened between her and your mum why not come out and say it then get a solution to it? Instead of drugging everyone else with your problems. I really don’t think it’s just about your dafs death there must be something else. Anyway I wouldn’t say that your wrong to feel the way that you do it’s only natural that you would react that way after someone close did something like that to you. Anyway whatever it is it will pass and she will probably ask for forgiveness when she realized what she did. |
I will agree to that statement 100% ,because it is very true. Kids nowadays make fun of everything nothing seems serious to them anymore. They always feel like that can get away with everything. You may find some kids even talking back at their parents and not get punished and that’s very wrong. In our days you wouldn’t even think of saying anything to your parent after that have said something that you don’t agree with, if you did you would have to face the consequences right there. I don’t think I would be wrong to say that parents have slacked behind when it comes to parenting. Not all parents but most. |
I haven’t checked to see how many posts I have as at now but I am well over 6$ at th3 moment looking forward to redeeming soon though I can’t tell how soon that will be. Getting to the point is quite hard you have to put in a lot of effort and a lot of time as well to get there. But we are slowly coming up thus spending more time on the site to reach our targets |
Like other people have said your topic is lacking even a word to express what you are trying to bring on the platform for discussion. It’s not good to assume that everyone who is on this site knows what is said of mentioned there are those who may want something’s written out specifically and simply to understand, so when you bring up a topic try to put that into considerationthose are just my thoughts. We also need to know what your thoughts are on the subject are. Anyway to answer the question in terms of security I would prefer an iPhone it’s very convenient, but I’m the side of easy operations I would go for an Android coz it has lots of options as opposed to the iphone |
Changes are inevitable in our lives. They will always be part and parcel of our lives. So whether you have planned yourself or not you will never come across something that will not give you a challenge along the way. |
Honestly that is something that i wanted to know as well i ha e read that people are redeeming from LB like every other month and I keep wondering how they do it. I would alsoliketo know the amount of time that they spend on this site to be able to redeem in a month i ha sheen doing it for a while and I still haven’t reached my goal. Please share with us those who have already done that |
Your right cely there are countable people here who appear to be active in this site. I see the same same people posting and commenting, yet there are people who are joining every other day. There should be more interactions going on here so comeon people lets bring on the discussions. |
The points that you have given us up there are definitely true and they actually work. I remember one time when I was so depressed because of finishing college yet no job. My mum was very concerned about my well being at that point in time so she wouldn’t let me be on my own at anytime. Maybe she thought that i would do something ridiculous to myself but I know I wouldn’t have hurt myself in any way. Basically someone who is depressed just needs company to keep them occupied, and keep them away from their worries nice points they could really help someone. The only thing I maynit agree is the part of the salad and spicy foods does that really help |
No one should have the right to tell you how long you should take before you call your mum or dad, no one has a right to tell you when call your parents and no one has a right to call you names because you miss your mum. I mean parents are out back bones of we don’t talk to them oftenly then who should we talk to? They are the reason as to why we are where we are. I remember my fiancee telling me that I talk for long hours with my mum, and all I said is that she is my mum and I get a lot of pleasure just talking to her. Unlike you be feels that being that close is good what he doesn’t understand is what do we talk about for so long? Hahaha but anyway it’s good for your boyfriend to know that your mother is your best friend then he follows. But of course you cannot put him aside to spend more time with your mum |
Congratulations to all those who ha e manged to get to their layouts and received their payments. I am working towards mine still have a long way to go but am hoping I will be able to make it on time wish me luck. |
Sounds like a good site at least there are two people who have confirmed what they pay but how long does it take to get that 1$? Wallia you say that you get 1$ for 100 views and dawnwriter says 1000 views so which is which. I will wait and hear more about it before I join. And will also take some time and check it out. Thanks for sharing. |