Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 6 months agoForum Replies Created
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I concur with you cely when you say that God does nit intend for us to be poor. Sometime back i used to think that the person who cam up with this saying must have been a guy, and the reason i came up with this thought isvthat men sometimes like to blame their misfortunes and failures on money. You will find a man say for example last night i went out and i met this lady she was all so fine we had a great time and blablablahh right? Then he ends up saying i wish i didn’t have cash i wouldnt have gone out and spend it all on nonsensical things, i woyldnt have cheated and atuff like that. that statements will clearly state that money is the root of all evil because he wouldnt have done those things if he didnt have the money. Anyway getting back to the real issue i sometimes think that the statement is true given that nowadays all people do is worship money, and it is this same money that keeps us in th3 clubs all night drinking ourselves stupid, its the same money that makes people promiscuous, its the same money that brings infidelity into the family setting,its the same money that makes people become immoral and so on and so forth, so if you look at it we have turned our backs on God and started to adore money if that is not eveil then i dont know what is. Those are just my thoughts
Okay you have shared a topic yes but what do you want us to know about potential? you have not written anything about your topic it would be a good idea to write something about it then let others co tribute on it. Just thiught i would give you an idea on how it works. |
I received a couple of his messages as welk some time back, nad at first i was nit sure of what to make out of it, so i didnt reply because th3 m3ssage made no sense to me at all it was nonsensical and i was trying to winder why would someone who doesnt even know me semd me such a message about showing me their pictures? Knowing what th3 net can do i ignored everything and decided to search for the name on th3 site i found nothing. So when i put it up as a post a friend was gracious enough to warn me about the so called samara that was a close call, when i was told he was a spammer i deleted all his messages. Thanks for sharing this. |
Online sites have a lot of benefits as it is. When we join together we make friends its like a networking platform where we get to learn new stuff from other people, and also get opportunities on other sites where they are. |
There are so many things that can cause a heart attack. You could all be right with what you have brought out, but i guess for me it has always been about the blood and the arteries. when there is no oxygen in the brain you are most likely to suffer a heart attack that so far is theone thing i know about heart attacks. |
Any man who does not regard women with respect is someone who has issues with the female gender. If you follow his steps you will find that he may have been raised in a family where his father never regarded his mother in a good eay. Or maybe he never showed any kind of respect to his wife in front of the kids. And that can cause a lot of harm un thevoy child, he will grow uo despising women and holding th3m with no resoect at all. So th3 persob who is writibg this nonsensical things could have been a victim and doesnt wantbto acceot the whole idea. |
I think that question should havebeen asked in the reverse. Why do men have so many lovers. Me being a woman i wouldnt want to have more than one lover. Why because when a woman loves she looks at only one person and she will do whatever she can so that she can keep that one man in her life until death tears them apart. Women are loyalto their men but men always gind a way to hurt their feelings and just cheat left right and centre. men themselves have always said that they cannot live with knly one woman, they will always have excuses about having two or three women in their lives. Most of the time they will always base their facts on the story of Solomon in the bible where he had many wives. So who is the cheat here and who ha mire lovers would you still say the woman? Your findings are very wrong go back and check Your thoughts i totally disagree with you kn this one. |
In our country we dont celebrate thanks giving but we celebrate Christmas which is a fun time for everyone. We usually have dinners and lunches that involves the family members cousins and other relatives and friends as well. There is usually a lot of eating singing and and genearllt just catching up especially for those who have been away. |
Thos is very unfortunate if it has happened. I thought we all bring our work on this gorum so that we can all read and learn from one another. No one is supposed to trash anyone for their work. when you sit down to write a post it is clear that you have done your research and whatever you ha e come up with is something good that can be read by everyone, so when support doesnt publish your work then there is something that is no right. I thought we are way above such attitudes. when we are here we are all equal there is no one who is above anyone else. The person who trashed your post should actually be fore warned and measures taken. If you feel that someones post is not something that is worth reading let that be your own opinion and let others be the ones to write what they actually feel. Am very sorry your seldom for what you had to go through. Lets hope that support will do something about th3 situation. |
Wow cely thats nice, congratulations on your redemption. I was thinking you can onky redeem on the 30th of every month. Does this means that you can redeem anytime as long you have reached 10$? Because i was remaining with just one dollar to reach my redemption, but when i got to the 30th i knew i couldnt make it so i just had to wait. I am hoping that i will be able to do my redemtion by the end of this month. |
Your right nature is given to us free of charge by God its only up to us to make it happen and to keep it going. Everyone loves nature, it brings out tranquility , warmth, peace, shades and rain. If we didnt have nature in the world what would we be and where.god was gracious enough to give us nature so lets keep it well and take care of it. |
This is something women are guilty of. We are always blaming ourselves for things that are not our fault. Like when your husband comes home late, you cooked and secided to eat before he comes because you were hungry, is that a bad thing? I dont think so. Now when the man comes into the house he’s a little grumpy so he behaves like he doesnt wantbto chat or you serve gim food and he behaves like you have hurt his feelings, what does the woman do she starts to think that shes the one who has wronged him and thats why hes the way he is. If he is frustrated from work, he could actually try to make you feel or look bad. So we start blaming ourselves for not being a good cook or for not waiting for him to arrive so that we can eat together. This small small things make a woman not to forgive herself therefore leading into self pity and doubt. |
Yes thats true we should not be judgemental towatds anyone. But we being humans thats what we know how to do best. I have been a victime before for being judged and ridiculed for something i did not do or know about. But after all was said and done i knew where to take my hurt to and that was to God he’s the overall judge. because he sees all we do and he knows what we do, so i said to myself yes people have judged me according to what they believe but i know that am innocent and God knows best. I leave it to him to do what is right. We are usually very fast in judging others before qe even look at ourselves or even trying to find out the truth. But thats the reality of human beings. |
I agree, but even as some people may say the more you have the more you fight to get. Why are we never contented really that question puzzles me always. You can see that someone has everything they could ever ask for or want in their lives but uou will always hear them saybthat yheu dong have money. And i just wonder if they can say yhat they dont have money then what will the ones who dont ha e say? I think in all honesty that greed has taken over people, no one wants to see the other person having what she or he has, for fear of being overtaken. but what s the big deal with being overtaken its not like they are going to take what you already have. We sincerely need to change our attitudes in life. |
I don’t know but I have never believed in diets, don’t get me wrong but I always believe that certain sicknesses can be healed using natural methods if one is willing. Diets are usually just put there so that people can have alternatives. You can avoid fatty foods and snacking a lot, then you can also try not to have cholestral free foods. That’s all I can advice for now otherwise follow the advice that you have been given by your doctor so that you can get better soonest all the best. |