Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
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You have brought up a very good topic, this is something that so many people ar3 getting lost into. Music isnot a bad thing we all would like to listen to music and 3njoy it, but when you think about th3 music that’s being played nowadays its a pitty really. Because they do t make much sense anymore. To me all u hear is noise, because i cannot make out what they are saying, the songs have no moral teaching to it, if you compare the kind of music that we used to listen to back in the days was musicthat you vould relate to and even learn something from it. So i concur with you when you say that todays music is all noise
This world that we live in has many ups and downs aad all we want sometimes is just to ha e cjange and see change in our midst. There is notjing as good as having change in our lives. Its quite a relief when you think about it. To me the best change that i would want to see is for our leaders that people who lead th3 country and those that ar3 in the go ernment. There is so much corruption in ourmidsr and we feel like everyone around us wants to have a pirce of the if our leaders would take the time to juat sit down together and so what is right for the people that they are leading then that would be a good thing. another thing that i would want to see change is for our cultures to be taken seriously and people embrace them. Youth nowadays ar3 turning towards other cultures and forgetting about where they cane from. I also would like to see change in our beloved men who are slowly moving away from their responsibilities, all they seem to be doing this days is looking for an easier way out, to avoid taking responsibilities that they are supposed to be taking up. And for the rest of the world i would like to suggest that people should embrace one another whether they are black or white coloredor whatever. What we need is a unted world those are some ofthe things that i would want to see changes in. |
Is there anyone really who does not fear death in this world really? I know that we all fear death no one wants to go that direction yet it is inevitable that we will all be going that direction, when it comes then we are forced to come to terms with it. It is the hardest thing or experience that anyone would have to come face to face with in our lives. Now if i may ask you @jhsayyar if a man can fear death how much more can a woman? Women are more vulnerable and they are more emotional than men, so i wouldnt really agree with you when you say that men fear death more than women. The only reason that makes women appear mor courageous is because we were craeted to be more emotional stable than men even in hard situations. |
The problem with todays generation is the fact that they want to do things so fast and to be rich quickly. No one want to live at the moment, everyone is looking to see what is ahead of them . Yes its not bad to think about the future but why cant someone take the time and think about what they are doing now and where they are going. That way you will be able to focus on your future and do what you need to do to get to the best place that you want to be. |
Why lean or depend on flattery when you can do what you think is right. I always believe that when you do something do it in such a way that when you someone looks at what you have done, they will directly applaud you or praise you for what you have done because it is good. Many people dont usually look at what they ar3 doing mostof the time assuming that they will receive praise. But the best thing is to do what you do best and all things will follow you. |
In life mistakes are made and people live on. The one thing we need to concentrate on is how we train our kids when they are growing up. Teach them about sex and relationships. They should not shun away from teaching their kids about these things because it will help them later in life . When the kids start involving themselves in relationships they do not know what they are getting into especially when they have not been taken through that phase of relationships. They will do things that are not right they will want to try out stuff that they see their parents or peers are doing. without knowing the consequences there after. But i always say that if a child makes a mistake that they were not aware of, take them and talk to them so that they may be in the know how and realize that what they did was not right. Becoming pregnant is not bad but it should be done at the right time and right way. And this can only happen when the kids are educated in their earlier years. |
Why do you say that married men are cowards, is it because they feel like they are enclosed in a den called marriage that cannot let them free. But that should not be the case. Marriage should be th3 best thing anyone hould go through. We shouldnot feel like it is limiting us to do certain things. I always feel that married men are more mature and they reason better considering the people in their lives, unlike the unmarried men who rarely think about others most of the time they are thinking about themselves and what they are all about. they are always doing stuff that will benefit them than others. The unmarried men also like their own lives and don’t like people interferring. |
Wow 5th payment that is very encouraging considering that i have not received any it gives me hope that i will one day also be reeiving my 5th payment as well. i hope and pray that Lb will still be running. There is always something for everyone. Keep up the good work i wonder how long it takes you to be able to reach your payment. |
Humility is one of the fruits of the holy spirit. Being humvle does not mean that you are meek or weak, it just means that you know how to handle stuff in your life. Pride never got anyone anywhere, yes it may give you fame but how long does fame last if you dont have himility. It is very hard for someone to have loads of money and still ve humble. It takes the hand of God and his grace. Money can corrupt someone to the point of being arrogant and with too much pride, and sometimes it can cause enemity between people. You dony have to be poor to be humble, be humble through all situations and you will reach your greatest heights humility doesn’t cost you a thing it only brings you peace and success vecause people will always want yo help you whenever you seek help from there no one would refuse to help you because of th3 kind heart that you have. |
I will say this like i have always said Politics is a dirtu game it will never be fair to everyone. We will always have people who take sides from one leader to another. Anyway i may not know much about the American laws or what Trump has done or not done. But from what the Americans themselves are doing right now its clear that they know something about Trump that we probably may not know. The guy has shown some teue colors that most people dont agree with and that is something that many will not forget anytime soon. He has said stuff that has made America look bad, but its the Americans th3mselves who chose him. Among th3 Americans there are those who think like Trump and there are those who will totally disagree with him. but lets focus on the question at hand. Can trump get or stop racism? That is a question that is on many people’s lips, but the truth is racism is not inborn racism is a behavior that is created in people. It has been there since time in memorial and it can only be finished when people come together and unite as a people. We should all remember that we are all the same in God’s eyes. There is no one who is perfect or is better than the other, we are all unique in our own ways. If trump wants to be a racist let him be but that should not be the line that the Americans should take. We all have brains and it is up to an individual to stop this from going on. It all starts with you refuse yo look down upon anyone, say no to racism embrace one another and let that be your goal in life and when others see th3 good example that you are portraying they will definitely want to take the root, and before you know it the whole world will become a better place. One thing i would want to urge parents is to teach their children to love one another regardless of where you vome from or what your sking color is. As the late Michael Jackson sung “Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race” |
Planning is a part of everyones life. I dont think you can do anything on this earth without planning not unless you are not serious and all your looking for is failing meserably just like the saying you have mentioned above. When you dont plan you plan to fail because everything that we do we have to plan for it to turn out well, otherwise you will be disappointed and frustrated. To have things run smoothly there has to be some kind of plan or strategy to get results. If i can take an example in our homes those of us who run homes you know that you’ve got to have aplan to be able to run the house, right? You have to plan what to cook at what time, when to do laundry when to go shopping all this requires some kind of plan, otherwise nothing will ever be done well.those people who dont have plan in their lives are people (if i may say this) who do not have a vison for their lives. All they do is just live whatever comes comes they really don’t care and that in itself is disaster in the making. |
I think the reason why we all joined this site is to view posts, reply to them, then we are also at liberty to write about what we want. People are free to write and start up whatever topics they want. We are all different and we also have different interests. What i like may not necesarily be what you like. And vice versa. So when you see the many groups that are created and you don’t like them the best you can do is avoid them and participate in those that you like. I guess the floor is open for anyone who wants in or out the choice is yours.let those who are interested post their comments and besides there are also others who may not know anything about them but may be willing to learn one or two things. |
Yes she is a spammer nakitakona13 she has been around gor a while now. And if you were keen enough you would have been in the know how. I have received quite number of pm’s and i deleted them all after i was warned not to reply to any of the messages because she was a spammer. Anyway at least now you know and the best thing is to delete the messages i hope the messages stop coming. |
Love is very important because that is what actially keeps us going and keeps us alive. When you are loved there us an assurance that someone thinks about you, someone cares about you, someone watches over you. Its a good feeling to know that you are loved. When love is not present whether it be a romantic love or a love between siblings or a love between a parent and a child, it spells out rejection. One will feel like they do t belong they would feel like an outcast and that should not be the case. Love is supposed to give you a feeling of belonging, so when you have that you dont feel alone. When love is absent in ones life this people ar3 not able to love other people because they dont know how to love or how to give love, wht because they have never experienced it before. So give love to th3 people around you and that could change someones life for the better. |
If you are at the halfway mark you are definitely getting closer to the cash out. It may sound or look like you are so close but the reality is that you still have a long way to go. I have been there before and it has been a struggle but you will get there soon. i am almost there so i will keep going to the last day until i cash out it has been a long way but by fovus and hard work i have come this far. So keep it ip keep going and you will get there all the best. |