Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
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First and formost am those types of people who keep quiet first when am angry i don’t react immediately. But in your case, i think its a matter of jealousy why would you want to sack someone on the grounds of looking good? Instaed of sacking th3m why dont you also try to keep yourself up to date and look your best instaed of looking at another person in a bad way. Its very unfortunate but such people don’t get very far th3y end up loosing good employees because of their insecurities. I especially see th3se things happening with women bosses, they always feel too superior and act like th3y are over above all the others. Some of them even get to the point of trying to seduce th3 young men in the company and when things don’t work out, they start frustrating the young men to the point of making them quit their jobs and this is not right. If only people would do ther jobs in peace rather than having to deal with insecure people for reasons best known to themselves.
No i don’t think the size of the family matters at all. What matters is how people relate. Anyway i will speak from my point of view and my family. In my family we are very few right now we are only 5 people. My mum sister and two brothers. We are auch a small family but we get along pretty well. small families are easier to manage and also easier to reach. if anything is be decided it is easier to come to a solution than having a big family. big families sometimes when a crisis comes up gettjng people to gether becomes so hard.thus bringing complications and misunderstandings. As for interferring with a marriage it really doesnt matter this is something that is discussed between the cuople. That way no family member will have th3 time or the odacity to.come and say something without èven asking |
Public speaking has never been an easy thing to do. There are some people who think standing infront of a crowd is easy, thats the hardest thimg ever. I remember when i was asked to join the drama group at school, i used to be one of those people who had a hard time expressing myself in front of people. But when i joined the drama group, that really opened me up and i trained myself on how to be confident and also learned to keep the audience entertained. Being my first time i was very scared i panicked and sometimes my words would disappear while on stage, but that did not stop me from moving forward once i got the grip i would go on and on to the end without panic. So it takes time to get used to it and you need all the courage to be able to pull it off. But anyone can do it all one needs is to be motivated and guided through the whole thing. Another thing i would like to add onto your list is that when you speaking to a crowd never look at people’sfaces always look at the back of the auditorium or over people’s heads that will take away the fear. |
If i can go back to my school days reading or studying was something so routine that if you didnt study at a particular time people would say that you are not serious with your studies. There was so much to do that when your parent or big sister or brother saw you not studying th3y would give you work to do so that you dont stay idle. there was very little time to play because there was homework from all the aibjects. So finding time to idle about was a no no no. We would normally be given a break of 30 minutes in the morning hours and in the afternoon we would stop tuition at 4pm. and i can say this was a lot of help because it actually made someone very attentive and also good in school. Studying should not really be a struggle nowadays especially when everything has been made to be so simple. kids should actually enjoy school unlike our days of torture. As for reading we could do like 3 subjects in a night and understand what you have read practically well it all depends on an individual. |
Old age is a very critical time in someones life. Some might take it as a bonus, some may take it as being a nuisance to those that ar3 still young, they feel like they ar3 a burden to their families and this can cause the old people look down upon themselves but if th3y are taken care of well, then there will be no problem. Many people tend to neglect their own parents in old age just because they require much, but that should not be the case if you are able and are financially stable instead of takung youraged parents to nursing home why dont you do it so that you can also be closer to them making them happy, that way they can even live longer than they had anticipated just because th3y have their loved ones with th3m. |
Anxiety has become a part of our living, it has become part and parcel of everything that we do nowadays. When we are venturing into something new we will always be gripped by anxiety because we dont know whaf to expect from whatever it is that we want to start up or do. and i agree with you totally on what you have shared we need to know how to handle stuff. |
Bad breath can be an embarassing ordeal for anyone just like smelly feet. Some people woyld rather choose to be quiet about and atay away from people instead of going to see a doctor about it. You could be having aproblem that you may not knowing about and uou not vistinv a doctor could cause you more problems than ever. i agree with the statements above espe ially oral hygiene which is a very common problem for many. There are people who do not even take time to brush their teeth and rinse their mouths. So if you have this problem its good to visit your doctor to get afvice on how to deal with it. also when you rinse your mouth with mouth wash, or alo vera mixed with water that could help you a lot. |
Its easy for men who have no respect for women talk in disrespect about them. You talk as if women are to blame for all the wrong things in life or on this earth, let me put something very clearly here, if you want to say or speak something about women in a forum be specific, dont genearlize, because mot all women are the same as the ones in uour country. If you feel you have something against women have proof of what your saying dont just blubber. From i what i see everyday i find that some men are the actual reason as to why women change, the shouting and yhe fighying of words. A woman is wise enough not to just start blubbering without any reason. There is always something that triggers those reactions and th3y are usually not so good thats why they shout. Unlike men who pick on their women just to justify their actions. @jhsayyar i suggest if you have any hard feelings towards a woman think hard about what hou have dkne first before you blurt out stuff, it might just hit back at uou so hard. Women ar3 to be accorded th3 respect that they deserve. |
I agree with you the family members need to come together to hold th3 family in one peace. I know many say the mothe because most of th3 thingsand responsibilities usually lie on the efforts of the mother. And we can also say that the mother is the one who runs a family inbthe sense that when shopping has to be done, the moyher is the one who should know what is in the house and what is missing. Just like other things when it comes to tidiness the woman is the one who is looked at.when the kids turn out well or they behave responsibly we will probably say that its the mother who has thought them well.when we have conflicts in th3 house or outside, who normally comes in yo cool out th3 fire isn’t it the mother? For sure so we cant refute that fact, but again even as the mother does that, she also needs some backup at some point and thats why i say yhat everyo e i th3 family needs to take the responsibility to hold together the gamily and that will keep it stronger and more united than anything. |
Jealousy is evil and it is toxic in our lives. It can cause a lot of pain in oneself, and it cause even death. someone who is jealous is never happy with someone else. They will always have issues with everything that they do, and its not because they are not good or they are not doing right its just because they can’t stand to see you doing well or prospering. They’re the ones who always want to be seen and recognized. It is not a good feeling to be jealous because it will get you nowhere, it will just bring you pressure, then you get sick then what. The only thing that jwalousy helps you with is to get the concerned person out of the way because there us no one who will want to be close to a jealous person. @evilelf stop being jealous and work on your relationship. When you see your husband talking to other women, just remind yourself that you are the one who is with him, your the one he comes to everyday, if he wanted he would have been with another woman but he chose to be with relax and enjoy your marriage all the best. |
You know hospitals sometimes can be very cunning. They don’t always tell the truth and it is up to an individual to look at the situation and see if it is worth leaving your patient at th3esame hospital if you feel like uour patient is not making any prgress in their treatment, its best that you seek a second opinion it might just save the sutuation. Don’t force your mum to eat if she doesn’t want to she could be having some difficulties that uou might not notice. So please seek a second opinion and take your mum to the hospital she will be fine. |
I dont know what to say about this whole thing. But not to say th3 least we all have come across immigrants in our countries we have lived with them, we have helped them through life, we have given them jobs and so on and so forth. If these people are working gor the Americans, they earn like maybe 3$ per hour, this is minimal pay, and they go out and buy stuff from the supermarkets are they not contributing to the economy of America? Maybe much needs to be explained, but i think this whole issueshouldbe tackeled in a more human way and people should not be so harsh on the immigrants give them time or come up with some kind of schedule to have them evicted.dont just throw them out like they dont mean a thing. Remember they have been there with you for years. |
Your absolutely right when you say that art can be done in many different ways, it could be in dancing singing and the like. This morning i was actually watching a programme on tv about art and lifestyle and all tgese things are part of art. To me personally i didn’t know that all these things are part of art. now you have just confirmed it. i used to know that art is all about painting an that was it but i have learned quite a few things today and that is so awesome. Yhajks for sharing. |
Nowadays simtle parenting has necome the order of the day. Mostly wwomen who have been in failed marriages before may encourage young women who are not yet married to just get kids and take care of them they dont need to get married because marriage doesn’t work. Would you go by their word? A friend of mine once approached me and told me since am not married yet i should not even consider getting married because i will just get stressed out. My answer to her was why did you get married if you knew that you would be fruastrated? Of course her answer was i didn’t know until i got there. So what i gathered is that she was not happy and so she wanted me to dwell on whatshe told me. but i told her i would go ahead and get married and solve any problems that i would enconter then. Single parents don’t look forward to being single its just the situations in life that make them end up as single parents. And its not an easy job at all. |
You have brought up a very good topic, this is something that so many people are getting lost into. Music isnot a bad thing we all would like to listen to music and enjoy it, but when you think about the music that’s being played nowadays its a pitty really. Because they do t make much sense anymore. To me all u hear is noise, because i cannot make out what they are saying, the songs have no moral teaching to it, if you compare the kind of music that we used to listen to back in the days was musicthat you vould relate to and even learn something from it. So i concur with you when you say that todays music is all noise |