Anitah Gimase
@sauda active 4 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
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I won’t quote any quotes for now but just agree with the two quotes that you have shared. It is true that knowledge can be found through experience. If you don’t go through stuff how else will you deal with the things around you? You cannot use a manual to run your life you have to do it yourself so that you get hurt and then find a way to heal. Only then will you have the knowledge to be able to deal with pain. Even while we are in school why are we given practicals? This is so that we can be able to apply it in real life. then on the second point, about peace. It is so true that you cannot achieve peace if you have no understanding. You have to understand your why your feeling the way your feeling in order to find the peace within. It all starts with you and your heart. Lets take an example of someone who has been hurt. They will definitely have no peace because they are always thinking about the hurt they were caused. So to find some inner peace they will have to talk to the person who made them feel that way, get the cause of why the did it, and once they do that they are able to accept, forgive and forget then move on. And thats when they will get the peace after inderstanding the reason.
One thing i havenoticed is that people always get into the new year with expectations of all kinds. We always think that the following year will be better than the previous one. But the thing is every year comes with its challenges all through. There is no year that will be all smooth sailing without ups and downs. For me i won’t say that 2017 will ha e this or that but i can say that by the grace of God as we go through this year may God grant me the grace and strength to do what i was not able to do last year. And i am also hoping that my desires will be grant3d in this new year. |
This is areally good topic to put out there. We as women love to look good and pretty all the time regardless of what we put on or what we wear. I was also rwading an article on the poisonous chemicals that are used to make lipsticks. Others say that the lead is usually in red lipsticks only but i guess its in all lipsticks. And another thing, we all know that the stuff we put on our bodies all has some kind of chemical in them. Lets look at lotions, creams, hair oils and the like there are very few of this products that are natural 80% is all cgemical. And its funny but most women would ratger use the chemicals than use the natural thing. We want fast results in that when i apply this cream it should be able to give me the results that i desire lets say in a week. This are also chemicals that are getting into our body systems throygh tge skin.its quite unfortunate that this is the way that we have decided to take |
This is a nice one. Lets see what did i do that was a waste of time. Mmhh thinking back in the days i can remember my parents telling me and my siblings time wasted can never be recovered, and that’s something that i have grown up with and have lived to cherish. I always used to do my stuff with caution nit to waste time and then regret later. |
Hi linda welcome to this site. |
Yes i did encounter some good services over the christmas period. I remwmber i went to do some shopping at a certain supermarket and i happened to have shopped quite a bit. My trolley was full after paying for my goods. Being alone i was just trying to figure out how i would wheel that trolley from the supermarket to the parking lot where i had ppacked my car. It was quite a task especially when you try to chriss cross inbetween people. So as i started wheeling it out some guy just appeared in front of me and asked me if he could help me out to my car. Apparently he was a worker at the aupermarket chain where i had just shopped. So i said i would really appreciate that. For him wheeling that trolley was not as hard as it looked. He quickly took over and asked me where i had packed before long we were at my car i opened the boot and he neatly arranged them in. I was so happy, if it were me i would have taken quite some time before getting there. That was a very good gesture and my appreciation was to give him a christmas tip which he was very greatful for. |
Yes i do agree with yhese sentiments 100%. Whoever came up with the saying that time heals all wounds was not wrong. Time is of essense to each one of us no matter whether we are young or old.i wonder ifvwr did not have time in our life cycle how would life be like. Time is actually everything. You need time go make reasonable and dound decisions, thrn you need time yo organize your life and those around you. Time also makes us better people keeps us on toes do yhst wr xan keep appointments and not miss them. Time tells us when to sleep and when yo wake up, time tells us whenbto eat and when not to so really time is indeed everything and is very important in our everyday life. So cherish every second, every minute and every hour in your life because it holds sometging of your life. |
Hungry, party, chess and usic am not sure if that is part of the words that are there but those are all the words that i could find did i nail it or failed? |
Goodness cely that was so bad. Why do people do stuff like that to other people i just dobt understand. I am a lessor as well my mum has leased a house where i am the one who oversees everything that goes on there. I remember i once had a tenant whi was so stubborn and arrogant. He had children who really had no sense of reaponsibility in them and that made me so mad. i would once in a while go over to the house and just check on them and how the were getting on, not because i like them that much but because it was my responsibility yo make sure that the house was in good condition. When i asked them to move out they were adamant, but when they finally moved out, it may have been a relief to me but the really messed up the house. And just like you cely they moved out secretly i only came to find out days later when they were taking the last stuff from the house and handing over the keys. Lucky for me i had some money to repair the house and it was not so long before i got another tenant. He was such a good tenant they kept everything in order, paid their bills and all was well. We have had a very good relationship with them for over 10 years now. But th3y will sonn be moving out. That makes me sad but good things have to finally come to an end. |
Hey guys glad to read from you guys. Cely just so you know your not alone we are here with you. We wait as you write arti les for us to read, i love reading from yoy and it also keeps me busy whenever i have the time ti log on and write something. I also want to wish you krishna a happy new year full of wonderful things to cone and may all your dreams and wishes come to pass as you tread into this new year of 2017. Every year has its challenges as much as we are told that it is goubg to be a fruitful year or a blessed one destructions are always in our way, but that said we have also been equopped to be able to overcome all the challenges that may come upon us in Jeaus name. All we need to do is stand up and keep walking don’t stop walking because the toiling has become too much keep walking and keep praying and God will surely come through for you. All th3 best in this new year |
This is quite disturbing for people to use other peoples resumes to get jobs. I don’t even know how people survive in such jobs given that they are using fake documents. Don’t they ever fear for the fact that they could be caught and that this could cost them their lives? people are so daring i must say. Why can’t the government do something about and stop this menace from taking place. Am sure this really costs the genuine holders of the resumes.when the frauds are gound put what happens to them? Are they persecuted? Or even paid for compensation? |
Happy new year to you too. I usually say that attitude is everything it doesntatter what your thinking or what you are doing. The one thing that matters is the attitude you hold towards whatever it is your doing or feeling. The way we react towards certain things can make something or someone turn out well or bad. Leys take an exampke like this one, you get a job without struggle, then when you get to start the job you hate it because its not what you like. You don’t even give it a try and see how it goes, here the atyitide that you keep or show is what is going to determine whether you get to keep the job or not. If your attitude is like i hate this job i don’t enjoy it and stuff like that you will never keep a job. Before you quit sit and yhink about how you got the job then decide whether you want to leave or not. |
This is very interesting. Many of us suffer from stress related ussues every singld day, and sometimes it becomes so bad that even when you try to get them off your minc yhey just wouldnt leave uou alone.and i agree with your sentiments above, thd tipx are on point, you should always think positive thoughts, keep your mind off negative thoughts and worries all these help in relieving ond self. The wuestion is how do uph start when rverything is clamped up in your mind. Rakes time and a willing heart to let go of somd things. Thanks fof sgaring makes perfect sense. |
Mmhh i love doing puzzles but i have never come across one like this. 12 letter word using all the vowels? Let me see if i can get a word.A E I O U. Oohh goodness this is hard, let me take word by wird and see if i can cone up with something. F A C E T I O U S L Y whatever that means i have no clue but it could make some sense i guess hahaha. |
That word serendipity reminds me of a group of singers who were talking about inner peace. And yes closing your eyes for a minute can be very relacing. Thats what psychologists say. Even when someone is being hypnotized they are usually told to close their eyes and focus, even when you ha e worked really hard its always advisable to close your wyes for a couple of minutes it refreshes you. Closing eyes is actually like a healing, i have tried it several times and ut has worked pretty well. So i agree with you on this one for sure. Thanks for sharing |