Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Does This Happen To Me? in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
Agree with what you have mentioned that we should not just fall down and be in that particular posture all our life. It is the positive way to get up and move on with life. I have seen many struggling to get up and again falling repeatedly so for them life becomes a pain and they are unable to cope up with life the way we all do.…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Plastic the Slow Poison – Say No to Plastic in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
Agree with what you told about cooking of food and warming in microwave at the plastic also goes into the food and the same is consumed by the family in the house where such a thing is done. This is very risky as it has contents like lead, mercury, zinc, tar etc. Many of the plastics are usually recycled and sold and one must be careful…[Read more]
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic Got the Payout Email from LiteracyBase! in the forum Making Money Online 8 years ago
@sauda Yes, and with sites in between winding up unceremoniously and without paying any pending payments, one feels even more excited to get pay from a working site. And I hope to see a site that might be a little slower than other sites in terms of payout rate, but is transparent and does not hides things from us.
@sauda Yes it feels good to be a part of a genuine site and one where users are regularly interacting. And yes, sometimes when we are closer to the finishing line, we feel much more restless. I wish you best of luck going forward.
Your Seldom replied to the topic Why do Women Change Lovers? in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years ago
That is why is best to avoid gender studies because all this is futile and it puts shame on both genders, plus these negative absorbents of darkness give the liturgical slap to whole human race on every corner, you can bet me on this.
I guess this is not who has many lovers, but how to different a human being, man or woman, from a s…[Read more]
PEEUSH TRIKHA replied to the topic Those unfulfilled wishes that still hurt in the forum ALL ABOUT YOUR ANGER AND HURTS 8 years ago
@sauda indeed when we look at things in hindsight, some of them make more sense, but at that moment we have to go through many sad emotions and emotions that try to break our resolve.
nakitakona13 replied to the topic What are the side effects that can occur when taking medicines in the forum Health Issues 9 years ago
@sauda you are absolutely right. Specialized doctors never take any chances for their patient to take any medicine, unless they’ve undergone series of laboratory tests. We know that doctors are only human and they may commit mistakes, but their mistakes are too dangerous for they would take the lives of their patients. As a patient, we should…[Read more]
Yvette posted an update 9 years ago
@sauda Hello. Actually my real name is Precious. My middle name is Yvette. And yes that roller coaster was a trip. Will not ever do that again.
Lee Ka replied to the topic Bathing a new born in the forum Family & Relationships 9 years ago
@peachpurple That’s really quick you learned how to bathe your first baby. Was it just the second day after she was born? I was going through the c-section surgery and my wound still gave me much pain, so I just learned to bathe my first baby after the first month.
I heard about using “black tiger beer” to bathe the baby, and I always thought…[Read more]
@sauda I am a mother of 3 children and having a newborn baby now, so yes, I have bathed a baby. I have not bathed or take care of any baby or child before I have my children. It’s good that your mom taught you how to take care of a child.
I have always heard from others, it is so difficult to handle a newborn baby, especially when bathing them. I…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Bathing a new born in the forum Family & Relationships 9 years ago
@sauda Bathtime is often held to be almost a sacred moment shared between parent and child. I can’t say it was always pleasant with my kids, as pretty much all of them had sensory issues that made being in the water frightening or unpleasant at times. But still, we found our moments
@shavkat The secret they didn’t teach you in school is…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Do you spank your child? in the forum Family & Relationships 9 years ago
@sauda While it is important to discuss abuse when we talk about punishment, it’s equally important to look at whether any kind of punishment is effective. There is no evidence whatsoever that punishment teaches right from wrong or that it instils values or good habits in children, adults, or even animals. In fact, what punishment tends to do is…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic Made My Redemption in the forum Proof of Payment 9 years ago
@peachpurple @sunil I think the fee charges differently for different country. For Malaysian, the fee is 4.4% + fixed fee (fixed fee = $0.30). So, I think it’s better to request higher payment if possible. I did not know we can request $10 payout in ForumCoin, and I always requested at $5, and got $0.52 deducted. If I request for $10, the fee is…[Read more]