This article details all the aspects of people who are suffering from dementia which is one of the mind related disorders which most get as ageing takes place and the human body slowly begins to stop providing the essential nutrients which it used to do so when we were younger and had a good health. As age comes thing slowly start going on a downward spiral which affects the whole family the patient and all the others. Especially if the patient happens to be a working member of the family and the sole bread earner in the family. This generally happens mostly in underdeveloped and developing nations. Proper facility is not there in rural areas and the doctor patient ratio is very high. We have few doctors for many patients. A important topic and a well written article.
Memory loss is nothing but the deficiency if calcium and phosphorus in human body but most of the people do not pay any attention to it. I say emphatically I anyone takes one egg and one glass of milk in the breakfast he mat not fall prey to dementia in the later age. I am searching more causes of diseases and its root cause through astrology.
The medicines that I have recommended for dementia is accurate I am professional medical astrologer on Fiverr.com.
I have a little concern when you say that people who suffer from dementia should take water with a lot of salt. Now i have a question what if th3 person who is suffering from dimentia has high pretension is it still advisable to take lots of salt? Because I remember my aunty had dimentiabta some point she could not remember stuff and keeping direction was also a problem for her, and she also used to suffer from high pertension so salt was not included in her diet. Your tips are good but am just thinking maybe some things need to be reviewed before someone can embark on them.
I came in contact with someone who was said to have dementia. She recently turned 90 years old. She is very good at remember events of the distant past but memory of the near past she could not remember. Also she kept asking the same questions over and over. It was annoying for many of the people whom she is living with. Nevertheless she is a wonderful human being and great singer. She has nurses taking care of her also.
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