Sarah Pikaahu
@sarahkp active 8 years, 2 months ago-
Its the little things that make them happy. Just by simply asking them how their day was, to asking what hed like to have for dinner. Maybe even having his clothes ready by the tub so that one less thing he has to worry about when he gets home from work. why not even rub his feet, back, or even just play in his hair. Showing a little love sometimes is the key to keeping him happy. Write him a sweet message when hes on his way to work, that way when he opens it the first thing he does is smile and remembers why he loves you. Maybe your man is a stay at home dad and you work. Ask him what he did today, or what he eat for lunch just so he knows you have acknowledged him.
Man crave for attention all the time and that are sometimes like little babies. But we ar3 women we have been brought up and trained in such a way that we cannot forget to take care of our men no matter what. What you have said is actually very true though it’s never easy to keep a smile on your face all the time, but you have no choice of you want to live in harmony in your house. Men also love a woman who can cook for him all the time. In actual sense men do not like to eat out that would love to go.a home to a clean tidy home, served good by his lovely wife who is of course at that moment tidy and clean as well. I believe that is something every man would love to come home to and that makes him happy and relaxed at the same time. Good is one of the most importAnt things in a man’s life of you can’t cook then you are in trouble because that will keep him away from home and guess what before you know it your love will fly out the window and never come back. Happiness doesn’t need a lot of effort those small small things that you do are the ones that will bring happiness and joy in the house.
Really husband and wife relationship is charmful and harmful. If both have mutual understanding the relationship will be charmful while on the contrary will be harmful because both do not have mutual understanding. It effects kids if they have. I suggest husband and wife must live peacefully.
It has already been pointed out that marriage is more than love. Indeed, it must be fed by love, but in essence it is a communion of life. What true love seeks is realized in marriage. Love becomes “serious” because it concerns the whole of human life. Marriage consists of a life of work and worry, joy and sorrow, sickness and health; it involves being young and becoming old, dealing with small and big problems, coping with internal and external troubles, and facing individual and social questions, all in loving communication with each other.
A great many days, weeks, months, and years are shared. During this long period – should the Lord grant it – the couple lives together in intimacy, which reveals all. It soon becomes apparent that big things can matter very little while small things can become dreadfully big. Often over an insignificant matter a great quarrel springs up. Marriage can show how any person can be terribly small.
Love has to accept the other person with all his or her peculiarities, weaknesses, and pettiness. Love prepares a home for the other. Marriage and the family provide a resting place, a natural haven from the hectic pace of modem life. No strained or artificial manners are necessary at home; one can be oneself there.
thanks for article.good idea
Yes its not easy to please your man and keep him happy. And they can be really demanding. They dont always relize that you are also tired after a day cleaning cooking and taking care of the kids. They come home kick out their shoes sit back infront of the tv,relax. And order you to bring him his food and running his bathwater! And we wonan jumps to please our men,because we love and apriciate what they do for us! And somerhime we do all this for them without a thank you or a little apriciation from them. But hey! From their side they are taking good care of us and their children!