Lee Ka replied to the topic Any freelancers here? What do you work as a freelancer? in the forum Freelancers Online 8 years, 7 months ago
@s-stephens Glad to see so many writers here. I am sure I will be learning a lot from you all. It’s a really good site for us to learn more here.
Hope you will get to find more writing eggs! 🙂
Do you write on these article writing sites, or do you have some clients who buy articles from you? Are you also working on those freelancer sites to get…[Read more]
peachpurple replied to the topic The "In-laws" in the forum Family & Relationships 8 years, 7 months ago
yes you were right after all.
It is difficult to live with someone who doesn’t intend to get along with each other.
One would live a miserable life for sure.
Thanks for your kind words. I just wish that she could hear this.
I want to live with her till her last breath, she is 85++ now.
However, if she keeps disagree with…[Read more]
good to hear that your 3rd sets of in laws are cool parents to you. It is difficult to encounter kind inlaws these days. By the way, they looked very humble and loving in the picture. your hubby is the only son?
I am sorry to hear about your parents in law. Why do good people always leave us? I am sure that they…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Teachers Spending Out of Pocket for Supplies in the forum Education & Reference 8 years, 7 months ago
@s-stephens It sounds like you worked with a great bunch of teachers! I’ve definitely known both teachers and teacher’s aides to look after their students in times when they had unmet needs. Yes, it is a labour of love.
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Word Counts no Longer in Points History? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 7 months ago
@s-stephens The upfront pay has so far been small. Like, less than 50 cents per published post. The more significant earnings are from the passive income once you share a link. There is also the 10% commission if you have an active user who signs up with your referral link. If that person writes often in the forums or publishes a good number of…[Read more]
peachpurple replied to the topic Word Counts no Longer in Points History? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 7 months ago
at the moment, I have not heard any writers claiming to have earned $1 for a post yet, mostly 50cents or less.
With the current new post rate, as you can see some of us had 2x or 3x better earning than the previous rate, I am sure your would be around there too.
yes, I had seen my latest post with 22 cents.…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic Deleting A Blog Draft in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 7 months ago
@s-stephens I did that once as well, just to test out the draft function. So, the post is lying there with the status ‘Offline’. I plan to wait until I can edit, then I will see if I can delete it. 😀
@bestwriter Glad that support and admin are helpful here, so they will help us to correct it. 🙂
@rapidblue There was once I asked support to…[Read more]
grace replied to the topic Deleting A Blog Draft in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 7 months ago
@s-stephens We cannot delete nor edit our drafts nor are they available unless you send a message to Admin
The moral of the story is do not make mistakes (lol)