Available Balance

Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)

@ruby3881 active 6 years, 9 months ago
Rank: Newbie
Just checking in to see if anyone has heard from support. It seems we are now at a point where two consecutive months’ worth of payments have gone unpaid and yet people here continue to publish. View

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June 22, 2016 at 1:10 am

@kaka135 Images absolutely have an impact on SEO, as do the words you put into your image tags (alt, description, caption.) Most people don’t pay enough attention to that – and it can have an impact on how your article will look when it’s pinned on Pinterest too.

I’m just trying to see if the number of quality of the images has any effect on the pay we get at LB. We know they said they want to favour higher quality, SEO-friendly articles. But so far, I’m not sure what criteria they might be evaluating. It would be great if @support would make a list, so everyone will know what parts of our posts we should be working on. That would help the whole site.

June 21, 2016 at 9:05 pm

@scheng1 Do you mind if I ask a bit about your passive revenue on LB? I’m curious as to how many visitor referrals you are getting and where/how you are sharing. Myself, I share my own posts on Twitter, Pinterest, G+ once each and on Facebook in different groups depending on the content.

Myself, I share my own posts on Twitter, Pinterest, G+ once each and on Facebook in different groups depending on the content. When I remember, I also Stumble them. I share others’ posts, depending on the quality and relevance to the topics I normally share. A good post about food, parenting, writing, internet, etc. I might share on two or more networks.

I am seeing about 80 – 100 visitor referrals a day, without sharing anything a second time.


@nakitakona13 Did you mean to ask how long it took for money to be transferred from our PayPal accounts to our banks? That would vary with your location and the rules set by PayPal and your bank. These rules are the same regardless of where your earnings came from – they have nothing at all to do with LB. My PayPal account takes 3-5 business days to transfer withdrawals to my bank.

The payment from LiteracyBase on the 10th of the month was instant, meaning there was no waiting period. The wait is from month’s end to the 10th only.

June 21, 2016 at 8:49 pm

@khennesey You get points for logging in daily, and also for starting a thread in the forum. You earn points when you comment on a post and also for replies in the forum. And of course, when you publish a post you’ll earn the most.

See the “Rewards” tab for more info.

June 21, 2016 at 5:04 pm

@kaka135 For the last few posts, I’ve been just submitting a nice image from Pixabay as the featured image. I don’t add a second one. I want to see if not creating a more unique image, or not adding a second image, has an impact on my earnings.

Things are slow right now, though. I have two posts in the queue – one for about two days now.

June 21, 2016 at 12:23 pm

@sunil While it’s not a problem to look at the history and pinpoint earlier entries, it’s impossible to roll back the bank. You only see the latest balance. If dozens of different credits are added to the account while I sleep, the only thing I can do is to ensure that the totals balance. If there were a discrepancy related to the payment for a post, I would only know that there was an inaccuracy and not where or when it occurred.

There is also the possibility that there is sometimes a lag between the bank and the points history. This has happened on other sites because of the way points were counted.


@peachpurple So far nothing to report, Peachy. I am waiting for a short post (390 words) in the parenting category to publish, but it’s been about two days now and it seems nothing new has published in that time…

June 21, 2016 at 4:26 am

@bestwriter As I said, every situation is different. In the West, many seniors prefer to be in their own home and do not desire to have anyone with them on a regular basis. They prefer to have visits with friends and family but otherwise to enjoy the peace and quiet of their homes. It is also very common for the older couple or individual to be the one who moves away from family. It’s quite common here to take advantage of retirement to move to a warmer climate or to get away from the city. Families are generally not consulted about such moves; the older couple realizes the children can’t afford to make the move, and in fact may not want the children to move when they do.

Facilities for seniors are also very different, one from the other. Many of the newer places in North America are designed to be more of a community, with residents in private apartments but having free access to many shared facilities that cater to their interests and needs.

The idea is to have the best of both worlds: autonomy and privacy, balanced with a community atmosphere and quality services. Often, there are also schools and daycare facilities nearby that will involve the seniors in their activities in an effort to foster deeper relationships between the generations.

But these facilities tend to be very pricey, and many simply can’t afford them.

June 21, 2016 at 1:49 am

@swalia It’s best not to expect any writing site to keep to a set pay schedule unless it has been specifically laid out as such. Site costs and revenues change over time; there’s no guarantee they can always afford to pay the same rates.

The best way to cope with such fluctuations is to adapt to the needs of the site. By remaining flexible and working to supply the demands of the site, we can always earn the maximum amount the site is offering at the time.

June 21, 2016 at 1:30 am

I wonder how many followers of The Secret realize that the Law of Attraction is just one of several natural laws that were known in ancient times. Among others, there are also the Law of Sympathy, the Law of Contagion, and the Law of Correspondence.

All of these laws are meant to work together. I find it a shame that people are being told only about the one law as if it’s the only one that matters.

But it’s an even bigger shame that, when people try to apply the Law of Attraction and it doesn’t work, they’re told they simply didn’t do it right. They let their negative thoughts interfere, or they didn’t believe enough – or perhaps they just need a lesson with an expert at the one-time low price of $99.99!


June 21, 2016 at 1:00 am

Having worked in a chronic care facility, I can say without a doubt that many people who are put into retirement homes or long-term care simply don’t belong there. On the other hand, I agree very much with @4cryingoutloud: it depends on the situation and on the facility.

In the vast majority of circumstances, older people can manage in the home with support from family or others. And certainly, if this is their wish they should be encouraged to do so. That doesn’t mean all older people wish it! Some like the idea of moving from a house to a retirement community where they no longer need to cook their meals, cut the grass, or concern themselves with home repairs. It leaves them much more time to socialize, and to enjoy their retirement.

But if a person is ill and needs round the clock care, sometimes it’s best that they move to a facility that offers good quality care. I think we should be looking at ways to help seniors stay home when they can, but also to make high-quality care more accessible for those who need it. It’s far too expensive these days and the facilities that are more affordable, often reduce costs by overworking underqualified staff and neglecting care.

June 20, 2016 at 9:02 pm

Birthdays tend to be highly commercialized here, especially children’s birthdays. It’s expected that parents will spend a lot of money to host a party for a big group of children and that each child will bring a lavish gift for the birthday boy or girl. Much money goes into buying decorations, food and drink, party favours, etc. Many times, parents will spend extra money to have the party hosted at the local swimming pool, bowling alley, or fast food restaurant.

When I was younger, my parents would throw a party each year. But I remember it being a stressful time, and often a big buildup with a disappointment if a certain child didn’t attend, or if a present wasn’t what we had hoped for. Going to parties was just as much of a letdown. Often, we’d get invited to the home of a child who otherwise wouldn’t socialize with us all year. There would be so many strangers at the party, and the birthday child might even misbehave.

I never wanted that for my kids, so we have always celebrated with just family. We have a nice meal and finish with cake and ice cream. Next weekend we will celebrate my birthday and my son’s. We go to my parents’ home on special days, so the kids can celebrate with their grandparents. It will be the last time we are all together for a family meal until August; my middle daughter will be leaving in a few weeks to attend a 6-week music training program near Banff, Alberta.

June 20, 2016 at 8:47 pm

@raaman Anybody can look up the identity of a site owner and also obtain their address this way. For someone who works from home, this is a safety issue; it’s very common for site owners to make their names private when they register a domain name.

For the rest, the site was registered through a popular American domain registrar called GoDaddy. It is hosted on Cloudflare servers in Phoenix, Arizona.

None of this implies that the owners are in the United States, nor that they have anything to hide. My belief is the site was set to the time in India and Pakistan for a reason, so it is probable that the staff members live somewhere in that region.

June 20, 2016 at 8:34 pm

@lovern Foodborne illness was a concern in Montreal when people wanted to bring back the street foods that had been banned there for several decades. They resolved the problem by creating a law that said all food carts had to be operated by established restaurants in accordance with food safety laws. The food is prepared in the restaurant kitchen, not in the vending truck. So there is far less chance of anyone getting sick.

June 20, 2016 at 11:52 am

@oksummer That’s what I figured, or possibly a word that registered as a “naughty” word. Sometimes even though your usage is completely appropriate, there may be other uses that are not so appropriate. The spam filters can detect all instances as if they were rude, and then a manual reset needs to be made.

June 20, 2016 at 8:53 am

My favourite “strange” food is poutine. It’s French fries in a soy-based gravy and smothered in melting cheese curds. A lot of people think the combination is really weird and disgusting, but if you grew up in Montreal you probably think this food is better than any gourmet meal you’ve ever had!

June 20, 2016 at 8:50 am

Did somebody accidentally report @oksummer‘s answer above? Or maybe it just had a word in it that tripped the spam filters? @support might want to check this….

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 684 total)