• Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic Smiling and friendly lady has many admirers, agree or disagree,lol in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 6 months ago

    That is what I notice those ladies smiling and friendly have many suitors,lol. Meaning to say that we have to avoid frowning hahahaha in order to have many admirers, for single ladies only,lol.There are really individuals that have faces smiling though not smiling, eyes smiling and glittering despite in the silence mood. Have you also recognize…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic My internet is so slow it hampers my desire to write more blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    I just do my series of writing here in discussion for it is easy for me to copy and save and then paste them here in discussion forum. I am doing this because the internet gets wilder if I keep on opening different topics per group. The signal pops out from the usual. I must do it temporarily writing nonstop here in Thinkers Group so that I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic My internet is so slow it hampers my desire to write more blogs in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    My writing activity here this time is hampered by the performance of internet at home, For those from Philippines, may I know if you are user of Globe Tattoo pocket wi fi? What is the performance of it in your place? Is it fast , slow, or fluctuating? I observed this for almost 3 weeks now. I am not happy with this for you know I always write…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Do you prefer horror than tragic movies? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 6 months ago

    @mahesh, yeah me too hehehe there are horror movies but bearable even the movie Dracula hehehe perceivers cannot avoid shouting then after subsiding laughing hehehe so funny that you keep on covering your eyes then peep from your fingers hahaha , so funny most ladies are doing this coveruing the eyes boys not they just laugh at girls hehehe.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Do you prefer horror than tragic movies? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 6 months ago

    @tz, that is nice you prefer to watch horror first then tragic to restore the previous feeling with heart throbbing fast hehehe. That sounds unique. I do not like to watch tragic movie because I do not like to cry. It pains me to see other people crying even in the movie. I am also affected; whereas in horror, I can be with flock shouting for a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dawnwriter

    Dawnwriter and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Do you prefer horror than tragic movies? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 6 months ago

    @Tracy, hehehe, you got the point there, before I do not like horror movies but later I realized that it is very much challenging, plus there is nothing to fear about for it is not true it is only pre entertainment and art.I also like to hear sounds of please and sounds of crazy people feeling sick of what they are watching, a horrible one,LOL.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Is Psorifix Fake or Not In Curing Psoriasis? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 6 months ago

    @siva, Ha? Why? I think it is fake for what those declared in a secret ad was psorifix as effective. Thank you so much for sharing this direct from you experience. Maybe that kind has some allergy to you.By the way, may I know the update of your psoriasis this time? Are you now psoriasis-free? Thanks and take care.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic 2 Mobile Apps to Earn Income : Rabadaba and Foap in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @EvilElf, I am happy to know about the flow of your life having your own website and your mom in great health that is most important of all the things on earth. I hope your website has many visitors.About Blogbourne many shared it here about its downfall. Let us hope LB stays for many years. By the way, you can now write many blogs no more…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Are There Marriages Broken Because A Wife- Husband Snores? 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am just curious to know considering that I am single no partner in bed, lol. By the way is there anyone there who knows somebody marriage broken because a husband or a wife snores? I am thankful I do […]

    • I am no to that divorcing a spouse because he or she snores, that is a very shallow reason for me, but those who favors, I will not interact them for it is also not easy to lack sleep and marriage is made eternal.So if you cannot bear the pain of losing a sleep than losing a wife or husband, it is up to you.

    • If a marriage did end in divorce due to snoring then it couldn’t have been a very strong marriage to begin with. My partner snores and it drives me mad so I wear ear plugs, and if on the odd occasion it is really bad and I can still hear him (if he is ill for example) then I will sleep in the spare room. I definitely wouldn’t leave him lol x

    • I think just snoring may not be a good and sufficient reason for divorce. If it is so, then the foundation is not laid properly They should have exchanged views and hobbies, weaknesses and temperament. In India, it is very hard to get a divorce. No court accepts it as a valid reason for divorce. Of course, even in western countries, it may perhaps be considered as a valid reason. There may be one or two singular cases.

    • no I will not divorce just for snoring it will be crazy and no right, and if that was the case that’s because the marriage was not strong and find an excuse to divorce.

    • I snore but our relationship is still intact. I snore more than my husband. Sometimes I woke up by the sound of my snore.

    • @shelly osborne, Really? hehehehe, my friend also told me that she cannot sleep well because her hubby snores so what she did she sleeps in the other room until her husband cried hehehe. After that she just programmed in her mind her husband’s snore is music,lol.

    • @Damian Lissi,That is a very strong reason , why divorce just because a husband or a wife snores. I think snoring stops after few hours when the person is in deep sleep. Also snoring gets slower when the person is also in deep sleep. It will be better to just cover the ears with a headphone or advise the partner to sleep with his / her side. Tanks for your very nice thought and feeling of this snoring problem.

    • I only learned that I snore when my husband told me. He gets to hear it when I sleep earlier than him. And when I asked him if it is so loud , he said it’s not. Though it can be heard.

      He also snores, though sometimes only. And when it gets guttural , like he will choke, I wake him up and he will sleep on his side and won’t be snoring.

      Well, I guess I don’t snore loud because he doesn’t wake me up. Because I am sure that if I snore loudly, he will. He even wakes me up when I have a nightmare.

      You are right, snoring is a shallow reason to separate from your husband. lol

    • @Dina, wow that is so sweet my friend hehehe snoring could be music to ears and disgusting to the membrane, lol. That is nice your husband do not feel hurt if wake him if sense his snore is somewhat different. That is the usual advise by doctors to sleep on the side to escape snoring, but there are others that cannot sleep if sleep that way.They better buy snoring ring so that they can have a better sleep with their husband or wife. Snoring is indeed irritating and blood boiling. It triggers the person’s stable emotion to an irritating one.

    • @Ruby, really? What is the sound of your snore on high mood? hehehehe maybe fluctuating.That is nice your husband is not disturbed with your high modulated snore,lol, and you too do not bother at all about how your husband sounds his snore.That is real and true love my friend. Congrats.

    • I have read that there have been divorces based on such silly reasons. Tolerance is the key for success of any relationship to continue. If the couple have a sound sleep one may not realise about the snoring. Snoring by ourselves cannot be felt by ourselves. Others only can notice. good day. — sambasivan now in California

    • @SAMBASIVAN.S. , whew, how is Calif my friend? I am so happy for you now in California. Maybe it is Spring time there. About snoring,oh so sad for those who divorced because of snoring problem. Snoring is not intentional and I think there is no capsule to swallow for a snore to stop hahahaha. Thanks.

    • I haven’t heard something like that situation but there are others that are just looking for a hole to move out from the relationship. Thankfully divorce is not legal in our country..

    • Snoring is the most annoying behaviour that anyone could have. I for one cannot stand snoring but again I think it’s something that is unavoidable really. I don’t think someone would choose to do it intentionally when they know they are irritating someone would they? Maybe there are those who would do that just to get on someone’s nerves as a pay back for something they did but it’s not noble. I remember when my dad was still alive he would snore so hard sometimes and I always used to ask myself how does my mum sleep soundly even with that noise it’s so irritating. I could hear him snoring coz it was so loud. Anyway me i have always thought snoring comes as a result of someone being so tired but it just happens even when you are not tired. I guess it’s just the position one sleeps. Experts say that if you sleep with your head facing up you are likely to snore, but if your facing on your sides you don’t snore I think it works. For that person who would divorce their spouse for snoring, i think they just don’t know what they are doing in that marriage. How can you use that as a basis to break your marriage. I would say it’s just an excuse to leave the marriage for some other reason. That’s too petty to even think about it. I have never heard of anyone who has done that personally but am sure if research is done you might just find someone did that. It’s quite unfortunate but with the rate of people getting married for all the wrong reasons it’s possible.

    • @Tita, you may be right that those who filed a divorce may just use the issue on snore just to have something to prove. It will be a painful feeling to have your partner divorce because you snore, very shallow reason, third party might be the real cause not the snore.

    • @Anitah Gimase ,Hi friend? I so appreciate your logical explanations about the issue on snoring. Better your mom endured and that means love is greater than the annoyance of snore. Snoring is man’s topic worldwide for it does not only imply disturbance but likewise, health problem of the snorer. Medics said that those who snore may also have heart problem or asthma problem that is bad if snore for the person may suffocate from his/ her snore. In other statement from people of the world that those who snore may have been tired from whole day’s work and that no snores in the entire duration of sleep after few hours silence will be observed. Another way is, when one snores, he or she might have inherited it from their generation, you already know history repeats itself.

      Thanks for sharing your very nice and inspiring comment, very much reiterated ,

    • @cely, yes you are right about that. Most of the cases nowadays involved third party. My husband also snore when he sleep only when he’s very tired from work. Of course I was annoyed but then I couldn’t do anything about it but to understand. I even tried to sleep in the sofa until he stop snoring lol.

    • Let me continue the love story I am posting here now. Check my profile for the rest
      “Give me high five, Chioma screamed and danced inside
      the room, ooooooh, Amy na, give me high five, u hit him
      hard, i mean sooo hard, i’ve never seen my brother like
      this, and no one has ever challenged him the way you did”,
      Chioma blabbed, i stood looking at her, trying to
      understand all she’s saying, i cleared my throat, “eeeeh,
      Chioma what are trying to say? “So u still dont get it,oya,
      just give me high five” she hit my hand immediately,
      “wonderful , mother needs to hear this” she said sitting
      down, “ooooh, Chioma pls i’m so sorry for shouting at your
      elder brother, he got me angry, he was so rude to me,” i
      tried explaining all that happened, but Chioma wasnt paying
      attention, “Chioma, are you listening to me?she turned to
      face me,” Amy i’m so happy, just forget everything that
      happened,pls help me pack my belongings, dad called
      mum, we shall be leaving in two days time, “that’s good,
      just dont forget me when you get to Lagos, i replied,” i
      wont be travelling abroad again, i want to here in Nigeria,
      i’ve begged daddy to bring you to Lagos, we can attend the
      same University, i would really love you being close to me,
      pls i hope you dont mind”, why will i mind? I thought ght to
      myself, i’ve been asking God for an opportunity to leave the
      village, and here it comes, i was so happy within me but
      the thought of her brother made my happiness vanish, i
      cant stand that boy, he’s so spoilt, but i need to leave the
      village,aah, my mother nko? Who will take care of her?
      What about my uncle? Who will cook for my mother, ”
      I was still in my thought when she coughed, her cough
      jerked me out of my thought,” dont worry i’ll take care of
      you, my mum will love it if you agree to coming with us to
      the city, she has spoken to your mum about it, and as for
      my brother and his girlfriend, just ignore them, you wont be
      seeing more of him because he’s never at home,” she said
      trying to make me smile, i smiled at her, “i wont leave the
      village until i gain admission, i’m yet to write my Jamb,
      once i’m done and i’m sure of my admission then i can
      move to the city,
      For the meantime, i need to enroll in a computer class, and
      also attend lessn for my jamb,i told her,” Do u know why i
      like you? “she asked me,” i kept mute,” i like you because
      of how you reason, take your time, dont rush, i’ll be waiting,
      i’ll resume school January at UNILAG, i know you’ve heard
      about the school, that’s where we shall school, for now, i’ll
      be lonely without you”, she said trying to feign crying, i
      laughed at her, “see fine girl crying,” i hugged her, “dont
      miss me so much, i don’t want to cry,” i consoled her,
      within these few days, Chioma and i have become fond of
      each other, i was so happy i met her,
      She stood up immediately, “sweetheart, let’s go out and
      have fresh air, are you not tired of staying indoor? Watching
      what u’re not understanding,” she was referring to the
      channel i was watching, ZEEworld, i’ve heard people talk
      about their good movies,my mother cant afford it so i only
      listen to my classmates talk about the series, Chioma was
      right, though the movie is interesting, i dont understand
      what the story is all about, “i’m tired of staying indoor, let’s
      go out,” i told her,she dragged me out of the room.
      In the compound, she ordered for juice, we sat down
      chatting, “i’ll visit my cousin this evening to know how far
      they have gone with their preparations for tomorrow, Chizzy
      will be sleeping over at their place, i’ll go there this
      evening and return later in the night, then first thing
      tomorrow morning i’ll leave for her place, mmmmmh, from
      our schedule, i doubt if we will make it next tomorrow to
      Lagos, “she said slightly hitting her head,” what is it?, why
      are u hitting your head”? I asked in confusion,
      “just see my life, i begged you to help me pack my things,
      and i” ve been talking and talking that i forgot, “she said,”
      just packing? Oya, finish your juice let’s go and pack, i need
      to mine too to return to my home, at least i’m now
      perfect”, i told her, “hmmmmm,

    • Oh I didn’t know that I was a loud snorer until my daughter complained about it when she slept with me one day. The my hubby also agreed that I would snore loudly when I am in deep sleep.
      However, he never complained about it. He just took his pillow and blankets, went to sleep on the sofa in the living room.
      Sometimes my hubby snores too and even make some grunting noises too.
      Its ok as long as he can sleep. He has insomnia.

      Just give and take

    • @michelee, you are funny girl you kicked your boyfriend because he snores hehe hehe. I think that is lovingly kicked,lols.I think only few people do not snore, mostly snore. I might also store someday when I reach 50 ha ha haha, I hope not or else people at home will complain if I snore. I am so thankful that I do not snore. @Tita, just understand your husband hehe hehe. He also does not have idea why he snores. Many are unconscius during sleep time aso they never know they snore.

  • Profile picture of Rajaraman K

    Rajaraman K posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    If you know your path, you need not be afraid.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely wrote a new post, Perfection Unattainable May Lead To Depression 7 years, 6 months ago

    What can you say to this statement guys? Will this be a full blast this time when our economy is sinking? Will this become viral if a debate is formed? LOL. There are so many I hear that they are perfectionist? […]

    • There is no perfect life; and everyone always desire for perfection, some wanted it in an instant, to achieve a comfortable, luxurious life by doing illegal business like drugs, so they end up in jail or dead!

      One can not have everything, as in the saying, “one can not have all the cake and eat it too!” (he could have diabetes! ha ha ha!). So one must be contented and thankful for whatever he have in life because aspiring for more can make him sad and a failure.

    • very funny to talk about something I was just mentinening it, there is no perfect in the world Only God is perfect, humans do mistakes and if there is mistakes then there is no perfection, right or no, I mean it is nice enough to try being perfect, though never we are going to be but trying means good human we are

    • The worst thing anyone can do in life it chase perfection as you will miss out on the real beauty of life. THere is no such thing as a perfect person or a perfect life. There is no harm in chasing to better yourself but chasing perfection will just leave you disappointed over and over again.

    • @trees , we can only perfect something like in an exam, bake cakes perfectly and other simple things yet important.The perfection that others meant is different like the way the rich act and do, they want a perfect world of their own yet never could they achieve perfection life perfect life for life becomes perfect only if in partial good health.Thanks for your very nice thought and feelings very much appreciated.

    • I agree with the thought that nothing can be perfect in life there is always scope for improvement. Life is meant to commit mistakes and learn from the same and not repeat it the next time. As you have said in maths on e can say the sum is perfect or it is a perfect score. But there are many who have become hero’s by passing out degrees with top scores but have failed in getting the jobs and have become zero’s too.

      Anything in moderation and which can be achieved is a better thing to target. It is better to go one step at a time. It is better to live within our means than to overspend. It is always better to earn first and then than using credit cards. If one does not have money or there is shortage of it then it is better to stop or be careful with the use of credit cards or taking loans. If we cannot return the same it will further land us into more trouble. An article reflecting practical reality. Thanks for the share.

    • No one is perfect , so there will never be a perfect life. Life is not life when it doesn’t have its ups and downs.

      When you expect perfection indeed it could end up in you feeling so depressed whenever you fail.

      Just expect what is realizable in life. Don’t dream beyond what is attainable so that when you fall it will not hurt or make you insane with sadness and depression.

    • @Krishna Kumar,That is true, perfectionist may find life hard to live if keep on assuming things beyond his actual situation One may become crazy thinking on what to do to buy all those material things.That is one ground for committing a mistake just to reach his caprice, very, very bad style that may lead to depression if always long to but material things.

    • @Dina, Hi Din? Long time, no her from you.Yes there is no perfection.We may prefey to say skilled person, talented, versatile a virtuoso , but never could they make their life perfect.

    • Depression may strike anytime if one is too ambitious and lacks capital to make gis ambition happens. It will be better to have step by step achieving dreams in life to avoid to stumble down which might be so difficult for the person to stand up. Having a broken feeling and dream n[ due to failures may cause havoc to your health thus depression attacks which might be so risky for you to face especially if you are not a brave person. better avoid things that are hard to attain or reach by your own capacity.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Let us write only quality blogs if not, never expect payment in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    This day I see again the post having the same title and having the title no verb consistency hehehe. I pity that person for I am so sure he will not get what he thinks he would get. Just like me, I so sure of myself that I find and feel it boring. I like to read variety titles. They should also be titles not foreign, LOL for if it happens no one…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What Should I Do Now **** Still Not Paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @happsingh , hehehe, that is great, at least mine from cacay to cely / lovern hahahaaha. I hope that changing your screen name means bringing luck and fortune to you. Good luck to us all here.I supposed to use cely, but I did not for a change, plus I used the photo image in ML as cacay1 hehehehe I learned to love that name cacay1 by the way.We…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic What Should I Do Now **** Still Not Paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @michelle, that is great girl, at least and wow you have many pay pal email addresses connect? That is nice for safe and surer way to get onto the best option what YM to recommend all could go better.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Someone in the name of @nedim in this site a spammer or scammer in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @kaylar, they are abusing the beauty and importance of technology.They like easy money and want to rot in jail and hell. These scammers are lazy people and I suspected most of them re drug addicts. N one can do this ugly deeds if not under the influenced of illegal drugs, or influenced strongly by peer.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    @EvilElf ,Yes, that was me who told you that my photos were stolen by a writer here and I reported that person to Support and that person was removed here. It is a very critical decision to copy or steal my personal pictures I took in New Zealand.If he was there in Auckland, how come that we have the same photos taken? That was so devastating for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic 2 Mobile Apps to Earn Income : Rabadaba and Foap in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @EvilElf, Hi friend? Long time no see and long time no hear from you. I have missed you.Where have you been? How’s your mom? About rabadaba, I was invited by a friend to join this, but I am no to this kind for my pleasure is writing. At rabada, you need people to like you, if not the will ruin you . That was what had happened to my friend she…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Lets do It and Make it the Best place in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    @happsingh . Are you this friend Harpreet Singh? Maybe the Mylotters here can recognize you and I am so sure they already recognized you hehehe. Better show your face,LOL.

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Do you know why dogs run behind vehicles? in the forum Group logo of Dog LoversDog Lovers 7 years, 6 months ago

    @ Barnali sarkar , hahahaha thanks I did not mind in m life why dogs run after a vehicle or car or any moving wheels, so funny dogs they have their own reasons. I salute the person that made a research on this to come with the real reason. Thanks.

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