Very wonderful article now I have learn lot from my past but not yet giving up I still HOLD it on.. just few yrs ago when my wife change her mind without any valid or acceptable reason she just suddenly change her mind and I don’t in what way she LOVE going around and full fun of her JOB.. She just left us me and my Kids and what it hurts a lot is that the TIME I needed her most she was not around tel now she don’t even communicate with me. Yes she do sometimes to my children.. GOD I love her o lot more than I ever know the meaning of LOVE.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. We must love ourselves first before we can love someone else. I do not like the term falling in love for this incurs a stopping point. What i like to say is growing in love as this incurs continuity and in a relationship each person must be open and willing to journey on the path of growth.
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