Krishna Kumar replied to the topic I wont' anymore be active in writing blogs in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Hello Cely,
I have requested the literacybase support group again about this after more than a week. Let us see if they will reply to my query about the issue I have highlighted to them. As this is a big problem for someone who writes articles and wants to share them too. I hope support team will reply. Best wishes and regards.
Krishna Kumar and beata are now friends 8 years ago
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic My Balance went down from $4 to $2.68 why? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years ago
Hello Support team,
This is my second request regarding me unable to share my content which I have written. Earlier I have had no problems but since past few weeks I am unable to share my articles with others. Whenever I share no doubt it shows as the article is shared but when the people who open it up to read they come across a message ‘sorry…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Support replied me , do read to know in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Good to know you got a response.
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About – Lord Krishna – Prayer in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
I find this method a very useful way to destress ones mind especially when the mind is going through difficulty, facing heavy workload, is tensed up, anxious, is overthinking or simply restless. One can also listen to instrumental music or hindustani or carnatic music, bhajans, sankeertans, prayers, mantras or just stare and focus on a light or…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Someone in the name of @nedim in this site a spammer or scammer in the forum Thinkers Group 8 years ago
Even I received the attractive pictures private message on Sunday to which I obviously said no thank you. I also told how noble the intention was as they were asking for the gmail admin has to look into this too. I hope they would also have received such a message.
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About – Lord Ganesha – Qualities in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
Yes agree with you the Hyderabad Ganesh festival is a big event in the annual calendar of events of festivals. It started becoming very famous and gathering more crowds since the late 70’s and the early 80’s. Now the turnout is very huge. This festival also played its part in India’s independence movement. It was popularized by veteran freedom…[Read more]
Yes agree with you the Hyderabad Ganesh festical is a big event in the annual calendar of events of festivals. It started becoming very famous and gathering more crowds since the late 70’s and the early 80’s. Now the turnout is very huge. This festival also played its part in India’s independence movement. It was popularized by veteran freedom…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar and Filip Vau are now friends 8 years ago
Krishna Kumar and G Look are now friends 8 years ago
Krishna Kumar started the topic Religion: Hinduism – About – Lord Krishna – Prayer in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
A soothing painting or image to ones eyes of Lord Shri. Krishna and Radha Rani is pleasing. Lord Krishna to say was a master flutist as whoever whether it be man or animal when they heard the celestial music reverberating from the the flute were totally immersed in the melody and forgot about the whole world.
Such was the electrifying…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About – Bhakti Yoga – Divine Love in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
A great treasure trove of information regarding the different the different approaches one adopt to reach or establish link with God depending on each individuals intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. As mentioned above the river is one and the ways to reach the river are many depending on the capacity of each individual who is pursuing the goal of…[Read more]
I would like to share one more information. I was sharing my articles from LB to my friends so for each share one used to get a point. This was going on fine till one day I found that my share page although sharing the article which I wrote. When my friends opened they did not get any article and it was told the page does not open and instead…[Read more]
Sorry to hear from you such a thing happened. Did you check out with LB as to why this happened twice and why do you not get a private message giving you the reason?
Krishna Kumar and onliner are now friends 8 years ago
Religion teaches us many things which if and when inculcated makes us achieve the level where we are in a position to reach or interact with our Lord or Guru as the case may be. There is a case of total surrender and having an unconditional faith in the Lord at whose feet we place ourselves. We are too lazy to understand this process and many a…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Factoids: 10 Amazing Facts To Know – 8 in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 8 years ago
Interesting factoids which refresh our mind with new information which some of us were not aware of. I have come to know at least five new interesting things which I can share with others if it is required to be. We keep gathering knowledge since childhood and the human mind has the tendency to forget many of the things learnt earlier as new…[Read more]
Krishna Kumar and 2lighter are now friends 8 years ago