• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, If You Have To Apply For A Job… 7 years, 6 months ago

    The other day I was having an argument/discussion with a colleague.   To prove that ‘If You Have To Apply For A Job You Won’t Get It’,  I applied.

    Now I am far more qualified than every single person at the i […]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, How To Avoid Getting Caught In Road Rage While Driving 7 years, 6 months ago

    Credit image share to 123rf.com 24908262 Editable-vector-illustration-of-two-men-fighting-after-a minor-road accident-stock-vector.jpg

    Many of us have to commute from our residences to offices daily. This is a […]

    • Road rage happens anywhere, with the busy, congested roads where motorists all wanted to reach their destinations in an instant. What you mentioned embodied all the things that a driver needs to keep in mind while he is on the road; for his safety, for other’s safety, and for his family.

      • Of late this problem has increased manifold in India. Some of the problems which were not there but have now started to happen more in India are parents giving keys of vehicles in the hands of children who are less than sixteen years old. Many people purchasing motorcycles which run very fast especially youngsters. People buying cars and vehicles more as they do not have a proper public transport system as the systems are not able to catch up with the increase in the population on time.

        One family buying too many two and four wheeler’s as loans are easily available compared to what they where earlier. People not having the patience to wait and drive slow and follow rules even though the pace of traffic speed permitted is only 40 kilometers in the cities. Many accidents taking place on the highways. On a trip when I traveled around more than 500 kilometers I saw six to seven serious accidents where majority of the people have passed away. These people do not realize that driving on city roads and driving on a highway are completely different. Thanks for the feedback.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How To Earn Well In Literacybase? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    Some more ways of increasing your revenue on Literacybase are

    1) Open different groups on which you are a member daily and participate.

    2) Try writing more blogs.

    3) Sharing blogs and articles which are important to a particular group or community which you wish to share.

    4) The more number of individual shares the more the revenue too.

    5)…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of DianaDiana are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic What Are The Best Ways To Stay Cool And Healthy In Summer in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    Had curd milk today and enjoyed the same. Stopped having coffee or tea summer ends in the evenings. Temperatures reaching around 40 degree celsius. Having curd or lassi definitely seem to be cooling the body temperature by a few degrees. Fruits especially grapes too are the ones which I could taste and they feel light and cool on the stomach.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Is Vitamin E Actually Good for My Skin? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    An informative article well written and appreciated. According to me body needs some amount of vitamin E. People consume Chest nuts, Almonds, raw seeds, mustard greens,  and similar others nuts. Vitamin E is also found in some amount in the greens like spinach and in the roots which we consume, turnip greens etc. There are special Vitamin E oils…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Bambi kuzykBambi kuzyk are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Barry HudsonBarry Hudson are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago


    Thanks for the useful information and feedback which you are providing. What this shows is that if one does not provide the right quality of checkers then it is a loss for the site, the authors and the variety of content which can be blogged. As more variety of content helps sites generate more hits which increase its revenue and that in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Talking About Those Scam Emails 7 years, 6 months ago

    Although it has been mentioned on this site, these scam emails are on other sites as well.

    Just the other day I received one from “Rose Smith.”

    You probably got one here as well, although she is/was very busy on […]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of ReaRea are now friends 7 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago


    Agree with you. What I am telling is stop using or promoting the checkers which do not do a good job as what is there in the blog page we submit is the one which we use. So promote someone who does a good job and does not cause harm to sites or their authors. All this even after charging money. What it means is people who are not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Some People Are Their Own Worst Enemies 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was a little kid, I heard my mother talking to someone…okay, I was eavesdropping as I did… and I heard her saying that someone, I don’t remember who, was ‘her own worst enemy’.

    When you are a little […]

    • That’s a really good snapshot photo of President Donald J.Trump. I read your post. Honestly, it’s a very poor use of analogy of a proverbial expression. His winning is the American voters’ win, as well, of a good leader, and winning back America, fairly and squarely.

      Americans are not your worst enemies in this day and age. It’s ISIS caliphate. It’s terrorism. It’s the illegal aliens entering USA. It’s the dark side of totalitarian liberal Master Plan in the “production of unaware and compliant citizenry” which the Democrat were exposed to be doing as Podesta and Hillary agreed with Bill Ivey’s Master Plan. Thanks to the Internet. These leaks do have their good serve.

      If only the barking mad rabid dogs, whose wild howls and yaps betray their own deseased state–would just stop the raving insanity and anarchy delegitimizing the President. And stop calling the good women Trump-voters “stupid”. So gross imagination you’ve got there.

      Nevertheless, watch out your own worst enemy that’s within you. Let it not become your own devastating stronghold. It’s not good for your health and well-being.

      Cheers, Kaylar.

      • While you are worshipping him, his popularity IN AMERICA has dropped to 37%. He is a laughing stock all over the world. Non whites are being targeted. There has been a lot of violence, murders, all kept off the front page.

        I hope you are lily white, because if you are not… you are your own worst enemy.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Different People Whom We Meet And Become Friends With 7 years, 6 months ago

    Credit image share to clker.com images (24).jpg

    In the course of our journey in life we happen to meet different kinds of people whom we meet and become friends with. As each individual is unique and different […]

    • We have different kinds of friends and one that we treasure most are our best friends who remained loyal and seemed attached to us though we are miles apart.

      We also have online friends whom we meet at sites like Literacybase. We consider them as friends because they share the same sentiments; same interests, and same outlook in life.

      We love those friends!

      • Agree with you many of the individuals whom we meet online and at sites like Literacybase share a lot of common interests, sentiments and outlook in life and the distance in this case does not matter. I have met most of my friends online. Here the binding force for many of the individuals is the writing and the profession which they are pursuing out of passion and not out of choice. That is what many friends out here are doing which I appreciate.

        Good to hear something which is echoed by many people in deeds and here the thoughts have been put on paper. Even facebook also is one such thing it depends on how one looks at each medium and what he or she is wanting to achieve through it in their life. I wish to thank all friends here. Appreciate your inspirational words and your views on this important subject.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    If one attempts to write a good article, something that can be quoted they must use facts.  To use facts would open the door to plagiarism.   For example; imagine that you read;

    “It was found that exposure to the Sun for at least fifteen minutes a day boosts the immune system”, in a medical journal.

    You write; “According to the latest medical r…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago


    Hope if things are happening like this admin will surely look into it because, why should this site which generates good content be affected by this. I would like more business to come to the site too. As we need a strong site which has to increase its business too. It is beneficial to the site and the authors if current issues are discussed.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar wrote a new post, Effective Ways A Sportsman Can Build His Physical Stamina And Endurance 7 years, 6 months ago

    Credit image share to getjar.com 861409_2.jpg

    Stamina and endurance are two important things which make a sportsman excel in his or her chosen field of sport. Here are some effective ways in which a sportsman […]

    • An athlete should follow a proper exercise routine before training on his chosen sport activity. There should be discipline on his part to make his body well toned and ready for the training. Yes, he should eat the right kind of food for longer stamina and strength.

      • Because I have observed sports well and have played sport I am able to appreciate what a sportsman goes through. As rightly observed by you it used to take long hours for me too. I had to play and the whole procedure used to take around four hours a day and over and above that a walk of around three to four kilometers. But I cherish my sporting career. Those were one of the best years of my life. Even though it had to stop abruptly as I got placed in a private job. Where it used to be night by the time I moved out of the office. Thanks for reminding me of my sporting days.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, A funny Thing Happened to Triond 7 years, 6 months ago

    When the writing site Triond first came into existence back in 2008 the idea was human moderation.  This didn’t last very long and then it switched to A.I.

    Artificial Intelligence is certainly artificial and […]

    • What you say is true. I agree that we should be using words without naming people as that would keep the writer safe and the article safe from the problems stated above. One can also write other topics like short stories, incidents which took place in ones life, places where one went and interesting things happened. Something which only we know and not many other know about it such things would keep the writer safe.

      While there are places where all topics can also be covered and written. One can search for them for such articles. While we can follow all these it is better we use the checker which is faulty and check as the site is using the same. If it shows that anything is repeating at some other place simply do not publish the article here. That is better way of playing it safe and not being called names.

      • I’m going to avoid topical factual items here and post them on other sites. This will just be a pop corn site.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Mods! The Sky Isn't Falling! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    During my sojourn here, I have sought to write about topical and factual items.  I have verified my facts so that I would be as accurate as possible.  I have had two items removed for plagairism.  Hence, I shall endeavour to lower my standards to match that of this site.

    No more sharp factual pieces requiring researc

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Can We Trust Plagium And Other Systems Which Check Our Articles For Plagiarism? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago

    This is why this site is lowly rated.  There is very little to read.  You can NOT post about a political situation in Your country which would be of educational benefit as you would be calling the names of real people, describing real incidents, which would likely be mentioned in newspapers and texts.

    I will cease from posting anything of real value.

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