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    faisal waheed qureshi and Profile picture of celycely are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic Article Ideas in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 7 years, 7 months ago




  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, CHAOS TO MOTHERHOOD NOW A DAYS 7 years, 7 months ago

    “Whatever I am and will ever be, I owe to my angel mother”

    Abraham Lincoln, the great American president, said of his stepmother. This lady took care of him after his birth mother died. He would recall when thi […]

    • That is true. Since the world is getting so materialistic, mothers would also want to join the bandwagon of working abroad, so she can provide a better future and a better life to her growing children , and that is if the partner is unluckily not employed or has abandoned her to take care of all the children.
      Though, given the chance, a mother should be with her children, guiding and taking care of them until the childrean reaches the age where they can already take care of themselves.
      About how children calls their mothers, I think I really like it that we raised our daughter calling us Mama or Papa, not Mommy or Daddy. Why, because Daddy and Mommy are actually English words , thus we seem unpatriotic . Besides, for me, it seems those words have a tinge of hypocrisy since they usually are being used by kids born to rich family.
      Thus, I chuckle inside of me when a poor kid calls her parents Dad or Mom. he he he
      With Mama anD Papa, they have humble tones.

    • As example of humble rich people are KrisAquino and Carmina Villaroel . Kris lets her kids call her Mama while Carmina let her kids call them Nanay and Tatay.
      Such humility so outstanding !

    • n those early years, I remember one particularly chaotic afternoon while I was home by myself with all four kids. One child spilled red paint on the carpet, another had an accident on the hard-wood floor, another threw up in her crib, and another had a diaper explosion while (of course) no wipes could be found anywhere in the house. All of this happened in the space of thirty minutes, and I felt like my life was spinning completely out of control. There were many times during those years when I wondered if I’d ever feel on top of my game again.

      Though my kids have finally gotten past the diaper blowout stage, now that I have six children ranging from two to nine years old, there are still plenty of moments where life feels far more chaotic than peaceful. I know what it feels like to have a houseful of little voices chattering, shouting, and vying for my attention like a mob of wild monkeys. I am familiar with the endless piles of laundry, the constant discipline challenges, the never-ending frustration of lost socks and sippy cups, and the sleep deprivation that comes with having a household full of young children.

    • Being called a mother of someone and by someone is a greatest blessing of womanhood. The feeling a woman gets when her kid calls mumma for the first time cannot be explained by words. It is a lovely and out of this world kind of feeling.
      Here in India mothers are usually addressed as ‘MA’ or ‘MUMMY’ in hindi.
      It is a lovely feeling and a bliss of life to be called so.

  • Profile picture of faisal waheed qureshi

    faisal waheed qureshi and Profile picture of DR KOKIL AGARWALDR KOKIL AGARWAL are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Cassy Janine

    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, ANTIOXIDANT: MOST EFFECTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL NUTRIENTS 7 years, 7 months ago

    Lately, researchers and scientist learned that many diseases like cancer, ill- effects while getting older, and heart diseases are no doubt that they are caused by free radicals or the excessive chemicals we are […]

    • Thanks for sharing.
      Antioxidant is the way for prevent cancer and anti aging too. Most of the cosmetics are selling based on this point.

      I love to take fresh fruits and veges to increase the antioxidant agents in my body in order to be healthy.

      This articles doesn’t touch much on fresh fruits and veges, but only red wines. Unfortunately, I can’t take wine, as I am alcohol allergy which it will make my skin become sensitive and itchy for weeks long, thus I never take any wines, even the beers. I think, just few percentages of alcohol will make me fee like in the hell.

    • Anti-oxidants are said to retard the signs of aging. i get myanti-oxidants from eating fruits specially apple , pineapple and all kind of citrus fruits specially oranges.
      As to veggies, i like them too , but not much. But I am not knowledgeable as to what veggie has the most anti-oxidant, except for brocolli.
      Since, I don’t know if I am getting enough anti-oxidant , I take vitamin supplements like Vitamin E , Vit C , as well. as B1612 , and fish oil.

    • By the way, I have just read a shared post at FB that beer has its own 6 healthy benefits. Some that i can remember are : good for the prevention of dementia , warding off diabetes , and making our bone density in a very good level.

    • A diet high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body cells, and prevent or reduce the damage caused by oxidation.
      The protective effect of antioxidants continues to be studied around the world. For instance, men who eat plenty of the antioxidant lycopene (found in tomatoes) may be less likely than other men to develop prostate cancer. Lutein, found in spinach and corn, has been linked to a lower incidence of eye lens degeneration and associated blindness in the elderly. Flavonoids, such as the tea catechins found in green tea, are believed to contribute to the low rates of heart disease in Japan.
      Sources of antioxidants
      Plant foods are rich sources of antioxidants. They are most abundant in fruits and vegetables, as well as other foods including nuts, wholegrains and some meats, poultry and fish.

      Good sources of specific antioxidants include:
      allium sulphur compounds – leeks, onions and garlic
      anthocyanins – eggplant, grapes and berries
      beta-carotene – pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, carrots, spinach and parsley
      catechins – red wine and tea
      copper – seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts
      cryptoxanthins – red capsicum, pumpkin and mangoes
      flavonoids – tea, green tea, citrus fruits, red wine, onion and apples
      indoles – cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower
      isoflavonoids – soybeans, tofu, lentils, peas and milk
      lignans – sesame seeds, bran, whole grains and vegetables
      lutein – green, leafy vegetables like spinach, and corn
      lycopene – tomatoes, pink grapefruit and watermelon
      manganese – seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts
      polyphenols – thyme and oregano
      selenium – seafood, offal, lean meat and whole grains
      vitamin A – liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, milk, and egg yolks
      vitamin C – oranges, blackcurrants, kiwifruit, mangoes, broccoli, spinach, capsicum and strawberries
      vitamin E – vegetable oils (such as wheatgerm oil), avocados, nuts, seeds and whole grains
      zinc – seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts
      zoochemicals – red meat, offal and fish. Also derived from the plants that animals eat.
      Back to top
      Vitamin supplements
      There is increasing evidence that antioxidants are more effective when obtained from whole foods, rather than isolated from a food and presented in tablet form – and some supplements can actually increase cancer risk. For instance, vitamin A (beta-carotene) has been associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, but an increase in others, such as lung cancer in smokers, if vitamin A is purified from foodstuffs. A study examining the effects of vitamin E found that it did not offer the same benefits when taken as a supplement. Also, antioxidant minerals or vitamins can act as pro-oxidants or damaging ‘oxidants’ if they are consumed at levels significantly above the recommended amounts for dietary intake.
      A well-balanced diet, which includes consuming antioxidants from whole foods, is best. If you insist on taking a supplement, seek supplements that contain all nutrients at the recommended levels.

    • Antioxidants come up frequently in discussions about good health and preventing diseases. These powerful substances, which mostly come from the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat, prohibit (and in some cases even prevent), the oxidation of other molecules in the body. The benefits of antioxidants are very important to good health because if free radicals are left unchallenged, they can cause a wide range of illnesses and chronic diseases.

      There is a wide range of antioxidants found in nature, and because they are so varied, different antioxidants provide benefits to different parts of the body. For example, beta-carotene (and other carotenoids) is very beneficial to eye health; lycopene is beneficial for helping maintain prostate health; flavonoids are especially beneficial for heart health, and proanthocyanidins are beneficial for urinary tract health.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SOME OF OUR BODY IMBALANCES AND THE CAUSES 7 years, 7 months ago

    HYPERTENSION (High Blood Pressure)

    High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a condition that increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, kidney failure, and other serious […]

    • Of these three, i have vertigo. Though, t’s very rare when it attacks.
      The doctor said I should refrain myself from taking out the earwax from my ears which I like doing because it gives me a nice feeling. Thus, since then, I clean my ears after taking a bath with ony the cotton balls but only the outer parts of my ears. I only clean my inner ears once a week.
      From then on, I don’t experienc vertigoany anymore.


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    faisal waheed qureshi and Profile picture of John Impy0ngJohn Impy0ng are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    faisal waheed qureshi and Profile picture of joanne pauline dalupangjoanne pauline dalupang are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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  • Profile picture of faisal waheed qureshi

    faisal waheed qureshi posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    I was reading Co. Men to by other members. ..that if we can write 4 blogs….We may earn 2$ per day..what if I can write 10 blogs with 600 -700 words each….can we make 10$ per day?

  • Profile picture of faisal waheed qureshi

    faisal waheed qureshi posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    I believe th I s site reminds me bubbles.com……They shut down their services. …I hope this site carries on….and on

  • Profile picture of faisal waheed qureshi

    faisal waheed qureshi posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    I believe th I s site reminds me bubbles.com……They shut down their services. …I hope this site carries on….and on

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    faisal waheed qureshi joined the group Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Miranda Hunt

    Miranda Hunt wrote a new post, Native American culture and heritage. 7 years, 7 months ago

    Thanksgiving is a very important time of the year. Your family gathers together and give thanks just how Native Americans would.

    Natives tribe would go out and hunt for their own foods and supplies.

    Native […]

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    Miranda Hunt replied to the topic Blog More, To Earn More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    The more you blog the more you make its that simple, what a love about the site is that there are some friendly people on here that is willing to help and give advice if need.

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