Rachz voted up to a reply by Rachz in the topic I'm confused… 9 years ago
Rachz replied to the topic I'm confused… in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
Cely @lovern – There was no red button. Dimple @knowbuzz mentioned the reply button. Lol. You made me smile. You need some reading glasses, girl.
@grecy095, Yes dear, from MyKites to LiteracyBase. Unfortunately, when I checked on my comments they were not posted.
@ruby3881, I checked my comments but they were not posted.
@peachpurple, thanks for letting me know. I thought I’m the only one who experienced this.
@peachpurple, thanks for letting me know. I though I’m the only one who experienced this.
@support Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.
Rachz started the topic I'm confused… in the forum About LiteracyBase 9 years ago
I made a comment on one of the Blogs posted. However, when I’m done with my comment there was a note on top stating “You comment is awaiting moderation.” This is my first encounter and I do not know what it means. I might have done something wrong….? I’m confused.
Rachz replied to the topic Making Lists… in the forum Making Money Online 9 years ago
Sorry, I haven’t heard of it. I can’t help much. I looked up the site and I believe it’s all about shopping. Well, that’s why they called it “Shopswell”. Lol. It’s interesting though. It will pay you by sharing lists and giving reviews of the product. It’s like they’re paying you to shop.