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@pywilliams1967 active 6 years, 5 months ago
Rank: Newbie
@sauda Hello. Actually my real name is Precious. My middle name is Yvette. And yes that roller coaster was a trip. Will not ever do that again. View

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December 10, 2017 at 7:21 pm

Yes, honesty is the best policy but unfortunately, that is not how it is.  Honesty has caused some to lose friendships and a whole lot of things.  It is really sad that some cannot handle the truth.  Those who tell lies are not only those of criminal minds but are also those who are just in the norm.  Meaning that it is just some in society who are involved in a variety of relationships whether it be the workplace, at home or anywhere else.  It makes me think of all of these claims of sexual harassment that is going around like wildfire.   Why have most of these occurrences just now have come out?  Is it because some of these people did what they had to do to enhance their careers and now that they have a career and are monetarily satisfied now they decide to come out with it?  Who knows!  What really gets me is one who keeps a lie for years and then decides to tell the truth years later.  Most importantly though it is exemplary to not put ourselves into situations that would create a lie.  Think about it though.  The one to deal with and to be afraid of when lying is God!

December 4, 2017 at 7:26 pm

Hello everyone.

I agree that honesty is the best policy.  Unfortunately, in the world that we live in today, it is extremely hard to believe everything that you hear.  And I am talking widespread; meaning the media, news, politics, friends, and family including a large array of other things and people.  I am the type to observe and talk less, this is very effective in learning a lot of things.  Anywho! In a recent conversation, I found that honesty is not the best policy.  After telling the truth in a certain situation, the reply from the other person was, “I cannot believe that she just said that”!   Okay, what was I suppose to say? A lie?  No thank you, I would rather pass on the lie.  This was interesting yet shocking to know that this person would have preferred for me to tell a lie instead of the truth.  As someone stated previously, the truth will be eventually found so why put ourselves through such iniquities in the glory or name of self-satisfaction?


December 4, 2017 at 7:16 pm

Hello everyone.

Blood is not necessarily thicker than water.  So many things come into play when it comes to relationships period.  I believe I read where someone said it depends on how one was raised which is a great point but there are other factors as well and sometimes even when someone has been raised in a good environment this does not guarantee that they will be all good.  With any relationship, it is good to attempt to treat others as you/we would want to be treated.   Even though this may not work in some cases, it is a good startup for successful relationships.

October 10, 2016 at 4:14 am

You know it is extremely sad the way things have been going on between these two politicians.   First of all instead of being concerned with the American people as a whole, there is constant bickering like a couple of adolescents or two kids in school about to fist fight.   The whole thing is completely frustrating and personally I find myself indecisive.   I really have not listened to Hillary, I guess because every time I turn around Trump’s vocals take over, not to mention, I work a lot so I have not really had the time to listen to their debates.  I will not lie though, I do not care for Trump.  His mouth is to much and you cannot tell if he is saying things honestly and/or joking or is he serious.  Especially when he makes statements about liking war.    Also, what about statements that he has made to keep certain people out of the U. S.?   How could he possibly do that?  Especially considering the fact that past presidents have already allowed it.   Sounds like a possible Hitler regime to me.   Anyway,  I really do not even care, I’m going to be honest and others may be disappointed or even mad but I am not even voting, it seems a waste of time.  I do not see anything extremely beneficial going on.  My opinion.  Why?!  Well for one, who in the world has really gave a damn about the hungry children in this world?  Among other things like homelessness.  I thought so!!!  Some do not even care about these things.  All I have to say is, God help this world!

October 10, 2016 at 3:51 am

To EvilElf

From what I was told, this person looked like the grandfather that had passed.  Also when the parents came back home, the children did not say a word about it.  As if it were erased from their minds.  With my belief in God, I know the He is capable of doing anything.  As I have said before, we all have our own beliefs.  Kind of reminds me of a really interesting conversation I had with someone and the question was, at that time, who created the earth, planets and the solar system.  This one person said man.  To me that response was extremely funny because man does not have the capability to create such awe.   And if man did, I surely would like to know how.


As far as others not believing or believing that some can have premonitions.  Again!!!  It is up to God to let us know what He wants us to know and what He does not want us to know.  But then again we have our own beliefs.  I can go on and on with this conversation but it will be pointless to some.  As that old saying goes, “The proof is in the pudding”, look back into history and most of the time people will find many answers to why some things happen to others while some others may not even experience certain things.

October 9, 2016 at 12:51 am

To EvilElf,

I completely believe you.  Those things that you have experienced are called premonitions, of course.  I do know this because it use to happen to me but the way I knew things was I use to dream about things the night before it happened.  My personal belief is that I believe that God gives certain people special gifts.  Others are of course entitled to believe whatever it is they chose to believe.


Now to something else that is sort of similar.  I will not name any names but here is how the story goes:  There were six children in a house, the oldest child at that time was around ten years old.  They all lived in the country with their parents.  Because of their ages, their parents thought it to be appropriate for them not to attend their grandfather’s wake.   So their parents, two couples, left them all at home, with the oldest child in charge of course to watch over the younger children.   When the parents went to the wake, it was a clear beautiful warm night.   Anyway, all of the children were playing except for one.   The one child decided to sit in a recliner chair by the front patio glass doors and just watch the other play.   While this child sat their he noticed a tall figure walking up the hill to the home.  The child was astonished and kept a fixed stare on this figure.   After coming out of what seemed to be a trance, the child yelled to the other children to come to the patio glass doors to look at this tall figure that kept walking up the hill to their home.  Once the other children all gathered at the glass patio doors, everyone of them became extremely quiet and watched this tall figure with unbelief.   The tall figure then proceeded to walk, what seemed like to the back of their home, the children turned around and started to play again but before they knew it the tall figure was standing right at the back patio glass doors.  Suddenly you could hear all of the children grasp in horror.   As the children stood there, as if they were cemented in the spots that they stood, they all could not help but to noticed that this tall figure was a man, sort of transparent, and most unbelievably looked just like their grandfather.   This man then knocked on the glass doors.   The strange part about this whole story is that when the parents returned from the wake, the children did not say a word to the parents about what had happened.  Even more strange, the child who saw this tall figure first, did not remember what had happened until he turned sixteen then he told his parents.  It also came that all of the children, once older, started to remember then all of them told the same story and as of this day will still tell the same story exactly how it happened.


July 8, 2016 at 7:50 pm

I completely agree with the statement that the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.  This is seen every single day in this world and to me it is sad.   A good example would be a married man.  A married man could be a good man until he is surrounded by not so good men who encourages him to cheat on his wife.  He may or may not do it.  It really depends.  He may want to become part of the group and not feel left out so it may just go ahead and do it, this is when evil triumphs.  Another situation would be some of these children in these schools.  Some of them do evil things because they want to be part of a group.  It may be bullying or anything that is detrimental.  The question is why is it so important that some find it to be a good thing when it comes to being accepted by a certain group of people?  What ever happened to individualism?  Me myself am not a follower especially when it comes to evil things.  I would rather not deal with it at all.  If I see or hear anything that is not right I try my best to distance myself as much as possible even if it is at work.  The best way that I view things is not to do anything evil to anyone because I would not want someone/anyone to do it to me.

July 8, 2016 at 7:35 pm

Hello everyone.  I am the type of person that does not like to argue.  Unfortunately you just cannot reason with some people.  I respect that everyone is different but when tempers flare it causes a variety of situations.  Whether it be with a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, family member, or just friends.  I read a news story about this woman who had her husband thinking that all six of her children were his (for years).  He finally went and got a DNA test and when it came back it proved that he was not the father of none of the children.  Unfortunately after he learned this, he decapitated her.  My thought on this is that he completely lost it (went insane).  Because as the news stated he spent years caring for these children and his wife and was a good man.  Today, some do not consider others feelings and feel that they can just do whatever.  We have different opinions, thoughts, and beliefs.  If these things could be respected more, I feel that we would have better communication going on between people.  My psychology professor always taught us that when two are having a disagreement, it is better not to use “you” statements.   She stated that this immediately makes one feel as if they are to blame.  I have tried it out and it does work.   Being adults you would think that most could have a descent disagreement/argument.  Wrong!!  There will always be someone who thinks that they are right, all of the time.  Me myself know that I am not perfect but when I am wrong I try my best to immediately admit my wrongdoing because I do not want it to bite me in the butt.  My professor also stated that when we have disagreements/arguments, it is also best to state how you feel by beginning the sentence with “I feel really hurt by what was done”.    I have also found this to be effective.

July 8, 2016 at 7:20 pm

This is an extremely sad story and I really hate that the mother lost her child.  I cannot imagine the loss of a child.  Anyway, I do not believe that this was the work of or done by God.  With all of the different religions and/or superstitions that we have going on in this world; I truly believe that God is what He is; meaning that God is first and foremost love.   I do not believe that he would do something so horrendous and heart-wrenching.   He put us here to love one another.   May be it was just the baby’s time to go.  That is another thing about God, no one knows when it may be their time to die.  I am sure that we all have a predetermined time to die.  We of course do not know when but as God has die for our sins, we must do the same.  I pray for the mother and hope that she gets better as time passes.

June 3, 2016 at 8:06 pm

I have three phobias.  The first one is cleanliness.  I just cannot tolerate a dirty house, I know that there are unclean situations in every workplace but I try my best to keep my surroundings at work clean and also when I am in public like restaurants and etc…….Someone said to me that I may have obsessive compulsive disorder.  I say to that, “Oh well”, it is better to be clean than to subject myself to germs and diseases, it is a lot of that going around.

My second one is spiders.  Lord knows I am so afraid of getting bitten by one.  They just look totally creepy to me.  This always can be related to being clean.  I would guess the more clean you are the less you would have to worry about bugs.  Don’t get me wrong though because if I see a spider I have no problem with killing one especially a brown recluse.  Oh my gosh!  Those spiders are a trip!  They seem to have a personality not to mention they jump and people who have gotten bitten by one have either died, have lost a limb, or have had a large hole in the part of the body that the spider bit.

My last one is snakes.  I believe that this is due to me having a really bad nightmare about one.  Every since then snakes have been on my hit list.  I would most likely run first because some are known to chase you which is scary to me.  Here is the south snakes and spiders are numerous especially those brown recluse.  Then the south has a snake, I believe it is called a blue “something” and everyone tells me that this snake will chase you.  That is just so creepy to me.  I know that I can run but if I saw a snake I would definitely pull a record running.


May 28, 2016 at 9:09 pm

Yes, yes, yes.  I am in total agreement.  Some songs these days are extremely depressing and who in the world wants to be depressed?  Some degrade women, a lot of cursing, and yes partying, drugs and the sort.  It is really dismaying.  I also agree with the statement about being older.  Being older you appreciate what music and songs are really about and personally I really love the old school stuff.  What really kills me is the fact that some of today’s youth seem to live by the songs of today.  I mean come on, are these artists putting money into anybody’s pockets?  No.  If anything some people are so obsessed with some of these celebrities that they have to purchase a collection.  To each it’s own but I would not even waste my money, I could think of other important things to spend my money on like a house for instance.

Secondly, it really gets me how some in this world operate.  The computer and internet were created and with that it gives everyone the right and ability to do whatever pleases them as long as it is lawful.  With that being said.  Why is it that it is illegal to get music and songs off of the internet but it is rightful to buy music and songs in the stores?  What is the difference?  Let me give a more detailed example.  Okay it is lawful to purchase say Share Bear (I believe that is what it is called) and with this program you can download music, videos, and movies, correct?  Then you have these bit torrent programs which enables people to do the same, the only difference is you do not have to pay for it.  The lesson; always out to make a dollar.   Only hearsay but I heard that a lot of people were utilizing these bit torrent programs so much that now the government is coming down on those who do and even arresting people for it.

Anywho!  Music and songs are not a priority for me.  Being older I have better things to do even though I do find music that is comforting to be essential at times for a long or hard day at work or for anything that may have been extremely challenging for that moment or day.   Sometimes when I feel bored or I am in my kitchen cooking I also find it relaxing to listen to something that is uplifting even gospel music.  Speaking of gospel music, some of these are getting outrageous too.  It is almost like some are turning it into today’s music with dance moves and the like.  To me that is not impressive.  I find it to be gratifying just singing about the Lord.


May 28, 2016 at 8:14 pm

My gurus are my mother and dad.  My dad foremost.  His name is the Reverend Clarence Alonzo Williams Jr.   Both of my parents are extremely educated; especially in the subject of theology and other subject matters.  My dad was a baptist minister and the most laid back religious leader that I have ever met in my whole life.  As a minister’s daughter I have had the privilege, because of my parents, to experience different types of religions; from Catholicism to Judaism.  It was a wonderful learning experience.  I completely and totally respect all beliefs but at present I am non denominational.  The reason being, I guess because of my past involvements, I feel in my heart that God is a “everyone’s” Father.  With that being said; it reminds me of the commandment, “To Love Thy Neighbor”.  Throughout my life, God has brought me through some rough times and I am so and completely thankful to Him for everything.  There have been previous life experiences of mine that you would not believe it unless you saw it for yourself.   I know that there is a God and if it were not for Him I would not be alive today. 

One thing I have to address is the old stereotypical statement; “Oh! She is a “minister’s kid”.  I am honored to be a child of my parents.  My mother and sister are also ministers.  Again back to the stereotyping statement.  I believe wholeheartedly it depends on how a person is raised.  If they were raised by a single parent or were they raised by both parents or did they grow up in a corrupt household?   I was raised by both of my parents and they did an awesome job.  No one is perfect and sometimes I go back in my mind and say to myself that if I had just listened at times then certain things would not have happened in my life that were detrimental; not only to me but to my parents.  As I aged, I made sure that whatever it was I did in the past to hurt my parents I apologized for but I am also thankful to God for bringing me this far by faith to modify my life and do so for the better.  

Another quality of my parents is that they have always taught all of their children to treat everyone with the utmost respect and to treat people the way that we want to be treated.  This learning tool is so valuable because I also believe in karma.  I treat people the way I want to be treated but when others don’t treat me the same; I have seen firsthand what karma can do to a person.  Some may call it karma, others may call it the will of God.  Whatever the belief may be I get complete satisfaction out of knowing that I am the type of person that gets along with most people; just like my dad, he had this special personality that just attracted people from different ethnicities and us being his family had the pleasure of coming in contact with these experiences.


May 17, 2016 at 12:31 am

For me there is nothing like my grandmothers and mothers fried breast of chicken.  Luckily I have learned how to fry it just like them.  Gosh!! mouth watering just thinking about it.

May 15, 2016 at 5:08 pm

In response to Rapidblue.  Sometimes kids are to blame due to peer pressure or wanting to be part of a group.  It is sometimes similar to these sororities or fraternities where you have certain types that “hang” together and insult or “put down” those who do not have the same interests or status.   As far as parents are concerned; yes it is true that they cannot be responsible for what they do not know.  That happens often but it is parents responsibility to know what is going on with their children.  Some children hide a lot of things from their parents like sexual matters, who their friends are, and if they are involved with drugs and etc…., why is this?  It may be due to communication barriers as to why it is so important to keep the lines of communication open.  And with the teacher who did not report the fighting incident; someone has to step up and report incidents like this.  When things like this happen and no one reports it it only makes room for something even worse or horrific to occur like murder.

May 15, 2016 at 4:41 pm

Dear Lola,

It is terrible that you had to experience these things.  I wish that no one has to deal with bullies at anytime in their life.

I also would like to address other posts about bullies.  First let’s take a look at the word harassment.  Harassment is aggressive or intimidation.  I have experience intimidation but it lasted may be two minutes in which a girl in my high school called herself yelling at me; I looked at her like she was crazy; I guess because I am not use to anyone yelling at me except my parents.  She did nothing further.   Throughout my elementary and high school years for some reason or another I always seemed to have physical confrontations with boys; one of who “got it good” because he would not stop making sexual advances.  I believe I blackened his eye.  Anyway, back to harassment; one post that stated that some parents are uneducated is correct.  Many law official are good people, of course there are some who could care less.  With that being said, I would think that the law prohibits any type or kind of harassment.   So the saying goes; report, report, report.  I probably would have reported incidents of bullying so much that they would have gotten tired of listening to me and seeing me.  I really despise when people have to be subjected to this type of treatment (bullying).  I don’t know but stricter penalties may help.

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