@ptrikha15 active 7 years, 6 months agoForum Replies Created
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Well, I have become a bit more active there since last few weeks, but I am also spreading my net and trying to be active at other places too.
Well, the answer is to raise tolerance of others, and be more compassionate towards each other. Yet the way, children are increasingly being told to be extra-competitive, and employees of companies being asked to be more and more competitive and people turning so intolerant of each other’s success, the path forward to lesser and lesser people resorting to guns looks bleaker. |
I will be a fox, who can hide somewhere when faced with danger, and also be clever enough to get the food to survive. |
I read somewhere that putting some Baking Sods over the drain and then pouring hot water unclogs the kitchen drain, and sink, and also kills bad odors. |
We do not have Garbage separation at House level, but in some Indian cities this has been started on a pilot basis, and it will take time to get going at a bigger level. |
Somehow I have seen a certain malaise impacting Admins and Owners of many Pay to write sites. I know some of them might be genuinely working to get more funding, or sort profitability issue, but even if things are very bad, communicating clearly to the end users should be a priority. |
We have had very terrible summers this year and the rains even though a bit late are a big relief. |
Bubblews was the talk of the town back in 2012/13 and some part of 14, but its business model and lack of transparency did it in. |
I have my own blogs on WordPress and Blogger, but hardly making anything from them. I have made money from Wikinut, Blogjob, Bubblews in the past, and plan to use this site and another one. |
That is fast going @swalia |
Thanks for sharing @peachpurple |
Bravo! @thinker excellent explanation, you can become the mentor-in-chief of this site 🙂 |
Nice picture- which place is this? |
Wow great going indeed, in how much days did you make the payout? |
Hi Grecy How are you doing? I had heard on Blogjob that you were unwell. I think you can write in your native language, and then can also publish by translating in English.