• Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)
    Kevinsaga (1876) - "Living the life like it’s golden, thanks to God for making it all possible. What’s next ? Who knows what’s on the agenda for to coming year ahead of us? ‘i pray,’ “for the best!.” Cause who knows what tomorrow go […]"View
    active 5 years, 3 months ago
  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo
    Gil Camporazo - "I have just come back. How’s everyone here?"View
    active 5 years, 9 months ago
  • Profile picture of Robin hood for the people
    Robin hood for the people - "Today’s going to be a beautiful day"View
    active 7 years, 10 months ago
  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan
    Atiq Anayat khan - "life is very hard to understand,there was a time when we used to stay in the house all the time.I never thought that oneday i have to go far from my famly and friends,but it happend a time when mom uses to call me […]"View
    active 7 years, 10 months ago