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    Kevinsaga (1876) and Profile picture of Treathyl FOXTreathyl FOX are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Robin hood for the people and Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA@stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of waruni Perwaruni Per are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of ItreItre are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Atiq Anayat khan wrote a new post, Travel to Pakistan and Kashmir 7 years, 11 months ago

    I love to travel its always been my Interest to travel to different places.It really helps us to find about new tradition,new culture,The way people live,different languages,foods etc.I traveled within the country […]

    • You say right Pakistan is a beautiful place and its people welcome all visitors belonging to any country because Muslims are peaceful and loving people just like its attractive places hail the foreign tourists.

    • Thank you brother for your nice lovely reply.Well i said that in my article because most of the people has wrong image of Pakistan because they believe what they see on television and in th newspaper. But the reality is totally different.we are peaceful Nation we love other countries people and their culture.Because Islam teaches us to spread the message of peace.I admit that their are bad people but those people not only exist in Pakistan,good and bad people are everywhere.I suggest very person who has wrong and negative thoughts about Pakistan please visit Pakistan once you return from there with the full of love.

    • I was having a very wrong opinion on Pakistan. I am having a number of Penpals from Ukraine , Russia and some from the Bahamas.When there was some exchange of opinions and views people were asking me whether I got any Muslim friends. I said yes. Most of my childhood friends are Muslims. Some of them have worked even in Indian Air Force. Another friend is working as Head Dept of Philosophy. There are all good and very decent in their opinions and mannerisms. We were discussing so many issues starting one politics to scrap over a cup of tea in a restaurant named ‘BILAL’ in Kadapa. I remember everything pretty well.

      My Penpals for the best reasons known to them are quite afraid of Pakistan and the Muslims in particular. They were asking me so many things. I was answering them with patience. When the WTC attack took place they even stopped their emails. After a gap of 15 days, they continued asking about the Muslims in India.

      I told them that the Muslims in India are very nice and they are very broad minded. It is wrong to generalize all Muslims as Terrorists or Quarrelsome.

      What they complain is that they are not peace loving people and pick up quarrel wherever they go and that they do not give importance to cleanliness and work in very unclean areas. I told them it is not their fault. It is the poverty that made them so.

      What I personally feel is that there are many Muslims who eat three times a day and do prayer 5 times. They are rich and having good business even abroad. But the pity is that they do not contribute anything for the education of the poor Muslims. They do not take up any social welfare activities. It is only during elections and on RAMADAN they spend some money. They collect some funds even from abroad and do not spend them but eat away.

      I really wonder how the poor Muslims have been deprived of their funds which Arab countries are donating liberally.

      Pakistan is really a very nice country

      The people are good and some of them are highly educated. It has got experts in different fields like Literature, Sports, Science , and Arts. The country is rich in flora and fauna. There are many site seeing places like Pir Sohawas, Islamabad Zoo,Nilam Bhotu, National Herbarium Islamabad, and Murree Hills.

      There are many spots for Rock Climbing in Margalla Hills.

      What we here is a different story than what we see in Pakistan.

    • Would love to be able to travel, however the two places you mention, thanks to the news reports we hear in the USA, are only places I want to see from a distance. Surely it can’t be “hell” going on there all the time as people do live there and there is no mass migration of folks from Kashmir or Pakistan being reported. But our news reports make me think it’s safer for me to stay at home and visit by those countries by way of virtual travels. I don’t want go anywhere in the Middle East either. My son went to Jordan and didn’t tell us until he came back because he knew we’d object!

    • I still remember my tour to ”Kaghan valley”. We, a group of some friends, enjoyed a lot during that very tour.

      ”Swat valley” is also a great place in this connection. I wish, I could visit these places on monthly basis but it is not possible for me due to some reasons. Anyhow, I plan to reach the beauty of these great cities once a year.

      One must spare sometime to visit the beauty of nature present around us .It will surely improve our health and mood.

    • Undoubtedly Pakistan is the most beautiful country of the world. It has four seasons, beautiful plains, breathtaking rivers, lush green valleys, sky high ice packed mountains and glaciers, beaches, deserts and attractive lakes and waterfalls. In other words you can say Pakistan is a tourist heaven.

      Pakistan also has many historical and cultural places that are so much attractive for visitors and annually millions of people come to Pakistan to visit these historical and cultural places of Pakistan.
      Yes, in Pakistan many places are most beautiful and popular among the tourists of the whole world as Hunza Valle, Swat valley, Naran Valle, Khaghan valle, Kalash valley….

      Paye is a green plateau (meadows on the top of mountain) is situated on top of Shogran in the Kaghan Valley, District Mansehra. Journey starts when you take right from Kevai (Between Mansehra City and Narar) and go up until you reach Shogran. From Shogran, you can start hiking or you can hire jeeps or horses to reach Paye. Siri comes on the way but the ultimate resorts is Paye from where Makra Peak is clearly visible. A few shops and restaurants are available on Siri and Paye which are quite comfortable for the visitors.

      Pakistan is full of breathtaking locations which will make you fall in love with this country all over again. If you are a tourist or love travelling then you must compile a list of places you plan to visit next year.

      Naltar is famous for its colourful lakes, it is situated at a drive of 2.5 hours from Gilgit. World’s tastiest potatoes are cultivated here. Covered with pine trees, this valley doesn’t seem to be a part of this world.

      If you really want to experience paradise in this world, you should visit Naltar at least once. This place will make you fall in love with it.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic To hire a ghostwriter -practice and usage? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    By practice, I have been writing for someone and they are paying me but on online job of writing. I write for a message, for an article in the school or in college. You are right the price is high but it could be bargained depending on the purpose and the quality of the write-up. I have stopped doing it as a ghost writer when politicians rushed to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic ASKMOKO – A New Forum in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is well said and I do appreciate your opinion or your observation. I know you have the desire to support any site which could provide what you want especially in paying you of your efforts by posting an idea worth to be shared and discussed for that matter. However, ASKMOKO is a newly created site and it is still in its infantile stage which…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, How Do You React to Post in LiteraryBase? 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have been in this site for five months already. My first article was about my username. What is it called “Nakitakona”? I gave the background and its meaning. And it got live on May 11, 2016. It got 11 comments […]

    • I agree with you what you said.In my openion to write a good article you must be a good writer to be very honest most of us has no experience how to write properly i myself in a learning process.This is first site i started writing and i am feeling so good about that.I see many post here are written very efficiently.I would love to write in that way but it will take time.

    • By practice you can make it better and even perfect it as long as you have the patience to overcome boredom, to disregard timidity or of being reluctant because of the tedious work of writing and writing. As a beginner you have to undergo series of trial and error attempts. You may even feel insulted for the harsh comment of your readers. It would come to the point that you will be frustrated. Don’t worry. You could overcome those challenges.

      To make your writing better couldn’t be actually done by writing alone. You have to research, read good posts or articles. Study the style of the writer. Adopt yourself to his manner of writing, in expressing the thoughts, the events, or whatever in the form of writing. Have a group of associates or friends to read your works. Encourage them to give suggestions. Or by asking a question if they do answer right, that means you have expressed well in your write-up.

    • yes. you have explained in a simple way about the writing of Articles. This is the fundamental aspect of writing an Article. For writing any article one should be a writer and writer is one who plays with the words and sentence construction. The expression differs from writer to writer. Just seeing the article one can easily guess the writer of an Article. This is an inherent property and quality of a writer.

      This is also known by formatting. Whatever may be the type of writing or style fo expression one should follow th basic formatting. A writer will by virtue of his experience will get it automatically.

      Nowadays I am seeing some sites which are totally different and there is a clear deviation to be observed in the basic formatting. But the effect of the Article entirely depends on the writer how
      he develops the Article and how he concludes. One will be thrilled to read such Articles.

    • I think as a writer any essay, article , poem, drama, novel…each of the literary articles must have an beginning, a middle and end with solid arguments what the writer want to prove in the article.The main art of writing an article is the the issue must one of the international issues that could appeal the whole readers. The writer must know that specific articles are read by the specific readers.

      The nest point the main thing of any writer is his style and imagery must be unique and easy to understand. There are six kinds of literature: poetry, drama, novel, short stories, essay…choose any type for writing according to you trends.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic ASKMOKO – A New Forum in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    Well, since it is a free site. Just a mere registration anyone can join and participate in the activity like asking a question or answering a question. What is wrong with that? It if is own or managed by the admin or BlogBourne so what? If is it run by a Filipino, then what? Any site for that matter, if we give any chance how could grow? We even…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Literacy Base – good site to make money or not? *did math* in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    In fairness of LiteracyBase, I don’t think this is a good post. Why? It is self-incriminating or it could be a form of flattery. LiteracyBase is paying us. Do we need to praise us for we have worked it out? Or if otherwise, do you criticize it here for it is ungratefulness for we have been paid previously? I have read somewhere here of the disgust…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Literacy Base – good site to make money or not? *did math* in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    In fairness of LiteracyBase, I don’t think this is a good post. Why? It is self-incriminating or it could be a form of flattery. LiteracyBase is paying us. Do we need to praise us for we have worked it out? Or if otherwise, do you criticize it here for it is ungratefulness for we have been paid previously? I have read somewhere here of the disgust…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan

    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of SuperDSuperD are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Group Topics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    Well, you have that concern. I think it is not so expressed on the FAQs that creating two or more topics is a violation. We have the freedom to do on the topic we want to create or the page for such topic. What is the problem about that? Why are you worrying? I think the things that worry us so much is the quality of the post that is being…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, The ABC of Getting Education 7 years, 11 months ago

    We learn the basic education from elementary school. We taught how to write, how to read, and how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. In so doing, we can manage to do it by our own without letting […]

    • I’m in the habit of saying “Einstein would probably have never been Eisntein, if somebody had not taught him his ABCs.” We all come into this world and our minds are a blank slate. We know nothing! But that’s only how we start out. Education can open the door for us all. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic No Payment from TinyCent: What's Wrong? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    I do appreciate your decision to delete all your posts in TinyCent when you’re not be paid within this week. That is a bold decision I ever know from a member in the said site. It would be on their losing end. There would be less posts on their site. That means there would be less income generated for their site. That would a bad or discouraging…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Robin hood for the people

    Robin hood for the people and Profile picture of TiadaTiada are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan

    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of NAGARAJAN SNAGARAJAN S are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan

    Atiq Anayat khan wrote a new post, Pakistan All Time Great Shahid Khan Afridi 7 years, 11 months ago

    Shahid khan Afridi nick name BHOOM BHOOM.known as agressive batsman in Pakistan cricket team.He scored a fastest century when the format of cricket was very slow. Afridi started his career in 1996 against […]

    • Shahid Afridhi is one of the best batsman all over the world I personally like his bowling and batting in all matches. Shahid Afridi, Pakistan’s allrounder, is as enigmatic a player as there ever was. He came as a 16-year-old into the Pakistan ODI squad and was unfazed by all the speculation regarding his real age. In only in his second ODI against Sri Lanka in 1996, he blasted his way to a 37-ball century. For more than 17 years,

      it remained the fastest century in the ODI format before Corey Anderson broke the record in January 2014. Afridi’s sparkling ton came after he was sent in as a pinch-hitter at one drop and after being picked in the team as a leg-spinner to replace the injured Mushtaq Ahmed!

      For the next few years, Afridi’s batting took prominence after hitting that ton. He soon became a crowd-puller for just his eccentric batting. As entertaining as it was to the viewers, it sometimes proved to be infuriating to his teammates. His then captain, Wasim Akram, had repeatedly asked him not to throw his wicket away, but nothing could change Afridi’s ways.

      This reckless streak extended to the highest format, the Test matches, and he was quickly sorted out by his opponents. After having some limited success in the longest format, Afridi quickly realised that he lacked the temperament for the same and announced his retirement from Tests in 2006, after having played just 26 games.

      During the first ODI against West Indies in July 2013, Afridi produced an exceptional all-round performance. He scored an aggressive 76 to help Pakistan reach a respectable total of 224 and annihilated West Indies with a remarkable bowling spell of 7-12. In late 2013, Afridi had a decent run with the ball against both South Africa and Sri Lanka.

      After Hafeez resigned from T20 captaincy, the Pakistani selectors went back to Afridi to lead them again. He also led the team when Misbah ul Haq decided to take a break in the third ODI against Australia. Afridi, always known for his irresponsible shots, curbed those instincts against New Zealand.

      The allrounder batted sensibly in almost every game, he made two fifties to show for it. Afridi, with his all-round skills, is expected to be a force to reckon with in the upcoming 2015 World Cup

  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan

    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)Kevinsaga (1876) are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khan

    Atiq Anayat khan and Profile picture of Gil CamporazoGil Camporazo are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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