• Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo joined the group Group logo of Earn Money OnlineEarn Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

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    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Sharing is Boring in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 7 years, 11 months ago

    If you want to live, eat. If you want to eat, work. If you want to work, sacrifice. If you want to sacrifice, do it. If you do it, you succeed. If you succeed, you want to live. And that is the cycle. The shortcut is your determination and willingness to do those things.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Are our posts rated? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    As I became member of this site,  I hadn’t encountered that  our post is being rated. What I actually after if my post gets a credit or has a corresponding coin for it. I know there are sites that posts submitted are being rated and they could be found or displayed in the user’s profile just like the forums. LiteracyBase, I don’t know, if it b…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    0.2000 how much is the value of this in real time money, when evaluated and for cashing out?.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic It's time the LB home page gets updated. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    I see that issue too @swalia. I even ask myself, “why are their names on the homepage as ‘popular members’?” In fact, some of them are not active anymore. I guess it would probably the quality of posts they have shared, they have submitted, or the highest number of comments or reactions they have received for their post.

    “Active members” are easy…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, ‘I Love You’ Do I Need To Say This Over and Over Again 7 years, 12 months ago

    “I love you” I have told this once again to my wife in front of the congregation as we culminate our Family Week celebration. In the first we became friends, I told her of that overused phrase in secret under the […]

    • Courting even after 44 years of marriage is indeed the secret of a happy marriage. I hope many will read your blog. I am sharing it on FaceBook

    • I do not believe if you say that both are born in the same year, same month and the same date. How can it be?

      I do agree wit you. It is the communication that keeps the entire thing in an activity. It makes the process to continue . The more you communicate with each other the more opened the doors of love. This is the greatness of expression that makes the communication great and lively. Mere communication will be dull. It should be spicy and sweet. Everything goes perfectly with a spicy communication and gives an opportunity to open ourselves freely and frankly. It removes all the hurdles in life and makes it a heaven to live in.

    • What else can be more meaningful in this life but to find the fulfillment of feelings. We loved the love that also loving us. Living with him/her for the rest of our life. Doing the things that make her happy and she is doing the doing that makes you happy. Love is the happiness that can only be felt by our heart when that someone is also loving us.

      I am happy to read this kind of happiness.

    • Wow you’re is an inspiring story. 44years is not little time for anyone. You amaze me that you still court your wife even in marriage tell that to th3 generation of today no one will even want to think of taking your word for it. We are living in times where love has become a game of catch and Chase then release. No one seems to be taking marriage with the seriousness that it so demands. But am just smiling as I read your story it’s challenging to some of us who have not yet jumped into that river of marriage. I have always believed that marriage can be a beautiful thing if understood. We are told that man don’t oftenly tell their wives that they love them orally all the time but it’s shown through actions. So you are just confirming it to me that a man doesn’t have to keep telling a woman that he loves her all the time. You have also talked about communication which is key to keeping aartiage or a relationship going. Nowadays that has become like a nightmare to many couple because oneay feel like that are being bothered with questions, the other may feel like talking too much is not a good thing. But the truth is talking clears out any doubts that one may have about the spouse and it also brings out the real feelings of an individual thanks for sharing your lovely story.

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    There is nothing to worry about @sunil. I know you’re telling the truth and you’re not bragging about. I know how you work for I’ve been to several sites where you’re also a member. I am pointing this out for there are some members or users who are new to the site and then he or she is showing off but in the long he or she is the worst critique of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic android is better or iphone?? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 12 months ago

    This is a weird post. Is this allowed? @admin @support By a mere image without any description or a statement or two. I am sorry to express my feeling about this. Almost of us here are struggling to write more words or statements to express our thoughts. I am not comfortable with the style of writing or it is not a writing at all, though p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    nakitakona13 replied to the topic Received my August payment from LB in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 12 months ago

    This is what the user is following to check those who get their payment, to check those who haven’t theirs, and anything about money for that matter. Those who are consistent in writing here and have the patience and the perseverance to overcome any shortcomings or whatever are always happy and proud to show their proof of payment. Other are even…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) and Profile picture of dominicdominic are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) started the topic Using Photoshop creating clean designs with quality looks in the forum Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I'll share reply or coment 7 years, 12 months ago

    Photoshop cs6

    Hey there photo people, graphic designers, logos makers, app developers. Yeah I know its pretty much a wide span; I just thought I wanted to drop in my topic on a little about using Photoshop cs6 and how one could get a more cleaner look and quality.

    First i started out using Photoshop from cs3-cs4-cs5 and now I’m in the cs6 Ex…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876)‘s profile was updated 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of Gil Camporazo

    Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, 44 Years of Unspotted Marriage 7 years, 12 months ago

    As we culminate our week-long family activities in the Church, I took the great opportunity to say once again the 3-little words I had uttered to my high school sweetheart 47 years ago. It’s the Mabolo tree had […]

    • My warmest congratulations for having that solid tie with your wife and family.You have a very strong relationship.The good thing is you are both educators and if parents are teachers , they are also good fathers and mothers to their children.Cheers!

    • First and foremort I have bend my head so low in respect to a great marriage.Your announcement in church of the three important words after 44 years is another milestone. Not yet man,raising children from age zero to above 30 is not a mean achievement. No,making most of your children have their own famililies make you a super dad. Hail to the dad of the year!

      • What you have been really making me happy for a person whom I have known in the cyber world is apt to praise honestly. Thank you for that. I know you have a great and terrible experience when you lost a son. Am I not correct? As a dad like me, you have so much concerned for him. In your own humble way, you are also a great dad for your family.

    • Wow am so moved with your story of persistence and challenges. In this year’s that we live in I
      It’s so unusual to hear that a couple have loved together for 15years and overits usually a maximum of 10 years and that’s it. Am moved and encouraged that marriage a do work for those who want them to work. It takes a lot of courage and determination to go as far as you have. Let me just congratulate you on your 44 years of marriage that’s a milestone. How do you keep up with the vortship part? Do you take her out on weekend nights or still but flowers how do you do it. I would like to have a heart and time to do that for my spouse and grow old together. Maybe you shed some light on the courtship part could be a big lesson for most of us am sure. Thanks for sharing your story and I wish you more loving years together.

      • I have a lot of things to share about our love life, our great challenges in life, and our happiness that is indescribable but for God’s term is love. Everyone has their own way of making their life as it should be, that is, for their happiness. Man is here to search for his happiness and it could only be found in God’s humble way. And I have proven it and have found it.

    • What else can be more happier than being in love always to the person we always be with. 44 years are already golden to me, that will never doubt the pure love in the hearts.

      I know, sometimes, the rocky road is within you but what is important is how you walk through to that path of your marriage life and you have proven how love can conquer all the trials and problems in your marriage. Many families should envy your marriage, but more than that, we should follow your footsteps.

      • You are right there were “rocky roads” in our first to two years of marriage. We had said to ourselves that we couldn’t mend it anymore. Our family would seem to be broken due to personal reasons and pride. But we all trust the Lord and He provides what we need and most of all, we learned how to be forgiving and how to accept our own faults and strengthen them.

        I am, of course, happy to know that you are going to follow our footsteps. Our only secret is communication among ourselves, communication to our Heavenly Father. If you could do it, I am sure you will reach the happiness what we have had today.

    • Yes, you say right that marriage is the second name of mutual understanding between husband and wife. Marriage is also called the of soul compromise. There are many benefits of marriage first you find a life partner for talking day and night. I say woman is a talking bird on earth who sings for husband and children for whole day.

      As you’ve probably heard, nearly half of all marriages now end in divorce, leaving bitter spouses and confused children in their wake. Don’t let this happen to you! Whether your marriage is going through tough times or is experiencing marital bliss, or even if you’re not yet married but considering it, here’s some free but proven advice to help your marriage last.

      It’s straight from God, the one who created and ordained marriage! If you’ve tried everything else, why not give God a chance? Follow the keys in this guide, and you can secure your home.

      Continue (or perhaps revive) the courtesies of courtship in your married life. Successful marriages do not just happen they must be developed. Don’t take each other for granted, or the monotony that results will destroy your marriage.

      Keep love growing by expressing love for one another or it will die, and you will drift apart. Love and happiness are not found by seeking them for yourself, but rather by giving them to others. So spend as much time as possible doing things together if you would get along well. Learn to greet each other with enthusiasm. Relax, visit, shop, sightsee, eat together. Don’t overlook the little courtesies, encouragements, and affectionate acts.

      Surprise each other with little gifts or favors. Try to “outlove” each other. Don’t take more out of marriage than you put into it. Divorce itself is not the greatest destroyer of marriage, but rather, lack of love. Given a chance, love always wins.

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) joined the group Group logo of Bollywood Music..Bollywood Music.. 7 years, 12 months ago

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    Kevin ottey started the topic Using Photoshop creating clean designs with quality look in the forum Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I'll share reply or coment 7 years, 12 months ago



    Photoshop cs6

    Hey there photo people, graphic designers, logos makers, app developers. Yeah I  know its pretty much a wide span; I just thought I wanted to drop in my topic on a little about using Photoshop  cs6 and how one could get a more cleaner look and quality.

    I first started out using Photoshop from cs3-cs4-cs5 and now I’m in the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevin ottey started the topic Using Photoshop creating clean designs with quality look in the forum Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I'll share reply or coment 7 years, 12 months ago



    Photoshop cs6

    Hey there photo people, graphic designers, logos makers, app developers. Yeah I  know its pretty much a wide span; I just thought I wanted to drop in my topic on a little about using Photoshop  cs6 and how one could get a more cleaner look and quality.

    I first started out using Photoshop from cs3-cs4-cs5 and now I’m in the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevin ottey started the topic Using Photoshop creating clean design with quality look in the forum Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I'll share reply or coment 7 years, 12 months ago



    Photoshop cs6

    Hey there photo people, graphic designers, logos makers, app developers. Yeah I  know its pretty much a wide span; I just thought I wanted to drop in my topic on a little about using Photoshop  cs6 and how one could get a more cleaner look and quality.

    I first started out using Photoshop from cs3-cs4-cs5 and now I’m in the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) joined the group Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevin ottey posted an update in the group Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I’ll share reply or coment 8 years ago

    Thank you all for joining my group, I’m Kevin and I hope you find interest in posting, commenting,sharing and replying on different views, topics and so on. It would be best if we all keep topics as strong and positive in accordance to policies, logical and precise in deliver, of course that is how you’ll earn more in profits from literacy base,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)

    Kevinsaga (1876) wrote a new post, whos resposible for cating upon these owners of websites scams 8 years ago

    Website Owner Cyber Scams

    Can someone explain to tell me who’s really responsible for catching up on these owners of websites an online scams, cyber crimes, hacking on some ones credentials and pers […]

    • May I know who is responsible for this? What are the steps needed to cut the irregularities to the barest minimum? Should the website owners be asked to deposit the amount collected in a Bank? Is there any Controlling system to regulate the activities of site owners ? If not how can we have one ? who is giving approval to the site owners? These are the points that need answers pls.

    • Thanks for leaving your views on my topic sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam but to be real frank about my answers ,”I really don’t know”. What I do know is that there are a couple of a systems in placed on the internet that should be recon with in riding of all these irregularities. Visuality, transparency I think should be a upfront for cybercrime fighters, being in the background I mostly think makes it more vulnerable for cyber scams and other fraudulent activities.
      in reference to when owners of websites collecting money, if it should go to the bank is obvious not a bad idea but that is an option given to most owners of websites in the now as we speak world today. What I think is, there should be a more secured system constructed-inc to all these virtual and monetary transactions taken place on the internet www.
      if there’s a controlling system in placed, I think there’s some I know from running a little research I found a couple like the internet complain centre (ic3), cyber crime-FBI, Interpol cybercrime and a few more as it goes, but how great.
      It would be great of deal having a new system that offers better control of the internet, cyber scams, personal information and reliable security, given the type system we have to interact in doing business on, I pose no negative thoughts on that point.
      My last answer to your questions here about the approval of site owners and who’s giving these approval. Site owners get there approval whenever someone buys a domain name from its domain , like godaddy.com, wordpress.com and so on, but that does mean that its their duty of being the watch dog for all that purchases a name from their domain, its just a service offer like any other here on the www. Domain might have the right to do researches before registering or offer a name and may like wise have other sources to in relinquish any fraud or delinquent activities.

      That’s my views here ,I hope you do find my points to be informative, any questions just ask, thanks again.

    • Someone left me this private message about me linking them in email for talk when I’m here to make money shitt…. listen me now people I don’t want to be disrespectful here on literacybases place so don’t leave me no scams msgs no spam and no private me please.

      These messages are the messages you get from some scam or spam …talking about email then they would send you pic and shit …I don’t like that so leave my thing alone…!

      samara Sent 1 day, 8 hours ago Star
      Hello sweet heart I am so happy meeting you here.How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile. I really want to have a good friendship with you. Beside i have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it’s a public site. Please i will like you to send me a message, through my private e-mail via: ([email protected] ) So we can get to know each other better,and i well give you my pictures and also tell you more about myself OK. i am Your Friend….Contact me here ([email protected] ) OK hope to hear from you soon yours samara kiss your lips

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