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    Preclous Abel and Profile picture of Kevinsaga (1876)Kevinsaga (1876) are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    Preclous Abel and Profile picture of Atiq Anayat khanAtiq Anayat khan are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel and Profile picture of Gil CamporazoGil Camporazo are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel commented on the post, How To Grow Your Own Aloe Vera 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, How To Grow Your Own Aloe Vera I was a distributor for a Company that has the Multi Level Marketing system for their products that are  based on Aloe vera.  They have their own Aloe v […] View

    same here is a very lovely product have try aloe gel from foverever living product

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Preclous Abel posted an update Even if you are not the top of you class, not the athlete of the day or best homemaker ever you can still do your best. Each day you do your best, you are planting the seeds for a […] View

    hat about you and me? Are we living to our fullest? Do we give our best each day, as if it is our last day on earth?

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    As we leave childhood and move on with our lives, our dreams seem to be left behind. Oh there may be a lot of wishful thinking but the real dreams wither and die. Yes, we may think about winning the lottery and living the easy life. However as a child we would have planned out every detail of winning and made it almost real.

    Maybe we should…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Even if you are not the top of you class, not the athlete of the day or best homemaker ever you can still do your best. Each day you do your best, you are planting the seeds for a future harvest.

    Quality work day after day will reward you in the future. It may not come from the boss you are working for now, it may come from a company you start…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    One of our great motivational speakers was Jim Rohn. We lost Mr. Rohn in December of 2010. He has left a legacy of motivation including this quote, “Either you run the day or the day runs you”.

    A simple but powerful saying. If you stop and think about it, it is about planning and following through on your plans. Either you make plans and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    When you go in with a “can do” attitude, you can move mountains. Think of Thomas Edison and his 10,000 tries before he discover the secret to making a light bulb. That is really thinking you can.

    Persevering when all else around you says to stop is what I read into what Mr. Ford was saying. If you keep on trying and keep faith in yourself,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    How exciting would it be to influence the lives of hundreds of people. You can. Just smile at everyone you meet, even if you do not even say, “Hello”.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Same thing as usual.
    School. Friends. Death. Life. Religion. Abuse. Crimes. Money. Torture. Sex. Tig. Tigers. Animals. Guns. Grenades. Terrorism. The Military. Philosophy. Psychology and most importantly……SONS OF ANARCHY!!!

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    well, none of my spells ever work, and i keep trying and trying… i think one of them is working. just need to wait until friday.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Preclous Abel posted an update well, yesterday i scratched my leg pretty hot and there was a lot of blood and im wondering if its ok, but i can’t take the gos off until the day after tomorrow. and if there will be […] View

    my mom is working me very hard and making me stay up til like, 12:00 midnight doing the dishes and cleaning. at least I have Winx Club on my Kindle to keep me company tonight, even if it is mirrored and double screened.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Preclous Abel posted an update well, yesterday i scratched my leg pretty hot and there was a lot of blood and im wondering if its ok, but i can’t take the gos off until the day after tomorrow. and if there will be […] View

    my mom is working me very hard and making me stay up til like, 12:00 midnight doing the dishes and cleaning. at least I have Winx Club on my Kindle to keep me company tonight, even if it is mirrored and double screened.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Preclous Abel posted an update also what’s on my mind is my vocabulary lesson— gotta get back to work! 🙂 *thinks* man, how do I keep such a positive attitude for this long?! View

    I’m anxious for my turn of helping correct a sentence in English because I HATE being the center of attention
    I’m excited for German school today, I just wish this kid would stop complaining that it’s too easy or hard.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    also what’s on my mind is my vocabulary lesson— gotta get back to work! 🙂 *thinks* man, how do I keep such a positive attitude for this long?!

    • I’m anxious for my turn of helping correct a sentence in English because I HATE being the center of attention
      I’m excited for German school today, I just wish this kid would stop complaining that it’s too easy or hard.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    well, yesterday i scratched my leg pretty hot and there was a lot of blood and im wondering if its ok, but i can’t take the gos off until the day after tomorrow. and if there will be another season of Soul Eater, and if so, when will it be on

    Well, I forgot to turn on the alarm clock, aand I was going to get up at 8:30 since it was workl. But…[Read more]

    • my mom is working me very hard and making me stay up til like, 12:00 midnight doing the dishes and cleaning. at least I have Winx Club on my Kindle to keep me company tonight, even if it is mirrored and double screened.

    • my mom is working me very hard and making me stay up til like, 12:00 midnight doing the dishes and cleaning. at least I have Winx Club on my Kindle to keep me company tonight, even if it is mirrored and double screened.

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    I’m thinking about my best friend, mercy ,who has to get surgery tommorow. I’m worried about him. What’s the latest bug to you?

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel commented on the post, Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars – Legit Site 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars – Legit Site In just about 2 months Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars.  It was cakewalk for me.  There are several areas here at Literacy Base wher […] View

    please tell me more about it iam new here. looking forward making good friends

  • Profile picture of Preclous Abel

    Preclous Abel commented on the post, Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars – Legit Site 7 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: bestwriter wrote a new post, Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars – Legit Site In just about 2 months Literacy Base paid me 20 dollars.  It was cakewalk for me.  There are several areas here at Literacy Base wher […] View

    Daily prayer
    God will relief you of every burden you have been carrying since time immemorial. The person who will help you will not give up on you in Jesus Name!
    Your name will no longer be on the waiting list for miracles. It is ur turn to gain the attention of The Almighty God.
    Watch out, help is on the way for you in Jesus name.

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