I consider betting lotto or even jueteng or bingo are just waste of time and also waste of money. I have tried betting on lotto and lotto but never won. I think I have no luck in these games or gambling. I have never experienced winning. Well, per se, I experienced winning three numbers.
Still, I will not bet religiously. I was just so envy to those I heard who won jackpot.
Survey sites are so boring. I tried Neobux before. After I got paid, i quit and came to myLot.
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Some animals are better than man in attitude , perseverance and thinking.
Horses are beautiful animals; and they are farmers’ friends too because they can carry heavy loads like farm produce or harvest. It is interesting to know you like to own a horse! why not? But you should have a caretaker because it eats grass, etc. and also needs so much care and attention. But they could be lovely pets. Have you seen the dwarf breeds? They could be easier to maintain than large ones.
Their healing power is amazing; just like dogs, cats and other animals do.
I have just bought a baby horsy. His color is golden brown. I have to tame him and make him like me so we can be a team. Despite he is so young, he can adjust himself to the situation to stay in loneliness. I fence horsy , installed lights, electric fan and planted many trees so when he is big so with the trees. It is not difficult to tame this pet of mine. I always talk to him. He looks so smart and adorable. The kids at hiome also enjoy touching horsy’s forehead. I am thankful for this knowledge on horse as a healer.