Nikita Billett
@nicky2db active 6 years, 2 months agoRank: Newbie
Do not give false witness against your neighbor.-Exodus 20:16 View
Samson Titus - "The law of sowing and reaping still stands, anything you do or give to others; expect such."View
Richard James EFFIONG - "@radbone Once you join and register you can be given financial support"View
umar abdullahi - "Good morning beautiful people of literacy base"View
pramod kumar - "become a member"View
Paul Radford - "Here comes the weekend.😎"View
Liephy Lieph Chalieph - "Compassion and humility is key for one to be united as a nation I think. Though there is a difference between humility and being humble. I’m still in the state of learning humility myself. Being reclusive doesn’t […]"View
Ellen Hartwell - "Popcorn is nogood for you it has a chemical in it that has been link to kidney disease"View
Taylor carter - "Patiently waiting my birth I’m 32 weeks and counting"View
Deja jones - "Many woman in the United States are using Appetin to gain weight they claim it helped them gain weight some posted before and after results from it.Some skinny woman may want to try this method of gaining weight […]"View