Available Balance

Gil Camporazo

@nakitakona13 active 6 years, 3 months ago
Rank: Newbie
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June 21, 2016 at 6:51 pm

$6.58 is my current available balance. It is more than half-way to the required minimum cash-out. By the way, I have not read any update either those who made a cash-out and have been already transferred to their respective PayPal accounts have made a withdrawal. Any update for this matter. We’re too eager to get that information. We’re also eager to share it to those who don’t believe LiteracyBase is a paying online site. How many days would it take you to withdraw that amount?

June 21, 2016 at 6:44 pm

@lovern, it’ good you tell me about an affiliate bank. I  have a debit card in BDO. In case, I would be running out of fund or money for my PayPal, I would replenish it by making a deposit to my BDO account. In that case, my PayPal account wouldn’t be compromised and my payment for the renewal of my domain name for my blog wouldn’t be affected.

June 21, 2016 at 6:38 pm

@shavkat, you’re absolutely correct. We’re very sorry that our father is already gone. By the way, I was very sorry to hear the untimely death of one of our employees working in our Division Office. She met a car accident early this morning together with her hubby. She is in a hurry to catch her flight when their service car  hit the back of the parking truck along the road. She died on the spot, while her hubby was brought to the nearest hospital in our capital city.

She’s going to take a vacation to her daughter in Manila when that freak vehicular accident happened. We”re so sorry to learn about that. Our office greatly mourns for her death.

June 20, 2016 at 6:16 pm

Rebing and Me

This is an excerpt from my blog, “We’re 64. What We Can  Do” –

“Happy birthday,” greeted the hubby. “Happy birthday, too,” replied the wife.

This is not rare for there are couples who are celebrating their birthday together for they’re born in the same month and date. And there are many married couples holding this birthday.

I don’t know if this rare and unique one. My wife and I have a synchronous birthday celebration. Today, we jointly celebrate our synchronous 64th birthday.

“Are we meant for each other?” We ask ourselves in unison. Only God knows. Nevertheless, we keep our birthday for 43 faithful years of marriage. We just do it in the most humble and simple way for we can’t afford to throw an extravagant birthday party. Our party is only for our six children.

My wife and I had never ever had a cake to slice and a candle to blow since we were a kid. However, upon reaching the age of 61, it was the very first time that we had our birthday cake, courtesy of our 2nd eldest daughter who is working as a cook in the eatery inside the Agora in our place.


June 20, 2016 at 5:52 pm

@shavkat, I am very sorry to hear the sad fate of your father. It is timely that you remember your father who’s the central figure in the celebration of the Father’s Day. I also miss my beloved father who had died several years. I still remember his values he had left me, which I also nurture and put them to practice.

Your little faith is more than enough to make things going spiritually. A faith as little as a mustard seed is what we need to believe and to make miracle happens. I know it and it does happen.

@peachpurple, your faith has made you strong and firm in yourself. Because of such faith you have had in God, your knowledge has been improved. Your sense of belongingness to other’s well-being is put to its firmness. God bless you for that. Maintain that kind of faith for I know it will be done. It’s God’s will. So be it!

June 18, 2016 at 1:20 pm

Thanks, @peachpurple for your help and concern on this matter. 🙂

June 18, 2016 at 12:20 pm

@peachpurple, you are right. I have requested my friend with a PayPal account to repay my GoDaddy account and in return, when I get enough money for my PayPal I repay her. However, instead of paying to her PayPal account, she gave her bank account number and I deposited the repayment to the said bank account.

You second suggestion is to transfer money from my own bank account. I have a debit card with my BDO. I will try if I could make it. However, I have to pay the charge which would be taken from my bank account in that case. Isn’t it?


June 18, 2016 at 11:50 am

I could relate to those people who are too friendly, too helpful and who have been anything good for you if they have something to get from if they have something to benefit. These kinds of people are real fakes. They are hypocrites. They don’t deserve to befriend with them. The second time around when they do the same trick, we have the reason to reject them, to evade them for good. I may describe them as the worst friend, rather than as an enemy.

June 18, 2016 at 11:39 am

@lovern, yes that’s true. That is my point when I don’t have enough money left in my PayPal account. How could I replenish it? That is my question. How can I add money to my PayPal? Do I have to go to the bank to transfer money to my PayPal account? Could it be possible?

I remember before when my blog domain was about to expire I had requested a friend with enough money for her PayPal to pay GoDaddy for me. Then I paid her back when my PayPal had received payment from my online earning job.

Do you get what I mean?

June 18, 2016 at 11:32 am

@shavkat, what an experience you have had in working as a community worker. What particular? Social Worker? You have also a lot of things to be proud of. I have to admit that there are a lot of Filipinos who have been taking the role of a dummy, which is an utter violation of Anti-Dummy Law. By the way, have you long been here in our country the Philippines? Why have you come back as you told in your reply? How do you find out place? Is our government? What about the Filipino?

So right now you are an English online tutor of those non-English speaking peoples. I remember I have tried to apply online in teaching English managed by the Korean. I think it is a Filipino who handles the prospective applicants. I was interviewed online and after the interview, I was told that I have improved my English conversational communication skill. Though my grammar is no problem, but the way I talk, my intonation has needed to be polished. Well, I never reapply.

June 18, 2016 at 6:31 am

I would like to work with the educational institution as a teacher. But I hadn’t made it. My elder brother wanted me to work in the bank. I bid his suggestion. I took Commerce course in college. I graduated and landed a job to a local bank in our place. I worked there for 5 years. While I was working there, I took education subjects in college after my off office duty. For almost two years in going to college, I completed it and graduated with flying colors. I took the Board Exams for teachers and I passed it.

I left my banking job and applied for a teaching job and I was employed. And now I am about to retire from the said profession, not only as a teacher but a school principal. Therefore, the Department of Education (DepEd) is the company which is best suited for my ability to teach especially the students.

June 17, 2016 at 5:30 pm

In late 90s, I had experienced a great depression. My family doctor has dispensed me with a Valium, an anti-depressant drug. I took it for two weeks time. I had to take it regularly or else I would get mad.

The situation got started when my eldest son took 4 cough tablets to relieve himself of the problem he had with his wife. He opted to do it for he couldn’t handle it anymore. He was 20 years old at that time. When the incident happened, I was at school. My wife just called up and informed me what had happened to our son. I was totally at a loss. I didn’t know what to do. My school principal was worried of my misbehavior.

I went home without seeing my son who was rushed to the hospital. My wife who was too brave enough was taking care of him. She told me later that the hospital won’t admit our son for my wife didn’t have a money to pay for a hospital initial deposit. The indicator of the vital organs of my son didn’t show any improvement anymore. He seemed to be clinically dead. My wife shouted to the attending nurse. Giving up, the nurse asked my wife if I had a medical card. My wife said in affirmative. The attending doctor was in a hurry to revive my son and he did it.

But the depression who kept on bothering was uncontrollable. I just prayed and make myself calm. My wife had called up our son’s vital bodily functions are back to normal and he was brought to a private ward. Because of that terrible experience, I became hypertensive.

June 17, 2016 at 5:08 pm

I have a second thought. I would rather give him the benefit of the doubt. I have to ask him why is it that he is not considering others who have lined up ahead of him. It is not good to condemn a person right away because he is rude, impolite, discourteous. Finding the reason from him why he is behaving differently is helping him indirectly. And offering help to others is making yourself humble and approved to people’s eyes. The Bible says, “what you have done to the least of your brethren, you also doing it to the Lord.”

June 17, 2016 at 4:58 pm

Keep on going guys. It is good for those who have already redeemed and have been paid in their PayPal respective accounts. Mine is $6.33 as of this writing. I have to triple it to reach $10 as my first cash-out since I joined last May 11. Right now I have 20 posts. One is awaiting approval.

I am not too particular for the post I have submitted, for the number of words I created. As long as I have expressed myself, I just receive any earnings or cents for my participation. I have tried to experiment it as to how I would be receiving. I am not easy or get timid of controlling my post. I want to write as to the best of my capability.

June 17, 2016 at 4:44 pm

I am really entertained by this so-called reality show.  Though I am not just watching those people in the show, showing their true selves, but I could relate how they do feel, how they react to things. I am putting my feet in their shoes too. I feel that I am also involved especially when they are sharing their problems, their honest dissatisfaction of the things, of the persons whom they hate so much. The reality show is a show of the people in their real life. They are only confined to a house for a period of time, days until they are evicted from the show.

What I only hate of such show is an utter display of their affection for each other. They even make it too vulgar and make love for they know they are being watched publicly. That’s what I don’t want to see in that show.

Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 512 total)