Gil Camporazo
@nakitakona13 active 6 years, 3 months agoForum Replies Created
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“How to be Happy Father and Make Family Proud” goes live after I took the challenge of title writing for SEO preferred title quality which could yield the highest click tribute. It is just been approved by the LiteracyBase admin/support for online publication. I am hopeful that this will get a better rank in the web. It will have the highest post views. As I have mentioned earlier here, it takes me the right set of mind to think of this title which gets the score of 83 and a rating of A+ which contains all the factors needed for a better title like the common words, the uncommon, the emotional and the power attributes. I am wondering how does this program has come up with the better ratings. I am very grateful to @ruby3881 for this challenge she posted here. I never hesitated to take this chance on how I could make it. In a couple of minutes, I did. First I have checked my 23 posts on how their title would be rated. And I have found out that some of them got the low score and there was one post which never had any rating. It was zero rating.
Rats and we are too great different things. Rats do live according to their instinct to survive, while we are capable of making our living. Rats have their problems too and we have them likewise. Rats are pests and we are rational beings. Rats do exist to the place where the people are careless to take care of their surroundings, of their environment. Your comparison is too bit a different one. Anyway, for the sake of discussion. Rats may not be thriving in the place if it is clean if it is well-maintained. They won’t look for foods to a house where everything is kept in order. Foods are kept properly away from house pests like those rats. Well, I do agree with you in your comparison that rats may be considered as “worries and concerns”. I would restate here the appropriate solution for them in an opt-quoted adage which says, “Every worry under the sun, there is a solution or there is none. If there’s, hurry and find it. If there’s none, never mind it.” |
It sounds intriguing. How could anyone be shutting their mouth when they are required to say something about their products. Ironical, isn’t it? Actually, they are doing that to entice would-be writers to join with their site and explore its rarity why making mouthshut could do wonder and do earnings on the Net. Does anyone has already gone to this site? Feel free to tell us what is this all about for we are also interested. Anyway, I do search it to check its product, its offerings, and everything of mouthshut. As of this now, I don’t have any extra or another site to write for earnings. I have gone disinterested to some of my sites I work on before. BlogJob was a big frustration I have had. I was working on to reach the required points for my first cash-out when it untimely was suspended (temporarily). But it was already long overdue or it was already more than a month since the admin officially announced the said suspension. Until now it has no bright development to get back to normalcy. |
I have a testimony that I know God has prepared a better place for me where I could serve Him well, where I could be together with my family. I have been in His true Church for 36 years. I know the truth. I know what life is meant to. Nurturing such membership for 36 long years, I am happy and confident that my family and my wife are in the right place, in the right refuge that we could stay forever as we keep our covenant faithfully, as we renew it every Sunday by staying close to the Church and doing missionary work. We know that God knows how active we are in serving Him. My son was able to serve in the mission for 24 months and completed it with honor and great thanksgiving to the Lord for such great opportunity of finding His lost sheep and bringing them to His fold through the missionary work. That is how we serve God and He knows it. |
Yes, I do. I have a lot of bedtime stories for my kids. If in case, I am running of those stories, I create one and they do enjoy listen to it. Well, kids by nature love to listen to stories even have been retold for several times. They never get tired of listening them. They even are asking to retell them. There is always a moral lesson for every story I tell them. I explain it to them the application of the moral of the lesson, on how it is being applied to the way of living, to their day-to-day activities from school to home, from home to school, vice versa. I am not only telling them stories, but I even urge them to retell the stories in their own words, in their own way of understanding and they are good for that. I am very proud of my children for they are good story tellers in their own unique way. |
@bestwriter, yes I will write an article for this title, “How To Be Happy Father and Make Family Proud“. I am happily married for 44 years. I have 6 children and I have grown them up according to the “admonition and nurture of the Lord” with the help of my ever-supportive wife. Now some of them have their own family to raise. They value so much how important a family is. We do believe that family could be together forever. As a father, I know my duties and responsibilities to my children, to my wife, to my family. To be a father is not an ordinary title for a person like me. A father is a title that has a divine responsibility just our Heavenly Father who has the unfeigned love to all His spirit children. I do have the same responsibility to my own children. With such divine calling as a father, I have brought them to the House of the Lord and we were sealed for time and eternity so as with my wife. We went inside the temple and did the sacred ordinance as administered by the priesthood of God. Now we are all happy. My children are full of happiness that we could be living together forever as a family. With such covenant, I have made they are so proud of me, proud of my membership in the true Church of God. |
I am paying Php700 ($16USD) monthly for our water bill. It is too much for us to pay that bill. You know in our country, there are so many members of a family and we call it an etended family which a married family member is also living together with their parent. Just in our case, our eldest daughter is living with us together with her hubby and a daughter. Our youngest son and with his wife are also living with us. And our three grandchildren with their father are also staying with us while their mother is working abroad. Our nd daughter and the youngest and a grandon are with us too. So ho many of us in the family? We are 15 in all. We have the washing machine. With such big family, how could we save water conumption then? I have not come up with water conservation yet to lessen our monthly consumption and also to reduce our monthly bill. |
Yap, @lovern. One of my friend here pointed it out whose that person. I thought he was a man. However, a certain fellow LB member clarified it and informed me that he was not a man, but rather she was a woman whose tendency is to make matter worse if she didn’t like it. She had been in different online writing sites and she was manifesting that pestering attitude. She had no a permanent sound decision to make. I could even call her as a troublemaker. She was full of pride and too ambitious. Well, I am very sorry. It is too unfair that I am talking about her when she’ not around to defend herself. Let’s forgive her for she knows what she is doing. She has a lot of things to resolve, to amend to make thing aright. I don’t know if she could recall all her misgivings, insult or whatever she had done. Anyay nobody is perfect; but anyone knows what they are doing. |
We are not used to take medicine right away when we are caught by a cold or flu. My late mother was the best quack doctor whom we fondly called her. She was really best in providing remedies for any discomfort we may experience when we were kids before. For a common cold, she served us a hot calamsi. She boiled also water mixed with a pinch of Vicks and she made us to deeply inhale the vapor as we covered our head with a clean cloth. We did it after Angelus or 6 in the evening. If we got a fever, she put a piece of cloth moist with cold water or ice to our forehead. For a cough, she took several pieces of Mananilla or Lampunaya, a medicinal plant and placed them in a piece of clean cloth. She twisted it until a juice was made and produced a spoonful. She let us drink that bitter taste juice cough remedy. |
I have made several online purchases and I paid them through my PayPal account. I am satisfied with the online business store I always made such shopping. I find it convenient to shopping online. I could find the item I need and the cost or price is affordable. The delivery is efficient and mode of payment is beneficial to me. Not unlike lately, I was looking for a honey for there is no more stock in our local store. So I tried searching it on my favorite online store. I am lucky. I found it and it was sold in a bargain. It was affordable. Since I was already a regular customer in that store and I found its service very efficient and reliable. I made a purchase. This time, I am using my debit card. For a few minute, my order was completed and acknowledged. The delivery time came. I wasn’t at home. It was my youngest son who received the item which he turned over to me upon my home arrival. I checked my order. To my dismay, it was a wrong quantity. I ordered 300g of 2 set, but what was sent was a 100g of 2 set. It was the first time that I received the wrong quantity of an item. Therefore, online shopping couldn’t rely upon 100%. It will cause you inconvenience when you least expect it. |
I could practically relate to this kind of question. I remember the time when the chairman of the board of the bank which I was working asked me that similar question if I am lost in a foreign country, what I am supposed to do. I was tongue-tied for I had never been to a foreign country. I simply replied to him that I am going to ask the police. He grinned and left me without saying a word. You know my boss is always making a business trip abroad and he had gone to several countries and he knew what to do in case he got lost. Well, it had served me to be alert always in any question I may be asked. So I kept myself keep abreast especially in traveling abroad. Well, the basic preparation in case a person may be losing his way in an unknown country. He should have a ready map in his possession for ready reference. Then, he should know the contract number of the consulate of his country in that foreign country. In that case, he could surely be traced or find his way to where he started. |
@ruby3881, This time, it is an achievement, an accomplishment for taking this challenge. It’s 83 headline score I got for this title, “How To Be Happy Father and Make Family Proud“. With this attempt I got the following rating as A+: Common – 22%, Uncommon – 11%, Emotional – 22%, Power – 22% As to its length analysis, this is what I got 44 characters which could get the highest number of clicks to it, and 9 words which could receive or earn the highest number of clicks too. I have now realized the importance of headline writing for the search Engine Optimization (SEO). This challenge is worth doing. It calls for alert imagination and application. It couldn’t get by simply writing down the title of an article, but by a simple word analysis as to their effective uusagein catching reader’s attention. It is indeed a challenge. Just imagine creating a 9-word headliner. It requires a sharp mind, a clear and definite line of thinking. I would repeat it is not easy to do it.
I do appreciate the analogy which your spiritual leader had used to differentiate religion and spirituality. It is very evident and obvious that religion does more harm to society than to influence its the real essence of spirituality. They don’t understand that religion is the doctrine or dogma which the believer studied, learned, interpreted and carried them as their way of life. But they failed to use it appropriately or properly the fruit of it. I would like to cite the fruit of the spirit as what the Holy Bible says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Do those believers, or Christians do take those fruit into themselves in their way of living? Yes, to some but sad to note, most of the Christians have fallen short of the glory of God. They really fail to “eat” that fruit and “digest” them within themselves as their greatest influence, not only for themselves but to their fellow beings. |
“How I Made a Dollar in LiteracyBase” gets the score of 74. The analysis of the overall structure, grammar, and readability of your headline is A+. It is broken as follows: Common – 56% The CHARACTER COUNT which is 35 Characters. It is the right length. The Headlines with 55 characters long tend to earn the highest number of click-throughs, according to the said analysis. The WORD COUNT which is 7 Words. It is also in the right length. The Headlines with approx 6 words tend to earn the highest number of click-throughs. This is a good evaluation for a headline or a title of an article which SEO consider it for ranking purpose and also its site integrity. Most of the web writers, I believe, don’t pay much attention to headline writing. They just take it for granted. In the practical sense, it shouldn’t do it. For me, it’s good that I have come up with this title for my post. |
@bestwriter, well if I am going to count the number of hours I sleep when I get to bed 10 in the evening and wake up 6 in the following morning, I have slept 8 hours. In my senior age like 64, are those 8 hours are enough sleep for me? |