Have not seen the movie so can’t say that I agree. But I do agree that when people see the name Benedict Cumberbatch, they have great expectations.
that is really well detailed review, for this movie, to be honest i didnt want to see it but my partner liked to try it so we went, and there were some good scene, but then i found the story is really short, now complete scense jumping from one side to another, leaving things uncontinue, i think it should have done better since there story and the idea is good, the actor is good and saw him in other movies he was fun and liked his roles that he was playing, but this one for his bad luck many didnt lik
This is a great bonding. Some people say cats do not show as much affection as dogs, but this case is quite different, and shows that cats too can be very attached and loving.
I am happy for you because you have found a pet that you truly love and in turn, truly loves you. 🙂
You mean he sleeps on your head part of the bed? Does he know when to eliminate his waste and where?
My husband and daughter loves cat too. Though,the rest of us In the house don’t like any pet inside the house, not even the shih tzus. They are just outside the house at the garage.
At least, you have found a bodyguard in your pet cat. 🙂
Yes, I discovered that cats are so sweet!
I have a feral cat which we adopted and it did not leave our home. And like what your cat is doing, she always wanted to sleep in our bed, and yes, goes on top of my head but I shove her towards my feet because I am afraid she might accidentally scratch my face.
@Grecy Garcia
What happened to you is understandable. You keep doing good for the team yet no one would appreciate your effort at all. No wonder, you suddenly don’t have the motivation anymore.
I agree. When one’s effort is not even given a simple appreciation like thank you or even just a simple “the food is delicious” , you will feel like not doing it good anymore the next time around.
I actually feel that way at home. My parents-in-law are passive persons and so is my husband. They never would voice out their appreciation, but would just keep eating what I cooked on Saturdays I am at home. Good thing, the auntie from the US who is already staying with us for good is so appreciative of things I do and foods I cook. And when she does that, I would say, “good for you auntie because you at least knows how to say your appreciation, it wipes out my tiredness of cooking that”. And my in-laws would say “yes, it’s delicious.” I snob them when they say that. he he he
Google overall is a very helpful service. I use google maps all the time to find places and then I check the StreetView for an even better idea of the place. It’s useful for job hunters to see where the new job will be and what is around them in that area.
google is good and i like to use google site for nmany things but, for gps and locations really not accurate or maybe thats only in delhi in india, it doesnt give the right location and the taxis has to wait lont time before they call us, and they cant find our home and we can ntofind taxis easily because of not acccurate location by goold nor the gps. its really bad when have to wait long time to bet taxi , but really there are other nice feathres, i would not like it for job
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