Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Writing Challenge: Flowers in your Name in the forum Writing Challenges & Tips 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie This isn’t exactly how I’d do it, but if you ever want to play with the colours within an image (e.g. grayscale with one yellow accent, or something like that) this tut will help:
Grecy Garcia replied to the topic I am reporting this user Abiodun Oguntola , a PLAGIARISTS in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
@ruby3881 that is what I am thinking. If the post will not be deleted on the forum now, either me or the plagiarizer both plagiarized the posts, only one should remain and that is the original owner of the post and that is me. I really hope that the post on the forum will be deleted immediately.
@morgoodie this person should be deleted because…[Read more]
@morgoodie When you set the image to show in grayscale, did you do it to just one layer or the whole file? If you want to do that kind of contrast between B&W and colour, you need to be sure to work in layers and to only apply the grayscale to one layer.
Canva has filters you can apply to your background image. I think one is for grayscale. Then…[Read more]
@morgoodie I made that one in Canva, but I opened the graphic in GIMP to use the eyedropper tool. I find I do this quite frequently now, rather than creating the whole design in GIMP. It’s just quicker to do some things in Canva 😀
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Making Graphics for Your Posts in the forum Writing for the Web 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie I know exactly what you mean! Enjoy 😀
peachpurple replied to the topic Yes. It is true. I reached payment in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
If I am not wrong, as long as you redeem before the 30th of the month, you will receive your payment on the 10th of the next month.
For example, if you redeem today, 5th June, you will receive your payment on 10th July.
thanks for your compliment on my sketches.
Glad that you like it
@morgoodie I knew you were the type to get excited about a new tool, and to become very involved with it!
If your text isn’t showing up against the background, be sure it’s on a separate layer from the image. You can fade the background, if this is appropriate. Or you can add a third layer between text and background. Draw a box just about the…[Read more]
@morgoodie Watch out! The graphics bug is addictive! Once you learn to add text, you’ll be wanting to use the eyedropper tool to sample colours from the image in order to pull out a colour from the image itself when adding the text. Or adding an extra layer with a box that can be placed under the text to increase contrast and improve readability.…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic What would you do ? in the forum The Discussion Place 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie Have you ever done an ABC tracking sheet for her? (That’s “antecedent, behaviour, consequence.”) It might help you to get a better idea what triggers her outbursts, and maybe even some warning signs you & she could use to help prevent them.
bestwriter replied to the topic More suggestions for @support in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie – You can enable ‘notify me…’ which you will see at the end of your blog.
JoDee Stout replied to the topic Triskaidekaphobia in the forum Fear… 8 years, 8 months ago
Thanks @morgoodie, I will have to take a look at that article. A lot of those superstitions, something just happened that just so happened to bad (some of the things that had happened were actually good) but since some one popular or famous experienced it, then they deemed it as bad luck. That’s why I keep positive, positive reactions will follow!!
Melissa Jarrell replied to the topic What would you do ? in the forum The Discussion Place 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie School got out here on Thursday and I was so happy. My daughter had to do the same thing with the spelling words. At the beginning of the year they made them all do a science project, in which they had to take pictures of, tell what they thought would happen before they done it, etc. something we would have assembled in the higher…[Read more]
@morgoodie Once you get past the meltdowns, everything changes. Hang in there!
Lee Ka replied to the topic No Posts Approved Lately? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
@ruby3881 I haven’t been submitting blog posts for quite some time, but thought of writing one or two later if time is permitted. I am thinking if the team is working on some changes again, or something else. Hope the team will review the posts and publish them very soon.
@morgoodie I would like to learn how to use Buffer too, and maybe…[Read more]
peachpurple replied to the topic More suggestions for @support in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
yes, I know and understood that once I had submitted the post, awaiting for approval, I can’t edit it anymore. I was hoping to be able to edit it before it was published, not possible I guess.
I had tried saving in draft a few times. The downside is I cannot edit the draft at all and not visible, can’t click it.
I had to re write…[Read more]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic No Posts Approved Lately? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie I’m just using the free version of Buffer, and even with just the two accounts on it I find it quite indispensable! I love that it allows me to have a finer control of images for FB shares, and it picks up the images for Twitter shares 😀
@lovern I really can’t say why the posts are backed up. You would have to direct your question…[Read more]
@Morgoodie They have agendas . The school furnishes every year for them to write spelling words, homework, special events, etc. in. Problem is mine won’t write her homework down it and when prompted about homework she will tell you she has none. She does this because the work is frustrating to her. I told her teacher if she has homework you write…[Read more]
@morgoodie There are a ton of video tuts for GIMP. If you’re ever stuck, just Google what you want to do. I find it’s a little tricky to get just the right tutorial, but it’s so easy to do things once you see someone else doing it!
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) replied to the topic Making Good Progress on TextBroker UK in the forum Writing for the Web 8 years, 8 months ago
@morgoodie I wish I had taken more risks when I was a newer writer, and that I had worked harder to learn things like SEO and social media marketing. It’s good to stretch a little bit, and to always keep reaching for just a little more 🙂