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@montecristodog active 7 years, 1 month ago
Rank: Newbie
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February 17, 2017 at 9:05 pm

I like hearing all your testimonies. As a newbie, It brings me hope knowing that if I persist, I will eventually get paid. I will try to spend more time in this site creating new blogs and post. Thanks for all the tips. I pray that the management will come with better ideas to motivate us and get new people involved. I like this site but it is comforting to know that people are being paid. I am 1/4 there. Hopefully, in the coming days, I will write more and increase my money. Hope to get paid soon. God bless you all.

February 17, 2017 at 8:50 pm

Greetings. @Michelle—Mturk is associated with Amazon.  You have to get registered first. Once you get accepted, you can have your picks of Hits (jobs) depending upon your score. Please read my article on mturk because I wrote a blog with full instructions on how to get the most of it. The advantage of mturk is that you can use what you earn to buy Amazon products. Amazon has has had a record year on the stock markets and there are a lots of hits available. From time to time, it may dry up but be patient….When it rains, it pours. I heard of Mintville and I might try it. Anyway, I am here to help others answer questions about Mturk. Have a blessed day, everybody.

February 16, 2017 at 8:49 pm

Thank you for your feedback. I have other sites that may help. There is one called Mturk which is associated with Amazon and you can earn some money on the side. You have to be approved in other to get in but once you do, I have some tips waiting to help you. I have written a blog on this site on how to make some money with Mturk. Also, IPSOS has some surveys from time to time but I do not know if they have any available outside the USA. Finally, for those who write, there is hope. This website will pay you but make sure your grammar is up to par. Here is the link below and happy writing, my fellow writers…..http://thecontentauthority.com/

February 16, 2017 at 9:16 am

There is another fantastic site called IPSOS. It is good and does not pay much at first but if you do a series of surveys, it can help pay some more bills in a month’s time. You can have them email or send their surveys through your phone text. If you have an android or smartphone, you can easily do it.  Another fantastic site is the Content authority. They pay for writers but they are strict on grammar. So, you might brush up on it if you are rusty. Once you start with them, they will start you on a lower level but should you excel, they will promote you. Making $25.00 (US) or more in a week is possible but you got to be willing to work hard.

February 16, 2017 at 9:08 am

Thank you, my friends, for your responses. Mturk is one of my favorites but it is, not, easy to register. You have got to be approved. It is decent and associated with Amazon. I suggest you register for it and see if you are approved. I have written an article with some tips on this site on how to make money with mturk. I cannot promise you that you will be rich but at least you can make some money to pay a bill or two. You tube has some great tips for making money with mturk. Here is my link and feel free to ask any questions. Should you be approved, I will do my best to help you make some money and not all the jobs are surveys. Some  have some writing jobs. Here is the link….

February 13, 2017 at 9:00 pm

Thank you for all your replies. Periscope can be used with Twitter so you can expand your base. It will open doors for any business or whatever you have in plan. It can develop connections and be a good source of advertising. It is,also, a good place to make some friends. So, I am posting the link and see what you think. Give it a shot, it’s free and you have nothing to lose…https://www.periscope.tv/

February 9, 2017 at 3:47 pm

I, personally, work from home and I know it has it’s moments. Sometimes, I have had “Cabin Fever”  from being stuck at home. In my job, I have to report to work, otherwise I am out of a job. On my side jobs concerning writing, I have gone through some “blues” (Discouragements) by setting  myself in front of my computer and getting busy. There have been times that I would look for articles that catch my attention and maybe do a write-up on that. I would suggest, not to, think about your circumstances and maybe read something that would lift you up. I, personally, would pray and read the Bible but others may do something different. The key is not to focus on your situation but look ahead and be positive.

February 6, 2017 at 1:37 am

Part of what makes writing blogs fun is to browse around for subjects that interest you. For example, if you like technology, do a research on a product and share your views. If you like what you are writing about, it will become easier with time. For maximum exposure, you can look at a website like CNN at the technology section and see what is trending. When you do that and use the right SEO words, you can attract more viewers to your site.

February 5, 2017 at 8:16 am

Yes, I do pray every day. The communication lines needs to be open and I try to start my day by a Good morning, Father and so on. Then, I start to praise him. It’s, also, good to count your blessings. Then, I start to pray for those who are above me in authority—Church and job. Family, communities, enemies, etc  would follow next. After I finish, I would have a time in the word through maybe a devotional study. It helps to start my day off right.

February 5, 2017 at 8:09 am

I pray every day. I understand how life with it’s demands and hectic situations can pull anyone out of prayer but to me, it is a discipline. I don’t like to start my day without saying good morning to God. It helps me to start the day off right. I would spend about 1/2 hour praying and 1/2 study in the word. The word to me is God talking. Adding that, enhances my prayer time. It is helpful if you can get a devotional study to help your Bible studies.

January 29, 2017 at 5:29 pm

Thank you for responding. You might try to fill out an application. Who knows? There may be some jobs in India.

January 29, 2017 at 10:40 am

Thank you. I really appreciate your input. I tend to be a perfectionist. At Hubpages, I have written many articles and they still offer the option to edit. When I have done so in the past, it has benefited my articles and caused more viewers to visit my site. If you want to take a look at Hubpages, it can be a good tool to use. The profit margin is different but it gives you more exposure. Using Hubpages with this site can increase viewership that can make you some money—-


January 29, 2017 at 7:52 am

Thank you for your prompt response. Any one care to add to this?  Appreciate any feedback on this matter.

January 26, 2017 at 10:12 pm

It was a positive one. I don’t know if you live in the United States. If you do, it is worth it. Click on the link. I do know that the stores are informed but your identity is secret. This website is free and gives you the training you need. Hope it works for you. God bless.

January 24, 2017 at 10:04 pm

Greetings. I am new to this site but have had some experience writing for articles and other sites. I have written for content authority and made some money. If you are good and your grammar is outstanding, you can make some money (Not to be a millionaire) and get by. It is a good writing experience and free to sign up. Here is the link below….


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