• Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic How to save LiteracyBase from blocking by Google? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    As I said before, it is not merely a plag. item, it is an item of value WRONGLY called Plag. because it is of such a high level it contains attribution.

    People don’t like to read empty items where there is no proof, where it is vacuous.  That is the problem.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    I have been paid every month, myself.  Save this one.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Why and When Writing Sites Don’t Pay 7 years, 4 months ago

    There are sites created to be scams, such as Bubblews.    It was organised on the basic Ponzi; everyone gets paid the first time.

    To be paid the 2nd time one had to bring in a certain number of warm bodies who c […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic Have You Received Your Payment in Literacy This Week? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    I haven’t been paid… think the site wants to not pay us. Give false stories… oh… you plagiarised!   If you read the articles I wrote on Reincarnation you can see nothing was plagiaired, it is just a trick.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic MODS! Please Help! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    It is really unfair.  If you read what I wrote about reincarnation, that I made up myself… I think they don’t want to pay me.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, Avoid Eating Too Much During Fiestas/Celebrations 7 years, 4 months ago

    In the Philippines, there are so many celebrations like fiestas or feasts of Patron Saints. Many of them are observed during the dry season months of May and June when children/students are on vacation from […]

    • We cannot avoid to eat much during celebration hehehehe.It is always expected weight gain if there is no exercise to follow.At home, every day we do some steps exercise.;

      By the way, I opened another blog with gumamela flower and acelawrute hahahaha nother thieft.lols.

      • It is the culture of Filipinos to offer so much food during fiestas; quite lavish. And they will feel sorry if you will not eat in their house! So what we do is just eat a bit, then if they are my siblings, I just tell them I will take home that food! ha ha ha! so I will not cook the following day!

        The person who used my favorite gumamela flower is Zasa! I don’t know. Now I will always use that for my posts here because if I use my other photos, anybody can just “steal” it!

    • Well of course we shouldn’t eat too much food but for me fiestas is an exception. But there will be times when you really can’t control your eating and end up having stomach ache or LBM (hahaha). In the end, just eat what you can afford to eat.

      • Thanks, @Christian! It is true, sometimes we are too happy to bond with friends and relatives so we tend to overeat and forget about the planned dieting! Anyway, just do more exercises, and have a strict diet onwards!

    • May is the month for fiestas indeed. And when it is fiesta , there really are lots of foods.

      On the eve of the fiesta, you will hear pigs being slaughtered for the fiesta food preparation. And when it’s fiesta eve, for sure there is “dinuguan”, since the pig has been slaughtered and its blood should be made of use.

      Anyway, here in fiestas, the foods are mostly of meats porks and chicken and those delicious desserts.

      But I noticed that in your post you mentioned of crabs and shrimps prepared as one of those fiesta foods. Oh, I love those than pork.

      Maybe next time you should invite me if the foods are crabs and shrimps. But oops, of course it should be eaten in moderation, lest I forget. he he he

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic I saw photo image of @Acelawrites Stolen by @Zasa in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Cely, so the admin/@Support should immediately ban her/him from here because she will ruin the site!

  • Profile picture of David Hersh

    David Hersh wrote a new post, Should Literacy base media library be remove? 7 years, 4 months ago

    Should the media library be remove from
    Literacy Base? I say yes the Literacy base library should be remove here why Some newbi might think it OK to use the photos that are in the Literacy base library . As I read […]

    • This is exactly my point. I’m not against anyone using the photo of others as long as it is permitted (and I don’t know if this is permitted in literacybase)but also credit the photo to the owner of the photo.

      I don’t consider this as stealing but merely as using of other’s photo. And maybe the owner of the photo also make it clear that it’s only him/her can use the photo by putting watermark in the photo.

      Just like when you submit in a contest where the secretariat is allowed to published the winning entries without any obligation but the copyright is still owned by the author.

    • I agree, the Admin should remove the Media Library because anyone can use it without the owner’s consent. Just like what a member here had done to me; she used my photos several times, even the one with my name watermarked on it. She/he apologized and promised not to do it again. So the solution is to remove that feature here.

  • Profile picture of David Hersh

    David Hersh wrote a new post, mother days a other holiday for greeting card companies to sell cards 7 years, 4 months ago

    Mother day is this Sunday . What is Mother day to you ? At one time it was to be with family but today is just other commercial holiday to make money.Most people with family will have to work Sunday and most the […]

  • Profile picture of David Hersh

    David Hersh wrote a new post, is there a way for a livable income on line? 7 years, 4 months ago

    Is there rally a way to make a income on line?
    I am talking about a real income. Not sites like that pay a penny or less. I do yes some how there is some thing that people can do to make a ok income to make a […]

    • Hi David,
      As long as anyone works for a website online, The chances of earning money are less. Unless he is a writing geek and very good writing skills. Because, now-a-days, those who have creative writing skills get wonderful pay on the go.
      To have a consistent income online, one has to start their own website and offer services to public or provide a feature that engage normal public. Hope it makes sense..

  • Profile picture of David Hersh

    David Hersh wrote a new post, Do you ask your new date what kind of they like before you take them out for the first time? 7 years, 4 months ago

    HI if you have a new date and you are the one treating for the meal do you ask your date what kind of foods they like? Why am I asking this ? Here why I am asking this? Some times a date might not eat meat, other […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, Genetically Modified Foods; No Thanks 7 years, 4 months ago

    I was in the supermarket this morning.  They had just opened this new store and I, a long time customer came to visit.

    I happened to be talking to the owner about lots of topics, as I was shopping.  I passed a […]

    • I have no problem with genetically modified products like the agricultural crops. I believe the genes of the crops were altered just to become disease resistant and can grow to the desired size and weight it should be. I don’t believe it can affect our body because I believe the scientist won’t allow this to market if it does harm to our health.

      But I cannot blame those people who are afraid of consuming genetically modified foods.

      • I don’t trust any of this. Think of ‘healthy’ hydrogenated vegetable oil, virtually forced down our throats

    • I am afraid of eating genetically-modified foods, too! It is better safe than sorry; so I prefer organically-grown or naturally-grown fruits and vegetables. I also grow some of my vegetables in our small garden. It is always nice to harvest from your own plants.

      • When I had land I did the same thing. Grow my own, and know what was used on them… I’m not comfortable with G.M.

    • Organic and naturally grown foods are better but may be in some cases GM crops if properly checked and supervised without any wrongful method, could be useful for farmers as well as end consumers.

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, When You Don’t Know Your Mind has been ‘Poisoned’ 7 years, 4 months ago

    A particular lady was very important.  She was highly respected and her attendance was virtually demanded at many prestigious functions.

    The shock of this story was when someone who was quite impressed with this […]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic How to save LiteracyBase from blocking by Google? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    No.  It is not that X plagiarised items which is why… it is that the false charges of Plag. cause good writers not to write good.

    Put it like this; suppose you wanted to discuss a current topic.  You would need to define it, you would quote your sources, and you might even supply quotes which would confirm the validity of your item.

    As this s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar wrote a new post, The Difference Between Advice and Competent Advice 7 years, 4 months ago

    I am sure you have a similar story.   Whether the ‘key player’ is a doctor, a lawyer, a technician, a dentist; the list is endless,  the wrong or misleading advice is not.

    In Jamaica, as in other parts of the w […]

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic I saw photo image of @Acelawrites Stolen by @Zasa in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    @Cely, good thing she apologized to me for using my photos. She said she will not do it anymore! At least she admitted her mistake. Maybe she thought that every photo from the Media Library can be used by everybody. So the solution is to remove that feature here.

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks @Cely, next time I’ll have it (hopefully)! We always say “hopefully” because we are not so sure 100 percent if we will get payments or not! And that negative experience with Bubblews affected that view so much!

    It was such a bad experience! It taught us not to be too trusting!

  • Profile picture of kaylar

    kaylar replied to the topic MODS! Please Help! in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 4 months ago

    I wrote an item.  LB says I plaged.   They gave me a link of an item I’d never seen that has nothing connected to what I wrote.

    Wonder if it is one of those scams to not pay?

    BTW  haven’t been paid yet


  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites replied to the topic Happy Pay Day Guys in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 4 months ago

    I did not make it this time; hopefully next month when I can go over the minimum payout of $10. Anyway, I am just enjoying my time here, and payment is just a bonus! next time I can have it!

  • Profile picture of acelawrites

    acelawrites wrote a new post, Dead Whale Full of Eaten Plastics 7 years, 4 months ago

    Have you seen that photo on Facebook posted by netizens about a big dead whale that was washed ashore in Cavite, Luzon, Philippines?

    It was such a lonesome sight! The whale was already dead. decomposing, and its […]

    • The environmentalist must stop this water pollution. Our fishes may not anymore safe to eat. It is so disgusting. Other countries like New Zealand, their seas are so clean so non toxic.

      • Good to know about the strict implementation of handling garbage in New Zealand, along with other countries. In the Philippines we have strict laws too, but I wish all the people will follow it, because everyone could be affected if our seas are polluted!

    • That is the proof how irresponsible people are. We throw the garbage in the sea, in fact, anywhere. Dumping anything as if we are the maker of all the things in this world. Poor whale, the latest victim of human inhumanity.

      If only we know how to manage the garbage, there will be no dead whale washed ashore.

      • It is true, it show’s man’s inhumanity! If all of us would be responsible enough, we can enjoy pristine waters, clean and cool air, and lots of food on the table. If only we care a lot for the environment.

    • Its not only the water pollution, All of kinds of pollution which we see in this world is man made.. Just because of someones ignorance, Pollution has reached a stage, where it cannot be fixed in short time..

      • It is so saddening to see a sea creature who died due to man’s irresponsibility! It is cruelty to animals and to man itself because whatever we eat that is taken from polluted sea can be dangerous!

    • Yes, I saw this news on TV. Poor whale. He has eaten the rubbish by irresponsible people.

      Could it be that the people living near the sea are the ones responsible for throwing these garbage? Then, they should be warned in blatantly just throwing their garbages into the sea.

      The government with this kind of news should be now making guidelines on how it can be avoided that garbages be thrown into the sea.

      If they don’t do something about these garbages thrown at the sea, sooner or later the fishes too will be affected and will die from eating them too.

      What about the environmentalists, can’t they do something to prevent the people from throwing their garbages into the sea?

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