Robin hood for the people and Mr Bardi are now friends 1 year, 9 months ago
Dawnwriter and Shampa Sadhya are now friends 6 years, 8 months ago
Robin hood for the people and KYEBAMBE ISAAC are now friends 6 years, 9 months ago
Robin hood for the people and Yvette are now friends 7 years ago
Hot topic daily and Yvette are now friends 7 years ago
kaylar replied to the topic What about our Pending Payment? in the forum About LiteracyBase 7 years, 1 month ago
I have tried to contact support
I’ve tried to contact them abut the pending payments.
kaylar replied to the topic What about our Pending Payment? in the forum About LiteracyBase 7 years, 2 months ago
anybody see Admin?
I am not posting and am taking some of my items for other sites… I don’t trust this site
I am so happy to be here! Hi Cely!!!
kaylar wrote a new post, Hey Fools! You Ain’t Going To Be Paid!!! 7 years, 5 months ago
There are a number of fools writing on this site. They are plagiarising, they are post garbage, and they are in rolls of rapture thinking that they’ll be getting their cheque!
This site virtually went down […]
I actually just started this and I’m getting paid , but everyone has there own opinion
Your Seldom replied to the topic Hi To All? in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago
ok, I will. I checked. Maybe they come back?
kaylar replied to the topic For Two Days Now @Support Is Active Yet Heard No Words in the forum Thinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago
Scamadviser says this site was opened on 2 years and 348 days ago (as of this day) I assume that they paid for 3 years… which would mean that in 17 days, meaning 3 years, the site will disappear.
It is June 28 there has been not a peep from the Admin. NO ONe was paid for May. No one was paid in June…
I think people are shocked to think that this site; any site,can just grab the money owed to writers, and walk away and leave the site without a word, just waiting for the ‘rent’ for the site to expire and it automatically closes.
kaylar replied to the topic YOU ARE ALL THERE BECAUSE YOU ARE PAID in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 6 months ago
I number of sites over the years were reported and had to close down. This is why there is a ‘sudden’ death of a site contra the warnings i.e. wikinut, niume.
I find it very funny that people are writing, the ads are earning for the owners of the site.
Brilliantly said… of course… the older items are earning as well… but those who are writing are often the plagiarists and others of low quality…
It is very unfair
This is basic business model. Gives the operator time to balance
To run a successful business, you do a 5 for 1 that is… you sell an item for $5.00, it cost you $1.00 to build. $1.00 just in case the costs go up, $1.00 for employees, $1.00 for Utilities, and $1.00 profit.
So you have a site, and the Ads pay you $1.00 That means you can pay the writer 20c and this will leave you enough to keep the site ru…[Read more]
There was a site called seekyt which was sold…doesn’t pay now
maybe they will sell this site