• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Red and White Fruity Coleslaw 8 years, 1 month ago

    With huge range of fresh ingredients widely available in the market, there are so many version of coleslaw salad that one could think of.


    Coleslaw is one of the easiest salad to prepare that you could […]

    • My taste have surely evolved over the years. When I was young, the school lunch sometimes included coleslaw and I did not like it! I would wait until I thought nobody was looking and I then I’d use a napkin to wipe it off my plate to make it appear I had eaten all of my food.

      When I got older, I met my husband and he loves cole slaw. I didn’t want to refuse so when he offered it to me the first time, I ate it. I was shocked! It tasted really good! It was different from how they made it at my elementary school. He varies the recipe. Sometimes carrots. Sometimes not. Sometimes raisins. Sometimes not. Sometimes red cabbage. Sometimes not. No matter. It always tastes good. His recipe would probably be good if he used pineapple chunks or orange slices, but he draws the line at the raisins. Your recipe sounds tasty too! 🙂

    • You can make this salad the night before or the same day. Just be sure to allow the salad to refrigerate at least 2 hours so the dressing has enough time to marinate the slaw.

      Red, White, & Blue Slaw Salad
      This healthy and easy RED, WHITE & BLUE Slaw Salad is the perfect addition to any summer BBQ! July 4th and Memorial Day are the perfect holidays for this festive and crowd-pleasing salad. This patriotic homemade salad is packed with whole foods such as crunchy cabbage, sweet blueberries, delicious red bell pepper, and tart apple. Bring the BEST clean eating and gluten-free coleslaw recipe to your next potluck! Find more “healthified” recipes at groundedandsurrounded.com.
      CourseSalad, Side Dish, Vegetarian
      10 servings
      Salad Ingredients
      16 oz bag of coleslaw or 7 cups shredded cabbage
      1 cup blueberries
      1 red bell pepper, julianned
      1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and chopped into matchsticks
      1/4 cup sliced almonds for garnish
      Dressing Ingredients
      1/4 cup mayonnaise I use the brand, Just Mayo
      2 Tbsp red wine vinegar
      2 Tbsp lemon juice
      2 Tbsp honey I use raw local
      1 Tbsp water
      1 tsp sea salt
      1/8 tsp black pepper
      Add all ingredients except sliced almonds to a large bowl.
      Put all ingredients in a blender or Magic Bullet and blend until combined.
      Assemble Salad
      Pour dressing over salad and gently mix. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to mingle.
      Sprinkle the top of the salad with sliced almonds when ready to serve! Enjoy!

    • This is a delicious salad. When I was a kid, they used to serve cole slaw with our school lunches. I never liked it! Then I met my husband and he prepared cole slaw for me. I didn’t want to offend him by not eating it, so I ate it. It tasted really good! I’ve been eating it ever since. 🙂

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chicken Pox Symptoms and Treatments 8 years, 1 month ago

    Everyone will experience chicken pox in his lifetime regardless of age.

    Some people get chicken pox at early age while others had it during middle age.

    The worst experience is having it during golden age […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic how much time do you spend on facebook? in the forum Facebook 8 years, 1 month ago

    honestly, I never spend my time on Facebook nor twitter.

    All I did was to share my post url link there and get out of there.

    I can’t stand all the junk links shared by others.

    So, I prefer to hang out at writing site

    I agree, Facebook is a waste of time, more alike a gossip cafe to me

  • Profile picture of Jacky Hughes

    Jacky Hughes and Profile picture of saturnsaturn are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

  • Profile picture of lautan

    lautan replied to the topic how much time do you spend on facebook? in the forum Facebook 8 years, 1 month ago

    depend on how to use it, you can make money if you know how to do it, or just fun with old friends

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Reasons Why You Should Declutter Your Paperwork 8 years, 1 month ago

    I believe majority of us have high piles of clutter paperwork on our desk by the end of the month.
    Paperwork includes:

    bills (utility, cellphone, netflix, etc)
    mails / letters
    pamphlets […]

    • Wow you have completely read my mind. I used to have that problem of decluttering, I always kept receipts in my wallet until I can’t even have space to put anything. Until I realized how messy it could turn out to be. So each time I go out shopping I make sure I have checked the receipt for any important information before I discard it. If it is something that I may need to use later then there is a folder that I got that I use to keep those kinds of receipts. But if they’re not important I throw them away that will help me keep my wallet clean and free of many papers that don’t make any sense. I like the way you have laid it all out am sure most of us if not all have had some kind of issue with that thanks for sharing.

    • Hmm… I can see that you are very methodical and these are some very useful tips.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Views from LB members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago


    I had just tested out the earnings.

    When I replied to another forum, I received 0.005 cent for it

    Then I wrote a lengthy comment, I received 0.01 cent

    however, when i had shared other writers posts at my FB, twitter and Googleplus, there isn’t any increase in the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Views from LB members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    i noticed that when I posted comments, i don’t get my earnings immediately, same goes with sharing at  media sites.

    It took 12 hours before I could see those cents coming in.

    But then, I wouldn’t know which is which, approximately 0.1 cent for all the work

    not even 10 cent

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic being allergic to cats when you adore them in the forum Group logo of Cats & Dogs LoversCats & Dogs Lovers 8 years, 1 month ago

    my son loves cat too.

    He even likes cats and kittens that strays on the roadside.

    We have an old cat but her hair shreds since she is 15 years old.

    So, my son couldn’t get close to her.

    he will start sneezing and having runny nose.

    Doctor said he had allergic to cat fur.

    So, unless he wears a mask, he can’t get near her

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    do let me know whether they paid you through paypal.

    At the moment only writers paid thru bank account, nobody mentioned about paypal yet.

    Do keep me in touch

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Did not sleep well last night.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Views from LB members in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    I was just wonderingm  while we do earn when we comment on blogs do we get views when LB members view our blogs?  If so, I do not see that  in ‘my history’

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    Tinycent has issues with paypal. Once that is sorted out they will be able to pay internationally.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic How long has your family lived in your neighborhood? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    yeah, go with the flow, ignore them if they are too much

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    I want to know the details too.

    If this site could support malaysia or any other countries besides india alone, I am sure it can generate more writers coming in

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 8 years, 1 month ago

    at the moment my favorite song is Doctors-Korean drama OST

    I  usually listen to the latest korean ost songs which are famous now

    It is not easy to follow them , I read the english subs in order to understand the lyrics

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Anxiety Attacks…. in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years, 1 month ago

    Sorry, I never had experience anxiety attacks but my mom and my brother had experienced them.

    both of them had experience this attacks for years.

    Then, my mom had stroke, since 2012 and my brother had OCD 2 years ago.


  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic How long has your family lived in your neighborhood? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    Ah, this is the normal reaction for your dad’s sibling because they find that it isn’t fair for them to share with u eventhough you have the right to have the share.

    In other words, jealousy, they can’t stand it.

    They wanted to have all the share.

    But in my opinion, you should be happy that you got the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, When Doctors Do not Help 8 years, 1 month ago


    I have  mild hypertension and my doctor has put me on tablets which are expected to keep my BP in check.  I do know Blood Pressure Tablets or for that matter any allopathic medicine has side effects. These ta […]

    • I am so sorry about that worst situation when your doctor did not do his job well.Better find another doctor. Some doctors this time are not anymore doing their job well.If they feel do not like their job, they have to resign. Why was that doctor prescribed you a tablet that increased your heart beat.That doctor is not credible.Better you did not complain. My best suggestion is to find another doctor through a recommendation.I hope you are very fine this time.Take care.

      • Felt it is true that some doctors nowadays are only working for the money part of it. They are not as dedicated as they should be in seeking with patients and it’s really sad. But I wouldn’t really blame the doctor for the prescription coz different people react differently to treatment could be it was too strong for her.but all the same he should have found another alternative to it.

      • Doctors cannot help because their hands are tied. They can only prescribe what is available but they will not suggest a holistic approach as outlined by me which is what is required.

    • That is one of the bewilderments of most scientific inventions Especially in the health field. Almost every drug will have its own side effect. Why must this be so?
      Why not prouduce drugs that will cure what it was assigned to cure in the body instead of causing other minor, sometimes major unwanted reactions in the body.

      The only solution lies with the spiritual. It is only God’s blessings that will make rich and add no sorrow to it.

      Know that God! He’s the one who ultimately keeps you healthy.

      • Your right about that onyedikachi many are the times when we think that we can do stuff on our own but the truth is it’s God who knows everything that goes on about us. So even as we take those medicine a that we are prescribed for, we need to remember that the doctor administers but God does the healing

      • As I have commented doctors stick to their own discipline and never recommend what they are not professed in. I have mentioned a few things that patients could resort to including trust in God as you have said.

    • Wow very sorry to read of your predicament even though hypertension is a difficult condition to take care off, you have said it being positive and being prayerful is essential for someone’s healing. Am glad that you are taking it well and trying your best to maintain the condition.However I feel that it may be a good idea to seek medical attention from another doctor that could be helpful also. I wish you a long life free of pain and medicine in Jesus name Amen. Keep the positive attitude and all shall be well all the best.

      • As I have mentioned, doctors can only do so much with drugs available. All drugs have side effects no matter which doctor it will be. They will not suggest anything beyond their profession.

    • I’m sorry about your experience.

    • Most doctors do not resort to a holistic approach and that is when patients should do it for themselves. An Allopath will not recommend homoeopathy and so on.

    • As an ex registered nurse I understand your dilemma. Any other doctor that you would consult would prescribe probably the same treatment or some other medication “with side effects”. I used to say to every one of my patients that every person reacts to medication in their own way and thus side effects exists. But at least you have a very positive attitude towards your condition and you consulted other therapists. That is great….

      • Nice to meet a nurse here. Doctors will not get out of their box. I did have a general practitioner who is no more who was into other therapies besides allopathy. But I have not given up. Let me see how to get a plan for me.
        Thanks for visiting.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Photo likes means no love. in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    honestly, i really, really do not understand WHY those beautiful women would go naked online just for money

    I mean that we women should treasure our beauty, not spreading online for “sale”.

    True, in the end, only men are interested at looking, not in favor of bringing home even she is a real beauty.

    Men would rather bring home a decent wife…[Read more]

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