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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    Nice to hear that. Hope many more will be able to redeem their hard work.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    good news, 3 of my posts, just published, reached $10.006

    Now I had just hit the redeem button too.


    Hope to receive my money next month

    thanks Literacybase

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Can we possibly reach $100 here in a month? Share me your thoughts in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 9 months ago

    I don’t think so we could reach $100 per month.

    Unless the writer is hard working and persistent.

    Lets say that 1000 words post earns 33 cents, if you can write 10 posts of 1000 words , then it is possible…


    33 cents x 10 posts : $3.30

    $3.30 x 30 days: $99


    But how many of us could write 1000 words per post???

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Vegetarian Recipe: Grilled Tofu with Mixed Vegetables 7 years, 9 months ago





    Today, we are going vegetarian since we are out of meats.


    Initially, I thought that vegetarian meals are difficult to prepare but it turns out the other way round.


    On contr […]

    • I have a Twitter account dedicated to foodies and food lovers. Tweeted this! 🙂

    • Yes, it is a nice and easy recipe for the readers and domestic women. My mom makes it as I will describe it easy words but I do not like it because its taste I do not like.


      1 cup organic vegetable broth
      1/2 cup fresh orange juice
      1/2 cup dry rosé wine
      2 teaspoons dried herbes de Provence
      2 tablespoons olive oil
      1 tablespoon olive paste
      1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
      1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
      4 garlic cloves, minced
      1 (14-ounce) package extra-firm tofu, cut into 8 (3/4-inch-thick) slices
      3 small eggplants, each cut lengthwise into 4 slices
      3 small zucchini, each cut lengthwise into 4 slices
      1 Vidalia or other sweet onion, cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices
      1 large red bell pepper, cut into 8 wedges
      4 small tomatoes
      Cooking spray
      2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
      1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
      1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme

      1. Preheat grill to medium-high heat.

      2. Place first 4 ingredients in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat; bring to a boil. Cook until slightly syrupy and reduced to 1/3 cup (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat; cool. Stir in olive oil and next 4 ingredients (through garlic).

      3. Place tofu and vegetables on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Brush half of juice mixture over tofu and vegetables; grill for 4 minutes. Turn tofu and vegetables over; brush with remaining juice mixture. Cook for 3 minutes or until vegetables are golden brown and tender.

      4. Combine basil, parsley, and thyme. Divide vegetables and tofu equally among 4 plates. Sprinkle each serving with 1 tablespoon herb mixture.

    • I love vegetables. It is not only delicious but it is really good for our health.
      It is a good diet to maintain our body health.

      The recipe seem to be delicious. Thanks for sharing it. It will always be good to discover new recipes for a new taste. 🙂

    • I also love vegeyables. I think it is a good recipie… Thanks for it

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Oats and Nuts Teabread Recipe 7 years, 9 months ago

    This morning, I just found an old scrapbook recipe that I had cut and pasted recipes from newspapers and magazines.


    One of the bread recipe that I had always wanted to try out is Oats and Nuts […]

    • It is a good and delicious recipe for the readers but in different countries it is different. I like it most.Here’s an excellent method for making oatmeal overnight in the fridge. A lot of overnight oatmeal recipes have a raw oat flavor that I don’t care for, but these oats are made with a hot tea/milk mixture that eliminates that raw taste.

      I love the convenience of being able to serve freshly made oatmeal on a busy morning without having to stand at the stove, cooking and stirring. Simply pull these out of the fridge and eat them cold or, if you prefer, zap them in the microwave for a minute or so.

      cou1 c. plus 2 tbsp. flour
      3/4 c. sugar
      1 tsp. salt
      1 tsp. soda
      1 tsp. baking powder
      1 tsp. cinnamon
      1/2 tsp. nutmeg
      1 c. quick cooking oats
      2 eggs, beaten
      1 1/4 c. applesauce
      1/3 c. vegetable oil
      1/4 c. milk
      1/4 c. brown sugar
      1/4 c. chopped nuts
      1/4 tsp. cinnamon

      Sift dry ingredients together in large bowl. Stir in oats. In another bowl, mix eggs, oil, applesauce and milk. Stir this into dry ingredients and then pour into a greased and floured 9 x 5 inch loaf pan. Sprinkle top of loaf with brown sugar, nuts and cinnamon. Bake at 350 degrees for 55 minutes to 1 hour and 5 minutesntries its making method is different as in my country.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I don’t know whether I could redeem today.


    My earning is at $9.33 now, wonder whether I could redeem tomorrow or not or just wait until end of december…

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy Fish Head Curry Recipe 7 years, 9 months ago

    Honestly, I have never tried Fish Head curry in my entire cooking experience.

    I thought that fish head would give out an awful fish odor and you wouldn’t be able to get much fish meat from the h […]

    • I think it will be tasty sure because it looks nice on the plate. But my sister makes it so at home lat Friday she made it in the evening meal.
      Wash the fish head or fish steaks and pat dry. Keep aside.
      Heat oil in a wok or saucepan, add curry seeds mixture and ginger and stir fry over high heat for two to three minutes till the seeds pop.
      Cool slightly then pulse in a food processor to create the paste.
      In the same wok or sauce pan with the remaining oil, add garlic and stir fry till lightly browned.
      Add the curry paste and stir fry till fragrant and cooked.
      Add the onions and stir fry briefly for about one minute.
      Put in half of the coconut milk, bring to a boil, remember to keep stirring to avoid curdling.
      Add the fish, cook for 10 minutes before adding the remaining coconut milk and the tamarind juice.
      Add the tomatoes, red chilli, green chilli, curry leaves, salt and sugar.
      Simmer gently for about five to eight minutes or until the sauce is thickened to a desired consistency and the fish is cooked through.
      You may add more liquid if there is not enough gravy.
      Serve with steaming hot rice.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    Good for you. Keep being active.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just clicked that transfer button for the sixth time and I know anytime after the 10th of December I will get my payment.

    LiteracyBase has kept its promise and I find this a fun place to write and interact. .

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic I redeemed a sixth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 9 months ago

    I just clicked that transfer button and I know anytime after the 10th of December I will get my payment.

    LiteracyBase has kept its promise and I find this a fun place to write and interact. .

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 3 Reasons to Save Post URL Links 7 years, 10 months ago

    I had started to write online since 2009.

    One of the oldest website I had published my recipe articles was Hubpages, which was my first attempt to write online and surprisingly, I had been earning money from […]

    • The 4th reason is that if you lose your content because the site disappears or your stuff vanishes from that site and you didn’t save a backup copy … maybe you can find it via the Wayback Machine. That’s a site that apparently saves old stuff! I found two of my Squidoo lenses there. I was so happy because those two articles were inspired by my daughters. I thought I had lost the content forever! I republished the material at my BlogJob blog. But you need to know the URL or even a portion of the URL to be able to find your stuff.

    • In past around 2011 there are many big pages but most of them use their pages just for fun but now in 2015 where Digital Marketing is the back bone of Online Selling and earning. Facebook Advertising is expensive for small business and website owners and there is no guarantee will you get profit or not for these advertisment that’s why Some People come with great mind and made some FACEBOOK ADVERTISING NETWORK. these networks are rising day by day because Present Facebook Advertising is much expensive

      Let’s explain you what is these networks and how its work.

      Suppose you have a big Fanpage with 1 Million likes then probably you want to earn some money [bcz everyone loves money :p]

      First you need to join these network after that Network provide you a tracking link+Tagline+Description to share on your page.

      Facebook will only generate you money when you have good number of followers. And also you have to be smart about what content you’re sharing and how many times you’re sharing. Because Facebook has strict policy for sharing of links and pages get unpublished because of that.

      Rizwan answer was apt that you can earn from some sites which pay for traffic, this amount increases to Rs 250-280 per 1000 clicks for US traffic.

      The good way though is develop your page first, make your page big, have a site or blog and use adsense to earn. It’s a long term thing and your pages will be safe and you will earn multiple times than before.

      On Whatsapp it’s mainly for app downloads or call this number if you want to help. Such type of messages are for either increasing database of get user to a mobile app. (Can’t say how much they get paid for this)

      You can also use Instagram to earn, it’s trending and it’s good money. Nowadays most of the girl are trying this.

    • i just commented in other post taht social media dont work really the way they suppose to, they are false to some limit, i got views almost as much as i dont post in social media, and that tells me no to waste my time on sharing while i cna writ emore post to get more views here and in other sites too, finding the keyword is the key to good posts, and also of course finding the perfect words. that would take most of you time and not time to really share in those false media links

      • It is true I tried many social media but the benefit from views are so low so, i prefer to write posts and hope teu find it online, as sure they will but may take longer, its not i dont want to share, but sharing takes long time and the money for it is so low, commenting and posting is better, that is why i like literacybase
        and thanks Mangoh for the posting reply, its true and that is what happened with blogs that did at the past, i spent long time to write and share and invite and sthis and taht using Facebook twitter

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Treat White Spots on Fingernails 7 years, 10 months ago

    Some people used to say that white flecks on your fingernails indicate that you are having calcium or other nutritional deficiency.

    Is this myth true or not? Not really.

    This is just an old wives’ tale to t […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 12 Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas 7 years, 10 months ago

    Whipping up a healthy breakfast in the morning does not take much time at all.

    If you want a power pack breakfast, try to wake up 30minutes earlier than the usual time so that you could prepare a sumptuous […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 3D Christmas Tree Craft for Kids 7 years, 10 months ago

    Christmas is just around the corner.


    One month from today, it is a joyous celebration for people all over the world, regardless of race or religion.


    Although most Catholics and Christians do a […]

    • Christmas is in the air. Time to be with families again. time to bond with them since it is a vacation time and everyone is not busy.

      This Christmas season is the most loved time in the whole year. Many memories with families and friends will be earned. Hehe.

      Anyways, that paper Christmas tree is nice. For sure, I will make lots of paper Christmas tree for decorations at home.

    • We’ve got flat Christmas trees, felt Christmas trees, 3D Christmas trees, pretty Christmas trees and sparkly Christmas trees – in fact all sorts of Christmas tree crafts for kids! We hope you’ll find something here for kids of all ages, and the finished results will brighten up your house this Christmas…

      Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree! The Christmas tree is an important part of the Christmas tradition in many Christian families. Many of our Christmas memories comes down to remembering opening gifts around the Christmas tree or decorating the Christmas tree with your siblings and your parents. The crafts on this page are representations of Xmas trees, such as paper-folded, felt, beaded, or even Christmas trees made from recycled magazines

      A cool way to decorate these trees is with colored cellophane tape. This comes in bright solid colors and in a variety of attractive Christmas designs. Apply strips of tape across the cutout trees, as shown in Figure b.

      Or decorate with sticker stars. These trees can be any size. The larger ones-6 to 8 inches high —make good mantelpiece decorations, while trees 3 inches high make perfect homemade decorations for your Christmas tree. There are many combinations of paper and tape with which to work.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips How to Train Your Child To Sleep On His Own 7 years, 10 months ago

    Yohoo! I am HAPPY today.


    Finally, my boy is able to sleep on his own after 7 years I had accompanied him.


    My boy had been sleeping with me and my hubby since he was a baby.


    Well, he do […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Kids Stories: The Snake with 2 Heads 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every child loves to hear stories, be it bedtime stories, fairy tales, short stories from ancient times, Aesop fables or even real life stories from your past.

    Stories help children to learn about good morales, […]

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, A Memorable Travel by Amtrak, USA 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have always wondered why our trains in India are so bad in every way.  To get into any train one needs to climb and this is not easy for long distance travel as one has to bother about luggage as well. And […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, How Good or Bad is Coconut Oil 7 years, 10 months ago

    Most cuisines have oil in their method of cooking.  There are several cooking oils. While there was no concern expressed in the good old days now recommendations are made based on their saturated fat […]

    • Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do — no matter how old you are! Your body changes through your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. Food provides nutrients you need as you age. Use these tips to choose foods for better health at each stage of life.

      Meals are more enjoyable when you eat with others. Invite a friend to join you or take part in a potluck at least twice a week. A senior center or place of worship may offer meals that are shared with others. There are many ways to make mealtimes pleasing

      Learn to recognize how much to eat so you can control portion size. My Plate’s Super Tracker shows amounts of food you need. When eating out, pack part of your meal to eat later. One restaurant dish might be enough for two meals or more.

      Foods may seem to lose their flavor as you age. If favorite dishes taste different, it may not be the cook! Maybe your sense of smell, sense of taste, or both have changed. Medicines may also change how foods taste. Add flavor to your meals with herbs and spices.

      Don’t take a chance with your health. A food-related illness can be life threatening for an older person. Throw out food that might not be safe. Avoid certain foods that are always risky for an older person, such as unpasteurized dairy foods. Other foods can be harmful to you when they are raw or undercooked, such as eggs, sprouts, fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry.

      • You are right about food being the main cause health or ill health. There are so many issues that we need to keep in mind and you have highlighted the very well.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Beware of Rose they Play Possum Sometimes 7 years, 10 months ago

    ‘Playing possum’ is an expression that is derived from this animal possum that pretends to be dead under certain circumstances. It pretends to be dead when it sights its predator.  The predator, thinking that […]

    • The red rose began its illustrious symbolic history in Greek and Roman iconography, where it was tied to Aphrodite, or Venus, the goddess of love. Later, in early Christian times it became associated with the virtue of Virgin Mary.

      By the time Shakespeare rolled around it had already become a poetic standard that he, and later Gertrude Stein, both famously played with in their works. Throughout its long, storied history, the red rose still reigns as the ultimate symbol of passionate affection.
      Rose is the king flower all over the world and I like it most because its smell is delicious and fine entrancing men’s wit and wisdom. What’s more classically romantic than red roses? Almost everyone knows (or should know) that a brilliant bouquet of red roses is the perfect way to declare feelings of romantic love. Whether in celebration of an anniversary, wedding,

      Valentine’s Day or even National Romance Month (August), there is no mistaking the implication of passion, desire and above all, love, associated with red roses. So, how has the red rose become what it is known for today?

      It’s probably safe to say there’s no more prevalent or enduring symbol of love and beauty in Western culture than red roses.

      Red roses often appear in poetry, literature, classical artwork, contemporary films and everywhere in between. Renowned Scottish poet, Robert Burns, compared his love to a red rose in the poem Red, Red Rose, and the card “soldiers” in Alice in Wonderland lost their heads for painting white roses red, just to name a few classics.

      These fragrant blooms come in varying shades of red, which also carry different symbolic meanings. For example, a bright red rose signifies romance, while burgundy means a love that has yet to be realized.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Old Clothes Never Die They Just Fade Away 7 years, 10 months ago

    The fashion industry believes in change in trends. What is in fashion today will be gone tomorrow.  And those who follow fashions will go for new clothes, stacking the old clothes in cupboards not to be seen or […]

    • I think giving the clothes which we do not use to some others is not good. When they are not suitable and good how is it reasonable to expect others wear those clothes? They too have desires to wear new clothes. So, generally, I do not give them to anybody. At the most, I give them after using for about 9 or 10 washes. If my conscious does not permit I tear them off into small pieces and use them for cleaning the floor . I also advise my children to follow the same principle. Am I correct guys?

      • Years ago, as children, every year we took clothes we no longer wore and gave them to the poor. This continued into adulthood. Then, there was the reaction that you have expressed, where people who needed clothing acted as if they deserved brand new designer things. That led my best friend to burn her clothing, and me to put them in a bag and sit them in the garbage.

      • Giving away good old clothes to those who can wear them is never considered to be insulting them. How many rags do you need to swab the floor. Also synthetic material is not good for swabbing. It is not absorbant

    • Yes, old men and women and clothes never die but fade away their colors just to take place the new clothes. There are shirts here and shorts and winter coats and summer dresses and kiddie underpants in piles so high they would cast a shadow over Shaquille O’Neal.

      There are bales the size of small sedans filled with leather coats and polyester stretch pants. There are open-topped plastic barrels overflowing with red flannel work shirts, faded denims, evening gowns in rainbow sequins. Strewn, tossed, toppling, pancaked, inside out, jammed onto forklifts — everywhere you look there are clothes.

      The warehouse in question is in an industrial park in East New York, Brooklyn. This is not a neighborhood that equates in most people’s minds with the words ”major fashion center.” In some ways this place would seem to be the last destination.

      It is where many clothes apparently go to die. When you’ve finally cleaned the closet, given to the coat drive, made a deposit at Goodwill, the Salvation Army or those big red St. Vincent de Paul Society Dumpsters parked outside suburban supermarkets, your clothes will very likely wind up here.

      But, far from ending their useful time on earth, they are destined for resurrection. Someday in Burkina Faso, someone will be wearing those old Liz Claibornes to which you finally gave the heave-ho.

    • The fashion industry only changes trends so they can make money but they never really do too many things that are new and different. My later mother used to say clothes never went out of the style. They just recycled the garments under a new name. My late aunt used to take good care of your clothes, keep them for years and don’t worry you’ll reflect the fashion trend … again! 🙂 When I was in high school my friend came to school wearing a really nice dress. I complimented her on it and she said: “Thanks. This is one of my mom’s old dresses I found in her closet.” I could never borrow my mother’s clothes or my sister’s. We were never the same size. 🙂

    • When fashions change old clothes get stacked away never to be worn again unless get back into fashion. In my case some have come back and I am waring them but space constraint is always there.

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