Mark Graham
@markyg active 8 years, 3 months ago-
In reply to: Mark Graham wrote a new post, Working What does it really mean to work? Working to me usually and used to mean to me going out the front or back door and walking five blocks to a local hospital and work a shift […] View
In reply to: Mark Graham wrote a new post, Working What does it really mean to work? Working to me usually and used to mean to me going out the front or back door and walking five blocks to a local hospital and work a shift […] View
Work should yield results and that for me is work not matter in which area it is. Working to earn is not the only area where work yields results. Working to cook a great meal, to produce flowers in the garden, to search the Net for information……….the list is endless.
And for you at the moment work is to find work – interesting.
I would love just to be able to write for a living. Maybe when I finish my nursing study book maybe that will be my writing profession since then I will have to make updates to the book as well.
Yes working covers varieties of thing and fields in humans life. It is not limited to one thing only.
Working can apply everything we do in our daily activities. It could be playing football, tennis, writing, cooking, drawing and painting , designing, office clerk, documenting, name them…
I am a worker ever since I cut lawns when I turned 12 years old till I was 25 or so. Then I had office jobs, day care jobs as well as a nursing job till I turned 50. I would really love as I told bestwriter that I wish I could be a full time writer.
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