Esther joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Marjon lauronal camillo joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Benjamin Bauer replied to the topic Comfort Foods… in the forum Food & Drink 7 years ago
One study divided college-students’ comfort-food identifications into four categories (nostalgic foods, indulgence foods, convenience foods, and physical comfort foods) with a special emphasis on the deliberate selection of particular foods to modify mood or effect, and indications that the medical-therapeutic use of particular foods may…[Read more]
Benjamin Bauer started the topic What is everyones favorite food for the warmer weather? in the forum Food & Drink 7 years ago
Hey everyone, what is everyone’s favorite food for the warmer seasons/summer? Id love to hear everyone’s input, and opinions. I’ve always loved seafood in the warmer months
Benjamin Bauer replied to the topic Enjoy Bengali traditional green mango drinks in the forum Food & Drink 7 years ago
What does it taste like, and would I drink it everyday/ every morning? Id love to hear your thoughts, and the right way how to make it accurately. Thanks!
Benjamin Bauer replied to the topic Always try to drink WARM WATER in the forum Food & Drink 7 years ago
I drink warm water before I go to sleep, and lukewarm water when I wake up. I believe it helps my well being, and stops any types of bad dreams. Plus when I wake up, and drink the water it helps me be alert, and oriented when I need it most. Thanks for the information, cheers!
Benjamin Bauer replied to the topic The dangers of canned food in the forum Food & Drink 7 years ago
Hello there!! I agree with your exclamation of canned food. We don’t really know how long, or time the food has been in the product, or the real amount of sodium, or lead. Thanks for the I’m put, much needed. Will have to research that more!
Benjamin Bauer joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Daniel Okon joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Ellen Hartwell joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
SALMAN joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Vallary Otieno joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Kimberly posted an update in the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Taste buds are the keys to happyness
Yes. having good taste in life always helps the soul <3
I love to try so many different types of food explaned you taste buds
same you
Food is the gift to the soul it is heart warming and belly fullness
Kimberly joined the group Food & Drink 7 years ago
Marissa Harry joined the group Food & Drink 8 years ago
Rowena Ruiz posted an update in the group Food & Drink 8 years ago
Food and drink are need to balance because the all thing are need to maintain
Rowena Ruiz joined the group Food & Drink 8 years ago
Kimberly joined the group Food & Drink 8 years ago