Let us praise and rejoice the Lord for the miracle He bestowed unto your hubby.God is truly awesome, friendly,loving, caring , thru friend, true father and everything. I love so much and everyday, I never miss to talk to Him thanking about life, about health, about my family and about everything. I am also a recipient of Gods miracles.One time, I forgot my wallet and I do not have money in going back home from work as a teacher .While riding on a jeep, I prayed so hard and asked God small money enough for my fare in going back home.
Ye, God hears us.When I alighted from the jeep for I am near school. Unconsciously, I looked down ,tat is not what I used to do to look down.When I did it, I saw money well folded not wet despite it rained the whole night and early morning. God is so kind to humans. Thank you for that moment of helping me my Lord, I prayed.
I have received so many miracles from God, and there is a miracle He gave me until now it is with me and only God and me know what is this miracle He gives and will treasure for the rest of my life.
So unlucky those who do not have God in their lives for they can never feel the rel meaning of life and happiness. Thanks for sharing like this about God. Amen.
Miracle is the name of faith in God with whole heart and in other words we may call the blessings of God men on earth in return of his some good works for the needy.
The concrete definition of miracle is that a miracle is an event which the forces of nature—including the natural powers of man—cannot of themselves produce, and which must, therefore, be referred to a supernatural agency.
True miracles must be subject to sense perception. The water that Jesus turned into wine could be tasted (John 2:9); Thomas could feel the prints in the hands of the resurrected Christ (John 20:27), and the restored ear of the high priest’s servant could be seen (Luke 22:51). The wonders of the Bible were objective demonstrations, not subjective speculations!
A genuine miracle will generate more than a superficial and temporary interest. It will have an abiding effect. The miracles of Christ were never denied during the apostolic age, nor even in the immediate ages beyond.
These miracles are important for Christians. The gospel writers included them to help people believe that Jesus was more than just a man. But they are also there to help show people what God is like – what He cares about, what He chooses to do for people – and to show what He wants people to do in response. For Christians, miracles are recorded to show that God is at work in His world then and today, and to encourage people to believe in God for themselves.
In reply to: Margielynn wrote a new post, Moist Banana Nut Bread Recipe This Moist Banana Nut Bread recipe is quick and easy to mix together. To keep the bread moist to not over bake. The bread also freezes well and great for […] View
Can this recipe be varied by adding canned crushed pineapple? If so, should I thoroughly drain the pineapple or simple lessen the amounts of the other liquid ingredients?
Yes you could use pineapple and drain it! A combination of both banana and pineapple would be tropical and yummy! Please ask if you have any other questions!
OK! Thanks so much!
What a memory you brought back. I remember as a child our “old lady” next door neighbor making this with me one day after school. The only difference was that she did not add anything- she called it a “science experiment” and just boiled the can. Once we opened it- surprise! Caramel~~
I like your recipe better- a nice gift with a spoon and some coffee as it is yummy in a cup.
In reply to: Lee Ka wrote a new post, My simple guide to LiteracyBase as a newbie I am thankful for my friend who invited me to join LiteracyBase. I actually heard about this site a few days ago, but have not made up my mind […] View
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