Adedokun Adewale - "“Every news source on the internet is tuned to personalise their content, so you never get exposed to anything but what other people click on. I recommend buying a newspaper. At least then it’s not parsed t […]"View
Gil Camporazo - "I have just come back. How’s everyone here?"View
Nikita Billett - "Do not give false witness against your neighbor.-Exodus 20:16"View
JAYACHANDRA MAJHI - "what i say? that i can do."View
kifayat Ullah - "Waiting for friends to accept my request which I made it now by sending to almost 100 numbers"View
Emmanuel Vordzorgbe - "I just joined can someone help me out"View
Richard James EFFIONG - "@radbone Once you join and register you can be given financial support"View
umar abdullahi - "Good morning beautiful people of literacy base"View
Liephy Lieph Chalieph - "Compassion and humility is key for one to be united as a nation I think. Though there is a difference between humility and being humble. I’m still in the state of learning humility myself. Being reclusive doesn’t […]"View