Fish are important because they contribute essential nutrients to their ecosystems, according to researchers at the University of Georgia and Florida International University. The nutrients provided by fish aid in the development of other organisms and helps regulate the ecosystem’s food web Why is eating fish healthy? … White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, or the “good” fats. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet. A fish is any member of a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups. Fish have a closed-loop circulatory system. The heart pumps the blood in a single loop throughout the body. In most fish, the heart consists of four parts, including two chambers and an entrance and exit. … The bulbus arteriosus connects to the aorta, through which blood flows to the gills for oxygenation. Seafood is generally low in cholesterol, which is important for heart health. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals including iodine, zinc, potassium, and vitamin B. One of the major seafood health benefits comes from their abundance of Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat
Had I not read this post of yours, I wouldn’t know the many health benefits of this fish , eel.
This is actually the favorite of my husband and daughter. When we go to a food court, they would always want the fried eel and they would eat them with so much gusto. They dip it in soy sauce with drops of lemon.
And when at home and I fry eel for lunch, they would eat it with their bare hands.
Thank you for posting this.
This fish has a light, kind of sweet taste, when you eat it in Unagi, a popular Japanese dish. Kind of similar to salmon but with a firmer meat. Personally, once I soak it in soy sauce, I can’t really tell much difference between a raw eel and a raw salmon, anymore.
Some people might say it tastes a bit bland, but if you like eating squid, like me, you’re going to like it just fine. Texture is definitely not similar to squid, though.
When an eel is cooked, I heard some people describing it as something that feels like chicken but I personally don’t feel it was that hard. It probably depends on the way it was cooked. If you want to get the best eel menus, try to find authentic eel restaurants, especially Japanese ones. Eel meat is very absorbent and tastes really good with sauces and whatever seasoning it goes with.
Catfish is also a good point of reference, since catfish exhibit a lot of eel qualities without the remarkable price. If you have tried other exotics foods like snakes and frog, other people have compared the taste of eel to those. Among all these comparisons, the closest I would say it is to, is a catfish.
Japanese’s belief that eels will keep them healthy and beautiful is not just some misled belief to keep the market buying and eating eels. According to more modern studies, eels are one of the most nutritious food a human body can take.
Not only are eels rich in protein, they are also rich in unsaturated fat, calcium and many others, to say the least. Eels also contain Vitamin E, known to improve skin conditions, which goes to say they are not wrong in thinking eels will keep their women beautiful.
With the number of nutrients you get on a serving of eel, it is only just to say that this is definitely one the best foods to add to our regular diet. You can prepare your own dish today with this easy eels recipe!
The eel industry is now a billion dollar industry that keeps people coming for more. Japan has once been one of the largest exporters and consumers of eels, and while there is no definitive study yet as to why their eels have suddenly gone away, it only goes to show that we do not have an unlimited supply for everything.
“Is Eel fish good for pregnant women?” This is the question that pop- up from my mind upon reading my post the second time.
And yes, it is safe to consume eel while expecting, but in moderate quantities. As eating anything in excess, during this delicate phase, can spell danger for both you and your baby. Also, make sure you fully cook the eel to at least 145°F before consuming it during pregnancy. Eating the cooked fish aids in minimizing the risk of stomach infection and food poisoning. It is also advisable to consult your doctor before adding Eel to your pregnancy diet
There are many cases where a woman had a conflict with other woman and so the cases you have been discussed.
What would be the possible causes of why woman refuses their back to another woman instead of helping them?
Could they be a mental illness ? If it is, what could be the possible treatment for it? -
Many women are raised to hate other women. It’s a cultural thing.
Investigative journalism reporting of truth is dead. Killed by the mainstream media (MSM. And yes, we do not hear much about Obama and the WH being cozy with Iran, hence, the Iran nuclear program deal of $150 billion. The secrecy of cash transfer of $400 million ($7 billion in total?) ransom. The Democrat’s Podesta worldwide pedophile sex trafficking is creamed to the top with savory blahs over “pizza, cheese and ice cream” codes. Hidden behind the din of blahsful racist-fascist-islamophobia-high-horses coverups. Thanks to WikiLeaks. Julian Assange and underground journalists such as Project Veritas have done the public (who want to know the truth) a great favor for letting out evidences for people to check and investigate for themselves– and derive their own conclusions. MSM is not reporting these but converge themselves to totalitarian blah-blah dictating to “compliant citizenry” how and what to think. But never mind, we don’t need these failed press for us to know the truth. Somehow, the Internet cannot be shut. There’s plenty of materials there to investigate for ourselves and speak up to bring the very bad press to justice and in order.
About the mosques-burning, I wonder who are paid to do this crime? For what purpose? To deligitimize the President-elect Trump?
Yes, but the point is; if you don’t know what it is you don’t know, you can’t look it up. I sat there trying to get an idea; and came up with the ‘mosque’ question. Now, understand that this is no ‘front line’ news service, and the story was by the way. If you do the search, you’ll notice the story isn’t very important to the site.
I agree with you assessment of Assange and Wikileaks, and Edward Snowden. The public does have a right to know about things which do effect their lives.
I expect it to get worse, tho.
I recall way back in the 70s, the US bombed Cambodia then lied about it. But it was reported by other News services. This led to anger and the student protests, where 8 were killed at Jackson State and 4 at Kent State.
One has to ‘search’ for real news, not just go to a news station.
Use to be a Me time, taught from the rest, now I’m a communicator I’ve learned from the best. Our lights will truly shine’ Thanks great blog
It’s hard to retaliate. What could the writing sites have done but try to adapt and survive?
Imagine every user/visitor of Hub Pages getting an advisory and being humbly requested to use Bing instead of Google… every writer whose hits have declined, every reader who feels manipulated would do it.
Like threathy fox said it’s hard to retaliate considering google’s capital. To put in an other way it’s like stealing candy from a baby (google’s perspective). And let’s be honest the world has almost turned in too a capital slavery.
Try not to use Google.. use other search engines…
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That’s a horrible wedding. In my opinion, she should listen to other people, especially those who are already married. It is indeed her marriage and she has an option where and how it will be done but the event itself affects other people.
Totally horrible. A conveyor belt wedding. For less money she could have had it done at a nearby guest house, being the only wedding and being able to set the menu. But there a people who never listen.
In many cultures, it’s more of a business transaction than being about love and commitment. Regardless of why a marriage occurs, it is ultimately the legal union of two people. … The wedding ceremony is often based on religious belief and practice, but marriage itself is a civil institution. Marriage is a covenant, a sacred bond between a man and a woman instituted by and publicly entered into before God and normally consummated by sexual intercourse. … (3) The intimacy
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8 Things No One Tells You About Marriage
WebMD Feature from “Redbook” Magazine
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By Ylonda Gault Caviness
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The surprising, enlightening, and sometimes hard truths we all face after marriage, and how they teach us about what love really means.
“…And they lived happily ever after.”
You’re smart. You know life is no storybook. But admit it: Somewhere deep in your subconscious lurk romantic visions of Cinderella, or maybe Julia Roberts. The images may be sketchy and a little outdated, but you can still make out the silhouette of the bride and Prince Charming riding off into the sunset.
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In real life, sometimes your Disney fairy tale ends up feeling more like a Wes Craven horror flick — and you’re the chick who keeps falling down and screaming for her life. I’ve been there. Let’s face it, marriage is not for the faint of heart. You want to believe your pure love for each other will pull you through. And it does. But it ain’t always pretty.
That may sound grim. But here’s a secret: Sometimes it’s the least romantic parts of marriage that have the most to teach you about yourself, your partner, and the nature of love. Read on for some simple truths that will unlock the surprising treasures and pleasures in your imperfect, unstorybook, real-life love.of marriage: Marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships, uniting a man and a woman in a “one-flesh” union (Genesis 2:23 -25). A double wedding is a double ceremony where two affianced couples rendezvous for two simultaneous or consecutive weddings. Typically, a fiancé with a sibling who is also engaged, or four close friends in which both couples within the friendship are engaged might plan a double wedding where both couples legally marry. Maid of Honor or Matron of Honor or Bride’s Honor Attendant. Bridesmaids or Bride’s Attendants. Best Man / Best Woman / Groom’s Honor Attendant. Groomsmen.
The fact is, when you marry you want your ceremony to be ‘special’. You don’t want to be ‘slotted’ from this minute to that minute then have to leave so another wedding can take place. All Inclusives are conveyor belts. It would cost you the same or less to go to a guest house and have it there.
Oohh my goodness! What a mess. How can someone be so ignorant? Anyway what can I say but to say serves her right. Sometimes it’s good to listen to what you are being told it doesn’t cost you anything to listen. If only she would have listened, she would have avoided all this embarrassments.
That’s the problem with people who never take the time to think before making some decisions. We all know that weddings are a big thing for women, and that’s why they consult on most of the issues, no one wants their day to be ruined because it’s a one day thing and it just had to be the most memorable day of all times. You will find them looking up for wedding planners to help them out with some of the service providers. I can even begin to understand where this bride was coming from and what she was thinking.
I second the idea of wanting to have an “all inclusive” kind of weddings. They always and up disastrous. Having different venues is the bay thing that anyone would choose in their wedding day. That way you won’t have to worry about who’s coming next or how long you should use the premises and so on and so forth. I just don’t understand why people always want to leave a mark of class after their wedding. You go through so much just to prove a point why can’t you just go th3 simple way and enjoy your union. Don’t make it a money affair make it your love affair and everyone will be happy.